Project "Weighted and Happy People" - photos, participants, leading, coaches, news, issues



Many dream of throwing a couple of kilograms for the summer, but not everyone agrees to globally change to a dozen cameras, in sight of a multi-million audience. But such crisps were found and participated in the Russian project "Weighed and happy people", which has been broadcast on the CTC channel for more than one year. And if some come to "light up on the TV", others have a real goal to lose weight and perform it.

History of creation

Russian content manufacturers have the idea of ​​creating a passing of weight loss appeared in no coincidence. Inspired by the American project The Biggest Loser, a producer company engaged in the shooting of TV shows and entertainment programs for the channels "STS Media", Story First Production decided to do something similar in 2012, but soon the firm closed and without realizing conceived.

The next time this idea was returned only in 2015, now the company was engaged in the production - "White Media". At its account, the creation of Russian projects "Masterchef. Children "," One of one! "," Everyone dance! "," New "Star Factory" and others. This time the producers succeeded. For the show of the lives of people suffering from excess weight and competing with each other for 3 million rubles, in 2015 the show nominated for the "Teffi" award as the entertainment transmission "Lifestyle", and in the year it won in the nomination "Realistic Show "

The essence and rules of the project

The project "Weighed and happy" is created for those who suffer from excess weight and those who are unable to get rid of him. And some need for this motivation that the show just provides. After all, the winner in the final series receives a large cash prize of 3 million rubles.
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Participants are settled in the house, at their disposal professional sports equipment, numerous simulators, as well as coaches and a nutritionist developing for each individual classes and nutrition. One series is removed for a week, during this time, women and men are tested, we lose intensely and weigh on the last day.

At the same time, people are busy not only in training. In the releases, they tell about personal tragedies, pour out the soul and narrate how life will change without excess weight. Some because of these problems can not have a child, another completeness prevents a personal life. Coaches support the wards, give them advice and often become psychologists.

In the first series, the audience represent the participants, they are divided into 2 teams - red and blue, the coach is attached to each. According to the results of the week, the teams pass the weighing procedure, the total weight is summed up and the percentage of lost kilograms is calculated. Those who dropped less conduct an inner vote, which determines the applicant for home care. You can drive only one of 2 nominated.

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These rules extended to the first 2 season of the project, and in the 3rd organizers made adjustments. Now the participants shared not on red and blue, 10 pairs of like-minded people who have a common goal took part in competitions. For example, business partners, relatives, classmates, friends or married couple. The age limit did not allow to submit to casting applications under 18 and over 50 years old. At the same time, the woman must weigh no less than 100 kg, and a man is more than 120 kg.

In the 4th season, the producers of the project again changed the rules. If 18 people participated in the first two stages, and in the third - 10 pairs, then 30 people who dream of getting rid of excess weight were selected on the casting. And the winner is the one who will show the biggest result on the dropped kilograms on the open finale, of course, the initial weight of man is taken into account. Weighing categories for men and women remained the same as an age limit.

According to the organizers of the show "Weighed and happy people", shooting 5th season in 2019 are not planned. This was reported on the official website of the CTC channel after numerous questions from the viewers. Now, as before, a lot of people willing to participate in the transfer, it is possible that shooting will be later.

Account show in the social network "Instagram" appeared in early 2017, but in 2018 it was closed. Earlier there were photos of losing weight, excerpts from the series and announcements for the upcoming issues.

Leading programs

The first 3 seasons of the leading transfer "Weighted and happy people" was the Russian singer Julia Kovalchuk. She was chosen to this role in no coincidence, because she knows everything about the healthy lifestyle, nutrition and maintenance of the body in excellent physical form. From 6 years, the future artist was engaged in gymnastics, folk dances and choreography, and at the age of 17 organized an ensemble.

He studied at the choreographic faculty in Moscow, then went to improve the knowledge gained in the London School Drive Dance School. In the student years spent in the ballet of the group "Brilliant", and in 2001 passed the audition and became a soloist.

In the "brilliant" Yulia performed for 7 years, then refused the project and began to build a solo career. Now Kovalchuk is famous not only as a singer, it is often invited as a participant in popular TV show, as well as conduct different projects. So she fell on the program "Weighted and happy people," where for 3 years he helped participants to gain health and beauty.

In mid-2017, information about pregnancy Kovalchuk appeared in the media. And soon the rumors that Julia expects the wife Alexei Chumakov, the firstborn, was confirmed. This fact made the celebrity for a while leave work on television for a while, and therefore she had forced to refuse the contract for the 2018 season.

In the new issues called Anfisu Chekhov, because her struggle had lasted from 14 years. Together with my mother, the girl was trying to get rid of an extra kilogram all his life, for a while the weight went away, but soon he returned again. As Chekhov says, it turned out to lose weight only in 2016, after identifying the problem of completeness.

