Marya-Skinnik - Heroin biography, character, appearance, quotes, filmization


Character History

In the perception of most children, Marya-Skinor is associated with the heroine of legends and legends known to our ancestors. But the biography of the character does not leave the roots in the old age, and Marya-Skinnik did not appear in fairy tales while the director Alexander Row did not dare to shoot a film bar with the original story.

History of creation

The film for whom a fairy tale of an unusual heroine was written was an old idea of ​​the director. Especially for working on it, he invited Evgeny Schwarz to cooperate, famous for fantasy and love for fantastic plots. The idea of ​​creating a movie Tomil Row is not one year. The director thoroughly thought out the details, images and their characteristics, roles and even the name. Stayed the director just that all the fairy tales familiar to him narrated about the adventures of gross uncommon soldiers. Soviet children, he wanted to pamper a subtle product, in the soul and the memorable spirit of magic.

Writer Evgeny Schwartz

Thinking up the plot, Row accidentally stumbled upon an essay of Schwartz "Tale of the Herbrome Soldier", which was created for the puppet theater in 1946. Later, the work was adapted for radio spectacle. The director penetrates the idea of ​​a fairy tale and realized that he wants to cooperate only with Schwartz. Row made the author's authority and received consent.

The next series of obstacles in the embodiment of the desired project is associated with the fact that the text of the fairy tale has repeatedly returned to the finalization of the writer. Clearovet did not miss it and asked to change the wording and sending with orientation to the worldview of Soviet children. Schwarzant was not easy for this period, because the coarse censorship spoil the idea of ​​the work, which he treated Row. In 1959, work on the filmcenerement was completed, and Row took a picture on him called "Marya-Skinnica".

Director Alexander Row

An uncomplicated plot introduced the reader with a soldier who, departing service, walked home through the forest. On the path of the military, the boy Ivanushka met. He complained to a man that he lost her mother, and she was stolen. The brave soldier did not throw a child in trouble and came to the revenue, helping to find a mother in captivity of the waterfront.

Marya-Selman has a gift: she is known for the ability to make any business smoothly and good. Like the yarn, whether the pies baked - everything aroused in her hands. The rumor about the girl reached the underwater kingdom, so she stole her underwater king vodokrut.


Being imprisoned, Marya-Skinnik without a breather works for the tormentor day and night, longing on the former happy life and his beloved son. The soldier helps the boy find a mother. It is started on the road on the seabed and there is a lot of tests to achieve the goal. The obstacle and witchcraft are becoming a barrier, which made the heart of Marya-Skintsman.

The film "Marya-Skinny"

Actors for work on the project were chosen in advance. He invited the performers with whom there had experienced cooperation. Anatoly Kubatsky, Ninel Multiv, Mikhail Kuznetsov and Vitya Perevalov embodied Schwartz characters on a movie screen. For Viktor Perevalov, who has repeatedly worked with the director, this project became a passing ticket to cinema.

Ninel Multiwow

The court quadit depicted the loves of the public Georgy Millar, whose filmography of which is rich in the images of negative fabulous heroes. The artist, famous for improvisation, proposed a lot of interesting nuances entered into the script. This added the film of the Commission and a positive mood. Row allowed the artists to fit into the role and offer the ideas that they came along. He did not make actors of comments, working in Engineering Engineering.

The tape was filmed at Moscow Maxim Gorky's Moscow film studio. She shone with bright decorations and was filming, the format of which was not typical of Soviet fairy tales. These are the scenes where magic and episodes in the underwater kingdom were used.

Georgy Millar in the film

Attracted the picture and the fact that they had songs that performed the artists themselves. The film premiere took place in March 1959 and was perceived by the public with admiration.


"- Help! Save! Jump! Cooked! - So you need, the villain is arrived! - Sva-Sva-Schu-Para-Paztyi to Cro-Croach! "" I, Your Bolotnaya Majesty, Russian Soldier! It is impossible for me to live calmly if the children say, and the mother in the captivity of tomorrow! "

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