George Lopatin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



The modern Russian writer Georgy Lopatin chose his own path in the literature - to write about the heroes that came to unknown worlds or in parallel universes, accompanying it by excellent humorous comments. For this, he loves his numerous army of fans, looking forward to replenishing the bibliographies with new fantastic stories and thirsting for continuing cycles.

Childhood and youth

If Georgy Lopatin - Single-Feathers and a mixer of the Hero of the Soviet Union - did not find himself on the literary field, he could safely be recorded in spies. After all, about him, his biographies and personal life is unknown with an even account anything. Accurate date of birth, patronymic, facts from childhood, the presence of medium and higher education, brothers, sisters and other close relatives and now remain mystery for seven seals.

The exception is only information that the native city of the author is Siberian Krasnoyarsk, and the man himself loves to fervent free time for a computer game Skyforge.


The first work that came to print in the 2013th, became a "ordinary hit", which marked the beginning of the same name. It is told about the hunter for Kirill's anomalies, suddenly, in the world, where white magic rules. The protagonist goes to the human settlement in the hope of finding someone who helps him go back. At the same time, the character is absolutely not lost in a new place, and along the path of the following paths with the opposite sex.

The feature of the novel immediately noticed and rated enthusiastic readers, leaving feedback and sharing their impressions.

"Pneezanese" reminded me of "mythological cycle" Robert Linna Asprina. Only Lopatina - more mockery over the books about the nacifics: Asprine is simply int, and Lopatin frankly mocked. It can be seen in every paragraph, but in an amazing way does not spoil the storyline, "wrote someone.

The following year, the series continued "Baron Haremsky" and "Square", and "Uklonist", "in the enemy's rear" and "Going to death" were created. In 2015, the author came out on the "divine level", then organized a "mission of salvation" and "priority mission", showing "bearish grip". And surprised the punk fairy tale "Samizdate", written under the impression of the creativity of the Red Mold and Gaza sectors. By the way, the science fiction is not averse to give her some kind of interested musicgroup.

Personal life

On the first lovers of the writer, his marriage (and their quantity), the current choices, the availability of children and grandchildren of information or at least some mention, unfortunately, is not represented. Personal photos The man also hides from the public.

Georgy Lopatin now

In 2018, Lopatin continued to replenish a series of "hit" with new novels "Fight for Daronar" and "Shocker of the Universe".

In 2019, the cycle "Tsar Yuriy. In the whirlwind of time, "consisting of the" united Rus "and" Defender of Russia ". In the center of the story - the confrontation between the Mongolian IGU, Enlightened Europe and Barbarian Asia, the Grand Duke of Vladimir Yuri Vsevolodovich from the genus Ruriki and the juror of Zhurfak MSU Yuri Btykovoy. However, these books caused an ambiguous reaction to read.


  • 2013 - "Finding Common"
  • 2014 - "Finding ordinary. Baron Haremsky »
  • 2014 - "Finding ordinary. Spear "
  • 2014 - "Uklonist"
  • 2014 - "Equality. In the rear of the enemy
  • 2014 - "Equality. Going to death "
  • 2015 - "Finding ordinary. Divine level
  • 2016 - "Buratino"
  • 2017 - "Mission of Salvation"
  • 2017 - "Salvation Mission. Bear Bear
  • 2017 - "Salvation Mission. Priority Mission "
  • 2018 - "Finding ordinary. Fight for Daronar »
  • 2018 - "Finding ordinary. Shocker of the Universe "
  • 2019 - "Tsar Yuri. In the whirlwind of times. Comrigate of Russia "
  • 2019 - "Tsar Yuri. In the whirlwind of times. Rus Defender

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