Elena Wrightman - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Utub - Channel 2021



Elena Wrightman - Young Petersburg video clogger. On her "YouTube", there is no extreme, provoking adolescents for dangerous actions. The girl does not ride on the roofs of the wagons and does not climb inside the refrigerator, as it makes her British colleague Belle Dolphin. Maximum extreme, which publishes Elena, is eating only black food within 24 hours.

Childhood and youth

Elena was born in November 1995 near St. Petersburg. The small birthplace of the blogger is Pushkin's city (Tsarskoye Village) for 200 years has been a beneficial effect on the work of Russians, who happened to be born or to spend his youth.

The real name of the girl - Filippov. Lee influenced the choice of pseudonym the films of the American comedian Aivan Rytman's comedian, unknown, but humor and jokes on Elena Channel a lot.

Parents blogger are far from art: Father - Head of the Security Organization, and Mom is a seller of women's clothing. Helena has an older brother Vladislav. In school, the girl was a good one, but continued to education in an agrarian university. She was fond of photo, and she liked to work on both sides of the camera - and act as a model, and photograph the girlfriends.


Elena created "YouTube" -canal in March 2013, and now the number of subscribers is calculated by millions. Target audience, according to a blogger, - Girls of any age, which Rytman tells terrible stories from their biography and gives advice to care for appearance.

Together with an increase in the number of subscribers, the quality of the rollers is also noted. Now Elena lays out of them not daily, as at the beginning of a blogger career, but about once a week and removes the professional chamber.

Elena play a big role in Yutube - Skatches are played - funny scenes. An example is the Writhman Lifehak "How to quickly get rid of the boning girl (or a guy)." In the frame on the hands of Elena, a stranger is falling, complaining of poor well-being. "Her guy" appears immediately and reproaches the girl in infidelity. Now there is a reason to part.

In the afterword to the plot "Elena Guy" pays for the hired stranger service. Subscribers have sympathetically asked Wrightman, it was not difficult to keep such a significant weight from the fall - a tall man.

On the Channel, the girl also places Pranki - telephone or online draws. For example, Elena sent Messedi relatives with the line of popular songs and showed their answers. The result of correspondence turned out to be fun. On the message of the girl "Dad gave me money," Mom replied: "Why I don't know."

The epic has become Elena's correspondence with the fakes of another popular blogger Dani Kashin. Dozens of fake cascanes subscribed to the girl in Vkontakte. To expose the impostors, Wrightman asked some of them - "When will you fulfill a promise?". Guys, of course, did not remember that he was promised by Elena a real kashin, and began to ask clarifying questions.

Blog's revenues Rytman experts are assessed several thousand dollars. Rollers are mixed with advertising, in addition, brands, goods and services are advertised inside the plots.

Personal life

Wrightman does not hide a personal life from subscribers. The former boyfriend Elena Sergey more often appeared in the "Instagram" of the girl than "YouTube" -Kanal. The guy was not associated with the blogger. Then romantic relationships were tied to Raitman with Dani Kashin, but the partnership of bloggers turned out to be short.

Helena has no children, although she tried on the role of her mother, taking the daughter's daughters on the day for rent and posing a video with the results on the channel. The girl loves horses and classical literature.

Elena Rytman now

In June 2019, Elena posted a video in which the mother of the blogger participates. Relative compete in the ability to dress each other. The daughter creates a bow for mom, and mom for daughter. On July 25, 2019, Elena participated in the Social Network Festival "VKontakte". The girl distributed autographs in the blogger zone.

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