Renato Mustache - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Politics 2021



Usataya Renato Georgievich is engaged in politics since 2014. Renato Moldo - the head of the Moldavian "Our Party" and the opposition leader of the republic.

Childhood and youth

On November 4, 1978, Renato Usatnaya was born in the city of Falests in Moldova. He grew up in the family of teachers. Higher education received in the Belts State University. Alek Rousseau - graduated from the Faculty of Foreign Languages.

Labor activity in 2000-2001 was associated with administrative functions at Chisinau International Airport. In 2002 he received a position at the plant of the Moldavian Railway. Until 2004, he worked at this enterprise to the position of the chief engineer.

Renato Mesat

In 2004 he moved to Russia, where most of the time gave the development and improvement of professional skills. Thanks to persistent and stubborn labor in 2005, I found the company VPT-NN in Nizhny Novgorod. The company produced and supplied a carbide tool. It was the firm of the estate that became the official supplier of OJSC "Russian Railways". The organization existed until 2015.

In 2012, the entrepreneur again arrived in Moldova. There he found himself in charitable activities, working with the population. At the same time, in 2013-2014. He held the post of vice president of the Union of Railways in Moscow.

Political career

From 2014, Renato Georgievich began to show an active interest in Moldavian politics. In April of the same year, he became the head of the People's Republican Party, she is "our party", which was not registered by the Ministry of Justice of Moldova.

Renato Musto Politician

May 2014 for politics becomes a turning point - he openly declares the corruption of the country's leadership and the withdrawal of budget funds in the offshore. Such behavior provoked a negative reaction of power. But after a few months of statements received confirmation.

In August of the same year, Renato Mesat found a new batch of "Sail". It was assumed that it would become one of the participants of the parliamentary elections, however, the Ministry of Justice of Moldova refused to register. The head of the unregistered party then decided to participate in the elections from the party "Patria" ("Motherland"), but this political union was removed from the elections 3 days before their start.

Only in February 2015, the People's Republican Party was finally registered. Then Renato Georgievich was again elected by the head of the political group. The name was changed to "our batch".

Mayor Renato Usatoy

Renato led Balti - the second largest city in the Republic of Moldova - June 14, 2015. In the first election, 72.46% of voters gave the first time for him.

Despite popular support, Renato retained a tense relationship with the Moldova authorities. This led to the need to manage the city remotely to preserve freedom and life policy.

One of the achievements in the work of the Used: the city became the first in the republic on the transparency of the actions of local authorities. The rating was compiled by the Idis-Viitorul Institute and the Institute for Economic Reforms and the Development of INEKO after six months of special research.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky and Renato Mustache

Another important step in the activities of the head of Our Party was an agreement on cooperation with the Russian Liberal Democratic Party. In March 2017, he and Vladimir Zhirinovsky signed an agreement in the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

At the end of 2017, the central government of the republic took another attempt to stop the activities of the head of the city of Balti. Then the mustache spoke to the municipal advisers with the initiative of the referendum on trusting to him as a faith.

February 15, 2018 Renato resigned. For the post of acting mayor, he appointed Nikolai Grigorishin, who later won the early elections from the "Our Party" on the results of the first round.


In 2014-2015 The pretty openly spoke about the abuse of the ruling power of the Republic of Moldova. This made it a non-grant person in his homeland - a criminal case was headed, first received threats about detention, and in October 2015 he was arrested at the airport.

Criminal prosecution was built on charges of publication in social networks of negotiations arrested on charges of corruption of the former Prime Minister Vlad Filat with a businessman Yalan Shor, confirming the facts of corruption and the involvement of the entire banking system of the country to the embezzlement of budget funds. In October 2015, by the court decision, Renato Georgievich was released from custody, despite the protests of the Moldova Prosecutor's Office.

Renato Mushed at the rally

In January 2016, the Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic again was initiated against the pretty. The foundation is false accusations of threats to Moldova officials. In October 2016, politics tried to arrest on fabricated charges in organizing the killing of Banker German Gorbuntzova in 2012.

To protect their own rights and freedoms in 2017, Mesaty appealed to the European Court of Human Rights. His complaint was accepted for consideration. Already in May 2018, the leader of our party was excluded from the listings of Interpol's search due to the recognition of criminal cases politically motivated.

Renato Mesh now

Without refusing to their political ambitions, Renato Georgievich continues to work on an increase in the partation of the "Our Party".

Renato Mesaty in 2019

He communicates with the people in the municipalities, continues independent investigations of the facts of theft of budget funds and provides free legal assistance to all those affected by the arbitrariness of the Moldova authorities.

His main idea is to create the main political force in the country, which will relieve the people of the republic from lawlessness, corruption and political persecution.

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