Dmitry Pumps - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



Dmitry Runopov is a Russian writer who prefers the literary direction of fantasy. It also creates fantastic and mystical works. The surname of the author is known to the Internet audience, as the collapse publishes most of the material on the expanses of the network. Target audience of the writer - readers up to 35 years.

Childhood and youth

The biography of Dmitry Runopov remains unknown, because the author prefers not to share the details of his personal life. Fans know that the writer was born in Samara on August 4, 1979. Then the city was called Kuibyshev.


The creative debut of Dmitry Rupopova took place in 2009. It was marked by the output of the book "Master of Klinkov. The beginning of the path ", which became the basis for a series of works. A nice story of the narration and clear language liked the audience, and the author's subsequent books were in demand. The writer released the "Son of Galaxy" cycles, "Shards of Hendes", "The Shadow of the Emperor". Publications continued in chronology from 2010 to 2019, and the work on the replenishment of the bibliography does not stop.

Fans of creativity of collapse believe that their idol works in the genre of medieval fantasy, a popular now in a wide audience. However, the field of interests of the author is much wider. Thus, the "fragments of the hearts", telling about vampires, belong to mysticism, and the "son of the Galaxy" is suitable for the definition of scientific cosmic fiction.

"Master of Klinkov" is the most popular cycle of a writer, rich in satirical narration and humor. It predominates a detailed description of household nuances and psychology of portraits of characters. Non-trivial peripetias create a stress state and support the interest of the public.

The "son of the Galaxy" talks about the adventures of the earthquake, which created the star fleet and opposing artificial intelligence. "Shards of the hearts" - a romantic Saga about Prince-Vampire and the elven princesses belonging to the warring families. In 2014, I was published a book of rescuke "live anew", written in the stylistic science fiction. She tells the story of a retired gamer, who passed the active accounts to his son.

Dmitry also works under the pseudonym Viktor Yakovlev. The choice of the new name is justified by the fact that the extraordinary novel "The Shadow of the Emperor", published in 2015, belonged to a different genre direction. The plot is built around the main character, which thanks to the magical gift was the servant of the ruler, as well as the Grozny warrior.

Personal life

Dmitry purposefully refuses to give an interview, justifying this by what does not consider himself so significant for the Russian literature by the author. His photo remains inaccessible to the general public.

It is active on social networks: leads a page in Facebook and VKontakte. Here the writer notifies fans about preparing materials, the nearest date of release of new works. The science is open to communication and responds to user comments, and also shares creative plans.

Dmitry is married and together with his family lives in the hometown of Samara.

Dmitry Runopov Now

In 2019, the most complete information about the writer was collected on literary sites. Here Dmitry publishes works by offering writings to acquisition and free access. It is known that the writer has a lawyer who represents the interests of the writer in cooperation with publishing houses and potential partners. The collapse continues to work on new works of unfinished cycles.


  • 2009 - "Master of Klinkov. The beginning of the way"
  • 2010 - "Master of Klinkov. The blade is thrown away. "
  • 2010 - "Son of Galaxy"
  • 2011 - "Shards of Hendes"
  • 2011 - "Shards of hearts. Death Knight"
  • 2014 - "live anew"
  • 2015 - "The Shadow of the Emperor"
  • 2017 - "Master of Klinkov. Blade forged "
  • 2017 - "Son of Galaxy. Confronting
  • 2018 - "Master Klinkov. Blade sharpened "

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