Anastasia Yakub - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, "House-2" 2021



For many years, in search of light fame and exciting feelings, young people rushed into the perimeter of the telestroy "House-2". In 2019, an attractive brunette of Anastasia Yakub, which came to conquer male hearts and simply increase the number of subscribers of his "instagram" along the way. For half a year of staying on the project, the participant has achieved both goals and returned to the real world where the fruits of popularity reaps.

Childhood and youth

Nastya was born in the Moldavian commune Bach near Chisinau on July 6, 1996. Despite the bright appearance, the girl grew modest, which and showed himself later on the project "Dom-2", where it began to consider Tikhoni all, including chosen. By nationality, the girl is Moldavian and, in addition to the native language, knows Russian and English.

After graduating from school, Yakub entered the Economic Academy, deciding to master business and business administration. However, after the 1st year, he wanted to change the direction, because it felt that the selected specialty did not like. Much more attractive was introduced by the girl model career, to which she began at a young age.

Thanks to spectacular data and ability to stay in front of the camera at the 19th-year-old age, Anastasia passed the selection to the national beauty contest, which won, becoming "Miss Moldova - 2015". Having received the title, Nastya stated that he dreamed of this in childhood. Later, Yakub introduced his country at the Miss World Competition, but could not be made in the number of the best, being in the end of the 67th place.

The model career did not leave the contestant, but in parallel began to study at the Academy of Arts. She likes to draw and develop clothes design. Anastasia demonstrates its work in "Instagram", in the eternal "Storiz" called My Work. In 2018, the brunette starred in the clip of the popular Romanian singer Rere on the song "Rămâne între Noi". Video with a semi-naked seductive beauty scored millions of views on YouTube.

"House 2"

The new portion of fame Nastya received with the arrival of the project "Dom-2", which took place in February 2019. Yakub came to Telestroyka not just like that, but in order to win the heart of the long-time alone Simon Martaneshina. The ambitions of the participants were satisfied, and the guy declared the intentions to build relations with the girl you like.

Anastasia and Simon made up the most attractive pair on the project, going to the Seychelles, where they began to actively "build their love." However, the world and mutual understanding between young people were not observed: Martinshin accused the chief of chill and arrogance, and Yakub recognized that the guy's explosive reactions were afraid, and therefore she tries to be silent and not provoked him.

Then Simon stated that he began to get tired of relationships, and began to look for recreation in communicating with friends who enable completely to liberate. As a result, in March 2019, a large quarrel occurred between the participants, as a result of which they declared parting. Having flown off, the lovers came together again, but Nastya refused to acquaint the guy with his parents.

The girl had to temporarily leave the project in June because of trouble in the family. It turned out that Anastasia lost his father. Shortly after the return, the participants' participants finally separated, promising to provide each other support. A bit of visiting the project in the status of a single, Yakub voluntarily left the show in August 2019. At the same step, Simon decided.

Personal life

Anastasia is paying a lot of time to care, so appears in a frame with flawless makeup. Natural beauty and youth make an optional application of plastics in which, however, the incredulous spectators rush to the girl to suspect.

A spectacular brunette boasts a beautiful figure (with an increase in 175 cm Nastya hardly weighs 60 kg), which willingly demonstrate in the photo in social networks. It is also divided by the latest facts of biography.

Anastasia Yakub now

I have not been able to arrange a personal life on the "House-2", Nastya returned to Chisinau, where hopes to go to a new level of model career. The girl is already earning in "Instagram", advertising goods and services. Yakub admits that the account is broken from the incoming proposals, and is looking for a professional manager who would help handle numerous requests.

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