Jason Blossom - Character Biography, "Riverdale", image and character, photo


Character History

The secondary character of the American adolescent series "Riverdale". Teenager, member of a wealthy family of Blossoms, twin brother Cheryl. At the beginning of the first season, allegedly dies due to an accident on the river. Later it turns out that the case of Jason is much more confusing than seeing at first glance. One of the main scene lines in the first season of the series is devoted to the investigation of the mysterious circumstances of the death of the hero in the first season of the series.

History of creation

Jason Bloss

Jason Blossom appears in the TV series "Riverdale" only in the first season. In the second season, the character flashes in one episode, and this is a guest role. The role of Jason Blossom is performed by actor Trevor Stains.

The TV series "Riverdale" is removed based on the comic book "Archie", which began to be published in the winter of 1942 and continue to go out so far. The main characters of the comic book - fictional American teenagers who live in a small town in the Midwest USA. Comic Founders - Editor John Goldwater and artist Bob Montana.

TV series "Riverdale"

In the plot, Jason Blossom was born and spent his whole life in the town of Riverdale. The hero had a novel with Polly Cooper, and she became pregnant from him. Heroes wanted to make marriage, but the family of coopers and Blosses were not in the best relationship. Both families opposed the idea of ​​marriage children, so the heroes decided to escape from the city. For escape, you need money, and Jason to get them, contacted the gangsters, which became one of the causes of the death of the hero.

Jason Blossom and Cheryl

Cheryl, Sister Jason, told the next story of the death of Brother. At dawn, the twins went to the river ride a boat. The girl dropped into the water glove, and Jason lasted overboard to return the loss. As a result, the boat turned over, and Jason drowned, and Cheryl himself was later found in the woodcuta forest.

Sheril version seems unreliable, and indeed - Jason's corpse from a bullet in the forehead is soon found. It becomes obvious that there was no accident. Moreover, the autopsy shows that Jason did not die on the day of his disappearance, and a week after that, and only seven days were still alive and disappeared unknown where.

Jason Blossom in Water

Police begins to look for the killer of the young man. Cheryl Blossom is interrogated, and she admits that Jason wanted to escape from Riverdayl. It was necessary to come up with something so that the family of Blossers left the Son alone and did not want to search, and the twins decided to portray the accident on the river. In fact, Jason did not drown, and he got on the boat to the neighboring settlement and left, promising that in a month he would contact Cheryl, but this never happened.

Before Jason's funeral, Cheryl dreams a nightmare, where the brother is that in the form of a zombie. In this dream, Cheryl sees himself in the family mansion of Blossoms. The heroine enters the room where the coffin is, but does not find inside the body of his brother. The covers of the coffin turns out to be blocked by blood, and the dead Jason is selected to the sister because of the back.

Jason Bloss and Polly

Later on the flooring Polly Cooper was discovered by the Jason Blossom car, in whose trunk was found by a jacket and drugs belonging to the hero. But someone set fire to the car before the police got there. After some time, they found a gun from which they shot Jason. Weapons belonged to Ef Pi Jones, a member of the local gang. At the interrogation, he said that Jason approached him at the bar and said that he was going to escape from the city along with a pregnant girlfriend. The guy was needed money and a car, and Jones agreed to provide Jason all this if he delivers a batch of drugs.

However, realizing that his new acquaintance is a successful family, Jones decided to deceive Jason and locked the Bar in the basement belonging to the gang. Bandits were going to demand a ransom from Jason's father. The Sr. Blossom actually came to the meeting, but, instead of saving, killed her son to the head. Later the corpse of the hero was dropped into the river.

Interesting Facts

  • The role of Jason Blossom is a dumb. The character appears in the ten episodes of the first season and one more time - in the second, but for all this time does not pronounce a single word on the screen.
  • The series "Riverdale" and playing actors there are pages in "Instagram". One of them is called @ i.killed.jason.blossom.
  • Fans of the TV series "Riverdale" are actively writing fan fiction about Jaseon Blossom, fantasizing her husband's relationship with girls.
  • Jason was lucky to be buried twice. For the first time, the Blossom family lowered an empty coffin into the ground. The second funerals took place after Jason's body was caught from the river.
  • Jason and Cheryl blossom were born with a difference of three minutes.
  • In the second season, Riverdayla Jason is in the vision of Frederick Andrews, Father Archie. Mr. Andrews himself lies unconscious at that moment, because someone shot him in a diner. Frederick is witching Archie and Veronica Lodge, where Jason is present among the guests.

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