Meteorite - what it is, Tungusky, Chelyabinsk, fallen on Earth, 2021, photo, asteroid


Among the myriad of stars with which the outer space is eliminated, there are extraterrestrial space objects in constant motion. These include: meteorite, car, meteor, comet and asteroid. Some of them overcome the Earth's atmosphere, falling into the ocean or land, others are burned or exploded to contact with the surface of the planet. These extraterrestrial bodies and their features are 24cm.

What is a meteorite and what is different from meteor?

Meteorite - what it is, Tungusky, Chelyabinsk, fallen on Earth, 2021, photo, asteroid 113_1

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The meteorite is called the Space Object, which reached the Earth, not burned and without having broken in its atmosphere. The speed of the extraterrestrial body under consideration ranges from 11 to 70 km / s.

By affecting the classification of objects moving in space related to the topic under consideration, the following types are required:

  1. Comet - Objects that appeal around the sun and consisting of ice and gas. As you approach the main shining of our solar system, the comet is formed a tail, which is stretched to millions of kilometers.
  2. Bollians - Fire-bright objects of a spherical shape, in the tail of which the loop loop is formed. In the process of flying, the car is published, similar to the grumblers, sometimes the celestial body under consideration explodes.
  3. Asteroids - extraterrestrial objects related to the category of small bodies of the solar system. Moving in orbits around the Sun, their diameter ranges from several tens of meters to hundreds of kilometers. Most of the asteroids are concentrated between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.
  4. Meteoras - Cosmic bodies burning at the entrance to the atmosphere of the Earth and represent the remains of asteroids or comets.

Stripping from the foregoing, it is worth saying that the main difference between the meteorite from the meteor is that the first reaches the surface of the Earth, and the second burns at the entrance to its atmosphere.

Types of meteorites

The composition of meteorites are divided into three groups:

  • Stone (about 93%), mainly consisting of silicates. There are two subgroups: chondrites and ahondrites. Chondriti is distinguished by the amount of iron content, they also have chondra - spherical formations consisting of silicates. Ahondrita - protoplanetic fragments of extraterrestrial objects that are melted and separated by metals and silicates.
  • Iron (5.5-6%) - are iron-nickel alloy. Their composition in small quantities consists of minerals.
  • Iron-stone (1.5%) - are divided into two types. Mesoiderites are iron-stone meteorites with impurities of silicates. Pallasites are space objects whose silicates include magnesial olivine crystals or their remains.
Picture of a trace left in the sky Chelyabinsk meteorite (

Meteorites receive their names, depending on the landing place, like, for example, Tungusky or notorious Chelyabinsk meteorite.

Where did the meteorite who killed dinosaurs fell?

The moon, which has an atmosphere, which is millions of times less dense than the earth, is subject to frequent drop of meteorites. Subsequently, fragments of some of them are sent towards the Earth - they are often seen in the sky and called "falling stars."

Despite the fact that most of the "guests from space" burn in the atmosphere of the Earth or immersed in the oceans, there are fatal situations. Although stories about the victims of the stones falling from heaven were met even in the Okarasky Epoch, the first documented event is considered an event that occurred in 1888 in Turkey. Then the meteorite entered the atmosphere killed a man. 2016 is also celebrated - then after a shock wave caused by the presumative landing of an extraterrestrial body in India, the driver of the bus died in the city of Wellor.

Astrophysics, after analyzing the data from 1860 to 2018, concluded that large celestial bodies whose sizes are similar to the Chelyabinsk meteorite (15-20 m) landed on the ground every 25 years.

Crater Chikshulub, located on the island of Yucatan and the largest craters on Earth, has a depth of 15-20 km and a diameter of 180 km. Scientists believe that it has formed 66-67 million years ago in the chalk period after the fall of the asteroid, the dimensions of which are 10 km. The energy from the impact was 100 tertanton in Ttatil equivalent, that is, millions of times the most powerful thermalide weapon.

The space object flew at an angle of 60 °, which is the worst scenario due to an excessive amount of sulfurled sulfur compounds and carbon dioxide, as well as consequences: according to scientists' calculations, the meteorite caused tsunami with a wave height of 50-100 m.

Due to the temporary coincidence with the era of the existence of dinosaurs, the fall is just this extraterrestrial body and is called the cause that killed the former inhabitants of the Earth. This assumption was made in the 1970s by Alvares, a family of scientists, a physicist Louis and his son, a geologist Walter.

