Alexey Goncharuk - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Prime Minister of Ukraine 2021



Alexey Goncharuk is the youngest in history head of the Ukrainian Cabinet. Walking into power, he announced economic growth and fight against corrupt officials. For some age, the Prime Minister is a circumstance that does not cause trust, for others - an optimistic sign: This generation is distinguished by liberalism and pro-European glances.

Childhood and youth

Alexey was born in the Zhmerinka Vinnitsa region in the summer of 1984, he studied at school in the city, then he entered the Academy of Personnel Management to a lawyer. Later he graduated from the Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, Business School and Aspen Institute Kyiv. The media wrote that the goncharuk, in addition to the master's diploma, there is a doctoral degree, or philosophy, whether rights. However, in the official biography on the government website, this is not a word.

The premiere had to explain that he never was engaged in science, and the word "doctor" appears in the diploma of a non-state university, which is not forbidden to receive anyone.

Neither in childhood, neither as Aleksey did not advertise information about parents and the family, so it remains a mystery to everyone who his mother and father work and whether they have an attitude to politics or entrepreneurship.

Personal life

The lack of Alexei's wife and children was caused by rumors about his unconventional orientation. Oils in the fire poured a speech on television of the former transport minister Evgeny Chervonenko, who told about the alleged destination by the trips to Goncharuk and the Chairman of the Customs Service of Maxim Nefedov on the LGBT Parada. Radical Igor Mosiiychuk shared the story about the son of his friend who quit the government's office, because the Prime Minister patted him.

Critical journalists stated that "Alexey Goncharuk, riding the cabinets on the scooter, is the most pressing problem of the state." The official really used this type of transport by removing the video message to schoolchildren. As a compromise speaking not in favor of the head of the Cabinet of Ministers, used a photo where it is depicted in a fur coat with a machine gun.

The hero of the publications on comments is not distracted - no time, there is enough time enough for updating information in Facebook and Instagram.


To build a career Alexey began in student years. According to friends, he obsessed with work, believes that only this way can succeed, therefore there is no normal personal life. In the last courses of the university, the young man settled in a specialty for the Gardening Food Factory, which was replaced by the investment company Prior-Invest, where he soon received the position of head of the Legal Department.

In 24, Goncharuk created his own consulting service firm, was the Arbitration Manager of the Company. In the Association of Assistance to victims, investors since 2009, Alexey met the president, and in parallel - Deputy General Director of the First Ukrainian Industrial and Investment Company Investing Money in Construction.

According to the presence of the pots, in 2013 he participated in Euromaidan. The first attempt to run into the Verkhovna Rada from the "Power of People" was failing: the party did not gain one percent of the votes of the voters. Nevertheless, he was offered the place of adviser to Igor Shevchenko, who in the Government of Arseny Yatsenyuk stood at the head of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology, supervised the civil service of geology and subsoil. Together they have created a portal to verify information on licenses for the development of subsoil in the current time.

At one time Shevchenko even wanted to put Alexey at the head of the state service, but the appointment did not sign because of the conflict with Yatsenyuk.

When the chef found himself in the center of the corruption scandal, Goncharuk switched to Stepan Kubiv to the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade. In 2015, he headed the expert and analytical center "Office of Effective Regulation", which developed as an independent structure financed by the European Union. The main task of the organization is to improve the investment attractiveness of Ukraine and the conditions of doing business within the country. In this position, a man stayed until the summer of 2019, and then a couple of months was part of the National Investment Council.

Soon after the election of the president and joining Vladimir Zelensky, political scientists spoke about the alleged candidates for the post of Prime Minister. Goncharuk was part of the first four of this list, because he was considered a specialist who knows how to work with world financial institutions (political establishment even dubbed his servant of Soros), and a man who has not yet spoiled reputation in their eyes. For Ukraine, depending on the injection of the IMF, it is an important fact. Separate Ukrainian sites reported that Alexei's sympathies expressed the main oligarch of the country Igor Kolomoisky.

Ukrainians learned about the appointment of Goncharuk to 29 August 2019.

The new chapter of the government called the priorities to the annual growth of the "Minimum by 5-7%" economy, the restoration of infrastructure, the solution of housing and utilities problems, the fight against those who steal millions of dollars from the country every day, and the completion of the war in the Donbas. In terms of building relationships with Russia, Alexey Goncharuk said that since the time of Maidan, the approach does not change: pragmaticism is put at the head of the corner.

Alexey Goncharuk now

The news that Alexey in January 2020 resigned, few people surprised. Some of the Ukrainian politicians considered him a technical prime minister who will fulfill the instructions of the President, agree to work with the ministers, navigated from above, and will not ask any questions.

True, to leave the post of Goncharuk decided not because there was not enough independence, but on the background of the scandal. A recording of the conversation with a closed meeting of the government was merged into the network, on which his chairman is recognized in incompetence in economic issues. It went and Zelensky: Alexey criticized the mental abilities of the head of state.

However, the petition of resignation, submitted in violation of the order not to the Verkhovna Rada, but directly to the president, the latter rejected, considering that not the time to complicate the already difficult situation. Moreover, Vladimir Zelensky instructed to find out who made the recording leak.

Later, Goncharuk said that an attempt to leave the office is not a sign of cowardice, but appeal to confirmation of confidence that he was rendered.

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