Trainers and nutritionists

In the first 3 seasons, Denis Semenihin and Irina Turchinskaya remained coaches. Denis has long been working in the direction of fitness and even wrote 2 books, but became famous after participating in "weighted and happy people." Before that the man led his own channel on YouTube, periodically appeared in television programs.

Irina Turchinskaya - coach, and a part-time nutritionist and TV presenter, knows everything about fitness and losing weight and has been helped by people for many years to learn how to eat right, become slimmer and love yourself. She studied at the Institute of Physical Education, at the same time began practicing fitness and bodybuilding, participated in competitions and championships. She has its own gym, as well as Turchinskaya cooperates with global manufacturers of biodeadow.

In 2018, the coaching show has changed. The Belarusian hip-hop artist Sergei Parkhomenko came to change Semenichene, acting as a Serega rapper. In addition to music, a man has been building a fitness career for a long time, training businessmen on the author's methodology.

For training the second team, Natalia Lugovsky answered this season. She is also a nutritionist and fitness coach, has the title of champion in Russia and Europe in the category of fitness bikini.

According to the girl, she used to work before only with the impatient people who do not require persuasion, but everything was the opposite in the show. Although the viewers were accustomed to see only 2 coaches in the season, this time the rules have changed, and an athlete, actor, military correspondent Sergey Badyuk joined the existing coaching composition.

Throughout all the releases, the participants accompanied one nutritionist - Julia Bastrigria, the girl has two higher education in the field of food, is a scientific consultant, the co-host program "Eat and Light".

Participants and winners of the show

For all seasons of transmission, many bright people participated in it, everyone has a story with experiences about excess weight. Only units managed to reach the final, throw off the maximum number of kilograms and get the cherished prize.

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Among the most striking participants of the 1st season, the viewers are celebrated by Vesta Romanov, which came in weight 123 kg and threw 39 kg, but he continued to work on the walls and now does not go beyond 72 kg. Together with Maxim Nekrylov and Peter Vasilyev, the girl became a finalist, but he took only 3rd place, giving up the first Vasilyev, the man lost more than 1/3 of his own weight.

In the 2nd season, Timur Bikbulatov became the leader of a slimming race. The remaining finalists of Alena Zaretskaya and Jan Samokhvalov failed to bypass him, but the latter received for the 2nd place a prize of 500 thousand rubles, which also became good compensation for grave training and exhausting diets. In addition to them, Dmitry Shareychuk attracted the attention of the viewers, he acquainted with the audience in weight of 218 kg and for 13 releases dropped 25% of this figure, and returning home, continued to do and lose weight.

If the wards of Semenichene coach were defeated in the first two seasons, then in the 3rd situation turned in favor of Turchinsky. The main prize of 3 million rubles. He took a member of her team Boris Baburov, who divided the pedestal with Maria Sedovoy and Maria Koltsova. The man managed to throw 62 kg and leave the project in the weight of 91 kg.

The fourth season has become no less difficult for participants, everyone wanted to get a cash prize and take the honorable 1st place. Make it managed Anton Abduuevsky, who got rid of 82 kg, which helped the guy change not only outwardly, but also internally. He spent money on repayment of the mortgage, and went on a journey to the rest. The young man trained under Natalia Lugovsky.

Foreign analogs

As already mentioned, the Russian program became the prototype of the American The Biggest Loser, which is translated as "lost the most". In America, for the first time on the screen, the show came out in 2004, and since it was successful, it began to broadcast in 90 countries. The main task of all programs remained uniform - weight loss in front of the chambers for the cash prize.

The Ukrainian version of the project is no less interesting, it began to be shown in 2011, and from that time every year the new season is released. Over the entire period of esters, Igor Obukhovsky visited the coaches, Anita Lutsenko, Vyacheslav Kostelkov with his wife Marina Borzhendek, Vasily Viracy and Irakli Makatsaria.

The show producers decided to make their own rules, although the main concept did not change. For example, in each new season, either pairs or teams with people from different generations, family groups, or 2 teams divided by sexual sign (men against women) are accepted to participate in each new season. The main prize also remains a monetary remuneration.

The most difficult participant for the history of losing weight projects participated in the Australian version, where the transfer is no longer the first year and dials multimillion views. Kevin Moore came to 2 seasons, as he failed to keep the scared weight. For the first time, the viewers saw a young man in a weight of 255 kg. But in the British version of the transfer, a woman defeated the show for the first time for the history of the show, she became Jody Predger. She lost 46% of the mass of its own weight, losing weight from 115 to 61 kg.

Winners of the project

  • 2015 - Peter Vasilyev (Season 1)
  • 2016 - Timur Bikbulatov (Season 2)
  • 2017 - Boris Baburov (3 season)
  • 2018 - Anton Avduevsky (4 season)

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