They also found the high content of iridium on the territory of the fall, which approximately arrived from the space. Alvarez's hypothesis received a response in the environment of the scientific community, and in 2010, when scientists had confirmation, the event led to long-term consequences for the Earth's biosphere, the hypothesis began to be considered to be dominant.

Famous meteorites

The largest meteorite, fixed by humanity into the Precision ERU, is considered to be a Goba - its mass is equal to 60 tons, and the diameter of 3 m. The place on the map, where the heavenly body was discovered, is Namibia - an event occurred about 80 thousand years ago. The cosmic body was found relatively recently - in 1920, the owner of the Goba-Wes farm in the process of plowing his lands found a large metallic object. The geob meteorite from the moment of its detection lost 6 tons and 84% consisted of iron, and in 1955 it was attributed to the national heritage of the country.

Part of the Fukan Meteorite, exhibited in the Vienna Museum of Natural History (

Fukhan meteorite, found in the same city in China in 2000, perhaps is the most beautiful extraterrestrial body found by a person. The considered heaven object refers to the type of pallasites, and in its structure there are golden crystals of olivine, as well as the "honeycomb" of nickel and iron. It is believed that it was formed 4.5 billion years ago in the process of forming the solar system.

Tungus Phenomenon

In June 1908 near the river, the River Tunguska in the Russian Empire there was a drop in the space object: the sky was lit up with bright flashes of light, the color of the phenomenon, according to eyewitness comments, was red, yellow and white. People who climbed close to the Tunguscian meteorite, presumably fallen to the ground, complained about a strong fever.

The sounds from the explosion were heard at a distance of 1000 km from the epicenter, the results of the explosive wave were recorded by seismographs in different parts of the planet, and the trees located on Square 2000 km ^ 2 were doried with roots. Sensors showed an explosion power equal to 20-40 MT in TNT equivalent. Despite further research, scientists failed to detect matter, which would confirm the presumptive clash of the cosmic body with the Earth.

Chelyabinsk "Guest"

This is a meteorite that fell in Russia - in Chelyabinsk in February 2013 as a result of decay in the terrestrial atmosphere of the asteroid. The event was accompanied by a number of shock waves spreading through the Chelyabinsk region, and also caused the destruction of dilapidated structures and injuries among 2 thousand people of the local population. According to the NASA estimate, the power as a result of the explosion of the celestial body amounted to from 350 to 500 CT.

The fragments of an extraterrestrial object were found in several places of the Chelyabinsk region, and the greatest parts of the cosmic body, the mass of which is 654 kg, found in Lake Chebarkul, one of them is placed in the State Historical Museum of the Southern Urals.

How much does the meteorite cost?

In ancient Egypt, people with special attention treated the metals contained in the meteorites found by them, considering their gifts of gods, and also used to create jewelry. Until the 40s of the last century, the heavenly bodies were posted in museums and scientific universities, and since 1946, their sale began in the United States - the event attracted collectors, investors and people who later began to call "hunters for meteorites".

If extraterrestrial objects are scientific interest for scientists, because with their help, it is possible to learn more in detail about the new matter and time when it was formed, then for hunters meteorites is a good way of profit.

The most expensive meteorite of the world called Fukhan costs $ 1.7 million - its assessment weight was 1000 kg, and the composition included iron-nickel bases and olivine. He was crushed into small fragments and put it on the auction. Despite the high cost of which wishing to become the owner of a wonderful extraterrestrial body turned out to be plentious.

Three main ways to search for meteorites:

  1. Inspection of the place of the intended landing of the space object, the subsequent cleaning of the territory from foreign objects and the installation of a special sign.
  2. Searches using metal detectors, as most meteorites include metals.
  3. Excavations that begin after the devices recorded signs of extraterrestrial body.
Photo Places of falling Tungusky meteorite (

From 2019 and up to the current, 2021, engineers from the United States are engaged in testing a system for the detection of meteorites with drones equipped with cameras and recognizing outbreaks emanating from cosmic bodies at the time of their fall. The innovative approach has not yet given significant results, at the same time it is noted that the method is improved and will soon come to a new level.

Meteorites are occupied by the minds not only scientists, investors, jewelers and hunters for progress, but also of ordinary people, that with the fading of the heart monitor the fact that heavenly bodies burn in the Earth's atmosphere in a matter of seconds, leaving behind a bright fiery loop and a feeling of contact with endless Space. But the scientific community must not be forgotten that, together with the beauty, the meteorite carries a real threat to humanity. Therefore, the task of detecting extraterrestrial bodies in the early stages of their approximation to Earth should never disappear from the agenda.

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