Galya FOOTA - character biography, death, quotes, actress, image and character


Character History

The story "And the dawns here is quiet ..." presented five subtle sensual female images to Soviet literature and cinema. Absolutely different, touching and living heroines are described by Boris Vasilyev. The actors and their characteristics are very important for the narrative. Five living stories connected by scary military battles were cut into front. The tragedy of each girl and a big grief for the country, which has lost hundreds of thousands of people, is depicted in the work that was subsequently fired.

History of creation

Writer Boris Vasilyev

The story was written and published in 1969. The scene "And dawns here is quiet ..." there were real events. The author found out a story about the feat of seven soldiers opposed to German saboteurs. The military defended a strategically important zone at the Kirov railway canvas at the cost of their lives. Only sergeant survived. The fate of the soldier inspired Boris Vasilyeva. In the course of work on the work, the author realized that the daily feat during the war was made by men, and women, and made the latter by the main actors.

Writing about the role of women in wartime in those years was not accepted. Their destinies remained in the shadow of men - defenders and heroes. The writing of Vasilyeva became a discovery in the Soviet post-war literature and stand out against the background of the writings about the war. The writer commenting on his essay, said that it was important in the coverage of the initiative of the Soviet man who got up to the breast on the defense of the Motherland not by order, but at his own desire. If he described the behavior of men - it would be typical. But it was harder for women, and their heroic deeds no one was taken to describe.

The main characters of the story

The heroines of the works were Sonya Gurwich, Lisa Brichkina, Galya Futup, Rita Osyanin and Zhenya Komelkova. The story served material for shields. It was used by domestic director and representatives of foreign cinema. Milkartins with a similar plot appeared in India and China.

"And dawns here are quiet ..."

In the story "And the dawns here are quiet ..." describes five female images - girls of different origin, representatives of different types. Their biographies differ, but the heroine unites dreaminess, femininity, sensitivity, acute perception of reality.

Galya FOOTA (frame from the film)

Galya fourth was the most young representative of the detachment. She was about 17-18 years old. The miniature girl was an outcomes from the orphanage. The meaning of its surname, invented by the shelter workers, is fully justified by appearance. Gulla's child left for the care of the state, not taking care of the further fate of the baby. Being a podkin, she did not stop believing in a miracle. Rich fantasy helped the girl Avoid harsh reality.

The talent to tell the compositions of the stories and invent the unpleasants decided to send to a peaceful direction, sending Gali to learn to the library technical school. Before the war, the girl studied. Being a student of the third course, received a call to the front. At first, Gali did not want to take to the service because of the small growth and miniature physique, but the desperation of the girl helped to achieve enrollment in Zenitchitsy. She wanted to attract attention to himself and distinguish itself, so there could be a speech about cowardice. She dreamed of public recognition. In peacetime, I would like to make a solo career, and in the war is obliged to become a hero.

Frame from the film

When Galya went to the front, the awareness came that the war is not a romantic adventure, but the risk, bringing death, the struggle for survival and constant tests of character. In the detachment she had to strictly follow the instructions of the authorities and perform the drove orders. But here the girl did not forget about passion to writing. She easily invented a story about himself, where the nurse's mother appeared, the one she dreamed about. The surrounding quickly realized that the girl was not always truthful, but did not want to deceive the colleagues. She just dreamed of the best fate and lived in the world, who herself came up with and opposed the harsh realities of the war.

Frightened circumstances allowed to check the resistance of Gali. The young girl is not among the courageous, so they did not hurry to go with her to perform the task. The girls understood that the Galya would be a weak level of operation and randomly substitute. The abutation and bugness of the girl lead to the death. This event suggests that not everyone is ready for war. Whatever bravery manifest people in life, no matter how strong it seems to be in their own dreams, in conditions of threatening danger, dreaminess and fantasies are inappropriate.

Death Gali FOOTA

Fear broke Galo. The fact that her friend Sony Gurwich died, influenced her, settled horror in his shower. Fear and awareness that she threatens such death, disoriented the girl. Galya lost vigilance and in a deadly shootout with fascists, trying to get away from danger, hit the open fire of enemy guns. A dreamy girl crushed a cruel car war, not sparing weak and romantics.


The first film discovery was legendary, captured by the executivers of roles in the images of their heroin for many years. Today, the audience is difficult to submit other actipers in the roles of young Soviet Zenitchitsa. In the picture of Stanislav Rostotsky, published in 1972, the role of Camelights performed Ekaterina Markov.

Ekaterina Markova in the role of Gali FOOD

Inspired by the work, foreign filmmakers created work on its basis. In collaboration with the Russian side, the Chinese director of Mao Weinin removed the series from 12 episodes "And the dawns here is quiet ..." in 2005. For the role of Gali, the quarters invited Alexander Tereyev.

Indian director S.P. Jananathan removed the adventure fighter based on Vasilyev's story. Picture called "Valor" went on rental in 2009.

Christina Asmus in the role of gali quarters

Renat Davletyarov again raised the theme of female heroism in war in 2015, creating the film "And the dawns here a quiet" based on the first film release of the literary work. Actress Christina Asmus played Gali Fourth in this project. The director was criticized for the superficial interpretation of the work and erotic scenes depicting the heroine in the bath.

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