Vladimir Berezin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, TV presenter 2021



Vladimir Berezina's face in the 1990s knew the whole country - a man appeared on the screens almost daily, being the main speaker of Russian television. High professionalism and loyalty to the chosen business brought a man deserved folk love and glory. Friendly, charming and imperturbable, he now remains a sample of respectable TV presenter.

Childhood and youth

Vladimir Berezin has repeatedly expressed in an interview, which is proud of its origin. Male - Vainakh, he was born in 1957 in the village of Farmets of the Oryol region, but his genital village calls chisks located in the Chechen Republic. His father, traditional Muslim Caucasus, was born and grew up.

Mother gave her son surname, because she did not live with the father of the child. Already becoming a famous TV presenter, Berezin found the parent and met not only with him, but also with the brothers. To raise the boy Mother could not and instructed his godfather - his tete Anna Mikhailovna.

Vladimir Berezin in youth

After graduating from school, the guy decided to learn from the director, enrolling in the Oryol School of Culture. Not yet received higher education, the young man began to master the profession of the speaker.

He read the news on the local television, talking about harvest and over-fulfillment plans at the factories. Berezin entered the university already in Sverdlovsk, where he moved to start a serious television career. Here the man received a diploma of a journalist, after graduating from the Ural State University. Prior to that, Vladimir managed to serve in the army.


Vladimir Berezin is a honorary title of People's Artist of Russia - Regalia, which the actors, dancers and musicians are most often honored. However, the TV host managed to conquer respect and love of the public, which made him "his" for millions of spectators.

And the path to glory began in Sverdlovsk, where the Oryol announcer appeared due to the future president of Russia Boris Yeltsin in the early 1980s. There, for 10 years, Berezin built a brilliant career on television, becoming a recognizable person in every Ural House. However, a man decided not to stop and threw himself a challenge, having moved in early 1990 to Moscow.

These years become starry in his career. Having settled on Central Television, Vladimir appears on the air several times a day, he trust him to drive for children "Good night, kids", as well as the main information program of the country "Time". Since 1996, the TV host has moved to the RTR channel, where he became the main speaker. By the beginning of the 2000s, the speaker departments in television companies began to be abolished, and Berezina had to be worried about difficult times.

Personal life

Vladimir Berezina's personal life settled right at work. Lyudmila Yuryevna's wife also worked on television, being a sound engineer. They got married a month after the acquaintance. At the wedding photo of the newlyweds look absolutely happy. Woman became a husband of her husband, helping the profession.

Vladimir Berezin and his wife Lyudmila

In marriage, the daughter of Julia was born, who in his youth engaged in equestrian sports, and later left to work in France, where it remained to live, coming to marry.

Later, Berezin will call his daughter and the girl Margarita, which became a native man for his spouses. Rita acquired his own family and gave the adopted parents of grandchildren to Tell and Jamiko.

Vladimir Berezin now

Vladimir Alexandrovich today appears on the screens. A man is increasingly behind the scenes, acting as a consultant. At the same time, he continues to lead numerous concerts, solemn ceremonies, festivals and presentations. Berezina is not in vain called the "Kremlin leading", since high-ranking persons prefer to trust herself to conduct serious official events.

In July 2019, the announcer became the guest of the popular show of Boris Korchevnikova "The Fate of Man", where he remembered the past and shared unknown facts of biography, for example, the details of the father's search and the fact that the name of Berezin Waha Islam is now wearing. The viewers learned that in the 2000s, the speaker experienced the hardest period of professional oblivion, which led a man to a severe illness. However, having survived the difficult years, Vladimir was able to return to his beloved business.

TV project

  • "Good night, children"
  • "Good morning"
  • "Time"
  • "My twentieth century"
  • "Star Square"

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