Inna Mikhailova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Wife Stas Mikhailova 2021



Inna Mikhailov never sought to build a career. But she could become a loving wife, a good mother and an example to imitate many women.

Childhood and youth

Inna Mikhailova (Ponmarøva) was born on May 9, 1973 in Kirovograd, Ukraine. The girl grew in the work family, diligently studied. But the life of the child overshadowed the passion of his father to drinking, which soon turned into alcoholism. After an attack on his wife, he was sent to prison, and then committed suicide.

In his youth, the girl could make a career in the beauty industry. At the age of 17, she became the winner of the Miss Kirovograd contest and received an invitation to Miss Ukraine, which refused under the pressure of the mother.

After school entered the honeychatum, but never graduated from studying.

Personal life

In the young years, the girl was beautiful and did not know the fear from fans. But the choice fell on the football player of the team of Donetsk "Shakhtar" Andrei Kanchelskis. Calculation lasted long, already a year later, Inna agreed to become a wife's wife. At this time, the player was offered a contract with Manchester United, and the young family moved to England.

Inna Mikhailova and Andrey Kancheel

Later, the girl learned that she was pregnant, but the happiness of the pair lasted for a long time. The child died in the womb and remaining unnamed. Parents set a plate next to a blank grave. Despite the prohibitions of doctors, Inna got pregnant again. Pregnancy went without complications, and the spouses were born firstborn Andrei.

Husband worked a lot, often disappeared at the fees. The young mother tried to devote himself to a child and housekeeping, but the relationship between the spouses began to deteriorate. The situation did not improve the emergence of Eva daughter.

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In the early 2000s, the spouse moved to Russia. Kanchelskis offered a contract with Dynamo, and he translated the family to Moscow. Then the invitation was followed in Samara, but the wife decided to stay in the capital along with the children. At this time, the media began to publish articles about the treasures of Andrei. He was increasingly seen in the company of young girls. A woman tolerated for a long time, but fed to a divorce.

The new page in the biography of Inna was acquainted with Stas Mikhailov. At that time, the artist has not yet become popular, but he was able to conquer the heart of a woman. Later, Andrei Kanchelskis revealed some details of his personal life and stated that the former wife changed him with a singer during his life.

The marriage process of Kanchelskisov was dragged for several years. The network discusses that the money obtained in the division of property, Inna invested in the career of Stas, becoming his informal producer, but the stars are denied.

Soon the lovers began to live together. The daughter of Woman Eve moved to them. Andrei's son stayed in London, but came to his mother on vacation. Mikhailov from past marriages remained two children, both do not live with the Father.

In 2009, Inna gave birth to the beloved daughter Ivanna. Only 2 years later she became the wife of Stas Mikhailov and took his last name. According to the Journal "Forbes", the singer spent about € 500 thousand for a wedding. The celebration was noted in a specially rented mansion in the vicinity of Paris. A year after the wedding, the second daughter of Maria appeared in the family.

Fans noticed that after the birth of the fourth child, the appearance of Mikhailova changed. They accused a woman in the use of plastic operations, in particular rhinoplasty and "beauty enclosures". But the celebrity left gossip without comment.

Inna Mikhailova now

In 2019, Inna remains his wife Stas Mikhailov, despite frequent rumors about divorce. She leads life and takes care of children. Farely posts family photos and videos in "Instagram", shares with fans of the success of the famous spouse. Now a woman is part of the husband's team, regularly accompanies him at concerts.

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