Volodya Kotlyarov - biography, personal life, photo, news, songs, wife, "instagram", musician, group "porn movies" 2021



Like his senior colleague Andrei Panov, Volodya Kotlyarov, with aid sentence, found the calling and meaning of life in punk music. However, unlike a resident of the city on the Neve, who was friends with Viktor Tsoem, the leader of the Porn Films group has already ceased to engage in self-destruction and began to promote a healthy lifestyle among fans.

Childhood and youth

The future musician was born on October 28, 1987 in the Science of Dubna. At the 5th age of Volodya with his father, being fishing, there were witnesses of shooting the scene of the car's fall in the series Alexey Sidorov "Brigade".

One of the first children's memories of Kotlyarov - shock from the words of the mother, that a delicious cutlet, which he eats, is made of meat of the very calf, whom he stroked, living in the summer in the village of grandmother and grandfather. A three-year-old boy could not understand how parents, loving cats and dogs, can indifferently treat the death of other animals. Becoming adults, Vladimir remembered his children's horror and completely refused meat consumption.

Even before the school of Volodya enjoyed the singing of the father under the guitar. Study in the second grade, the boy saw the transfer of the NIRVANA group on TV and "fell ill" punk rock. The guy first played in school Via, and then created his group.

On the youth photos of the Kotlyarov, it can be seen as a musician, imitating idols, having haughtily under Kurt Kobein, then under Mikhail Gorenev. Unfortunately, the guy followed punk rockers not only in music and hairstyle, but also in addiction to forbidden substances. At the age of 16 and 24 years old, the native Dubna daily used alcohol and drugs. A drunk lifestyle prevented a gifted young man to get a higher education.

In his youth, Vladimir worked as a packaging line operator, on which Jam and Ketchup were packaged into small disposable containers. In such a package, the plant's products entered the dining and fast food restaurants. The main problems of the working stage of the biography of Kotlyarov calls a permanent rumble, who prevailed in production, as well as those who are indifference to the fate of Russia colleagues who lived from an advance to salaries. It was the conversion of colleagues during the lunch break inspired Volodya to writing the song "Beggar Country".

Having paid 20 thousand rubles at the factory, Kotlyarov managed to live for five thousand, and the remaining amount to postpone. Copying the airbag, Volodya in 2013 resigned from the enterprise and dedicated the lives of creativity.

At the same time, the musician refused to consume alcohol and drugs. The pushing to the sobriety of Kotlyarov served as a phrase hearded by Vladimir in 2008: a stranger male voice strictly said to the offended young man "It's time to tie!". The leader of "porn films" is convinced that the state is interested in the soldering of the people and that any Russian, which consumes beer and vodka, is the accomplice of "Zhulikov and thieves".


In an interview with Kotlyarov, it claims that punk rock is not so much a genre of music, how much the world's weight of outsiders trying to ignore the problems and the absence of social elevators with the help of unconnected sound and fast drumbits. "This is a rap with guitars," the leader of the porn films is joking. Accent from vocal in punk rock is shifted to emotionality.

His brainchild - a group of "porn movies" - Volodya founded in 2008, but the growing popularity of the team began with the refusal of Kotlyarov and his colleagues in the musical team from alcohol and drugs. The musician believes that punk rockers are to blame for young people. Thinking not indifferent teenagers came to concerts and heard from idols that consolation can be found only in the use of prohibited substances. Now "porn" call on fans to see not only "lead abominations of Russian life", but also the possibility of love, friendship and solidarity.

In August 2019, at the festival "Pankov in the city" of Kotlyarov, at the beginning of the speech of "pornov", having to go into the form of the Rosgvardeysian, sparking the speeches of the security forces on protest Russian rallies.

"Distribut yourself and do not smile! - said Volodya to MegaFon. - Russia for sad! ".

In October 2019, Kotlyarov, together with the guitarist and director of the Group Alexander Rusakov, talked with Yuri Dud. The topics of the conversation on the show "Thorny" were the features of life in Dubna and the history of the creation of hits of "pornov". So, poems to the song "Youth" ("The train shakes from the cold") was born at Volodya in an early train, which followed from Dubna to Moscow.

In the summer of 2019, Volodya with comrades presented the song "It will pass." In January 2020, the porn films have released the same album. The collection gave a negative assessment writer Zakhar Prilepin. Prosaic said that the idea of ​​musicians about the absence of democracy in Russia is refuted by the rotation of their songs on radio stations, and the fans of "porn mills" are infantile fools, as well as members of the punk rock band.

Personal life

Happiness in personal life The musician gained with the poetess Inna Medvedun. Wife - Muse and the like-mindedness of Vladimir. In the summer of 2020, Pavel Bykov and Ilya Azarov recorded a mini-album of songs to the poems of Medvedun and called the Inna collection.

An important place in the life of Kotlyarov occupies a charity. The musician and his Porn Film Colleagues regularly list revenues from concerts for the treatment of children, patients with leukemia. All fees from the Korefanding project, dedicated to the exit in 2017, the collection "in the range between despair and hope", was sent to charity "in the range between despair and hope", whose hit became the composition. "I missed

Volodya Kotlyarov Now

In December 2020, the leader of "pornov" answered the same 5 questions of the "Russian Radio", which he was responsible in 2015 and 2017. Vladimir and his team colleagues still live in Dubna. Musicians believe that life in the province is fruitful than the capital: you can not be distracted by parties and concerts of competitors. However, Kotlyarov ceased to publish their verses in social networks - the poet now more demanding about his creativity, repeatedly edits the works and wants them to appear before readers in the final version in the form of a collection.

In May 2021, Kotlyarov presented the video for the song "I was forgotten by what I wanted to say." Volodya wrote music to the poems of Osip Mandelstam. The composition along with two dozen songs of other rock musicians inspired by Osip Emilevich's poetry, entered the Tribute album of the Silver Age Poet "Save my speech forever" released in January 2021. The output of the collection of Kotlyarov dedicated several publications in his instagram account.


As part of the group "porn movies":

  • 2010 - "Glue!"
  • 2011 - "You are in my sect"
  • 2012 - "Art"
  • 2012 - "Boring Life"
  • 2012 - "How much bombs explode?"
  • 2012 - "On all the screens of the country"
  • 2013 - "Karma Workers"
  • 2013 - "Beggar Country"
  • 2014 - "White Flakes"
  • 2014 - "Youth and Punk Rock"
  • 2015 - "Resistance"
  • 2015 - "Russian Dream. Part I "
  • 2016 - "As for the last time"
  • 2016 - "Russian Dream. Part II "
  • 2017 - "In the range of inter-despair and hope"
  • 2020 - "It will pass"

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