Nymphadora Tonks - Character Biography, Harry Potter, Character, Appearance, Quotes, Empty, Photo


Character History

Character of a series of books about Harry Potter of the English writer Joan Rowling. The obscurity is able to change his own appearance in a magical way. Former Student Puffenduya, clumsy, shy his own name. Falls in love with Rimus Lupine and goes for marrying. He dies with her husband during the battle for Hogwarts.

History of creation

The idea of ​​the first novel about Harry Potter came to Joan Rowling, when she went on a train from London to Manchester. The writer says that the idea literally "fell" to her head and turned out to be incredibly exciting. The train was late for four hours, and the heroine had a lot of time to think about the details. Rowling immediately "saw" the hero as a thin boy in glasses, which does not know that in fact he is a wizard. Working on the text Writer began immediately after he arrived.

Writer Joan Rowling

The finished text of the novel "Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone" Rowling sent several literary agents. After eight failures that came from different publishers, publishing a book "Bloomsbury" agreed. For the publication of the first Roman Rowling received a funny advance from the publisher in two and a half thousand pounds of sterling. And the last book of the series sold out in the amount of eleven million copies only in the first day.

In the books about Harry Potter

Nymphadora Tonks first appears in the fifth book of the cycle - "Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix". The heroine consists in the Order of the Phoenix and is a boron. It has the talent of the metamorph - it can easily change its own appearance with the help of magic without using revolving potions and other means. Nymphadora uses this ability to change hair color. He likes to appear in society with hair of bright pink and purple flowers. In the image of the old woman, Harry Potter and his friends from the headquarters of the Orden Phoenix, where they spent Christmas, and accompanies them in Hogwarts.

Nymphadora Tonks

The nymphadors are solid and strong, but there are weaknesses. The heroine is stronger and does not like his own name, preferring to be called only by name - Tonks. In the book "Harry Potter and Prince-Half-Blood", new details of the personal life of Tonks pop up. The heroine fell in love with Rimus Rimus Lupine, and even the patronus of the nymphathera, a buffalo, changed under the influence of a romantic feeling and began to resemble a wolf.

Lupine, however, did not let heroine to himself, although he felt a response. The hero considered himself an old, poor and "unpromising" and did not want to spoil the life of a young girl, imposing her feelings. Because of this, Tonks believed that in love with unrequited, and even the magical abilities of the heroine in this sad period of biography began to bring it. Bright hair nimphadors drooped and purchased mouse color.

Nymphadora Tonx in youth (cosplay)

Later, the heroes still conclude marriage. Nymphadora will be pregnant and in the book "Harry Potter and the Death Games" give birth to Lupine Son, who is called Ted. In the finals of the Romanov cycle about Harry Potter heroine dies during the battle for Hogwarts from the hand of Bellatrix Lestrange. The same battle dies and Rimus, a nymphathora husband.

At the time of death, Nimyphadore Tonx was 25 years old. On the part of the mother of the nimphadora is related to the family of blacks. Sirius Black accounts for the heroine of the cousin Uncle, and Bellatris Lestrange, respectively, aunt. The mother of Heroine Andromeda Black married a maglogged wizard Ted Tedax. The purebred family of blacks came into rage and refused to the girl in the right to relatives. Walburg Black - Andromeda's aunt and Sirius's mother - lifted the name of the niece with the family tapestry black. Nymphadora is the only child in the family.

The nymphadors have a good sense of humor and light character. The heroine is ready at any time to help others. But people fear to take the help of nymphathores due to the fact that it is incredibly clumsy, and therefore it is not known than this help can turn into. Tonks are not able to even walk along the corridor so as not to touch the stand for umbrellas and do not raise the roar.

Nymphadora Tonks and Remus Lupine

The year of birth of heroine can be considered the 1973rd. The heroine entered Hogwarts to the faculty of Puffenduy and graduated from school in 1991. Then Nymphadora entered the courses, where they were preparing the obversal, and then began to work in the Ministry of Magic. The nymphathora mentor was Alastor Gryum, who treated heroine with love.

Tonks entered the ranks of the Orden of Phoenix - an organization that fought with Death Eaters and Lord Wolan de Mort. In the Order of the heroine meets the family of Weasley and Rimus Lupine. As part of the group of members of the Order of Phoenix Nimphadora accompanies Harry Potter at the Order Headquarters on Grimmo Square.

In the summer of 1997, heroine, together with other obversal, protects Hogwarts from the whims of Wolan de Morta, who led Draco Malfoy to school. And at the same summer there is a wedding of the nymphadoras and Rimus Lupine. Tonks continued the tradition launched her tradition - to discredit the family of blacks, concluding marriages with unsuitable men. Blacks believe that, having married a werewolf, Nymphadora disgraced them, and the heroine is trying to kill.

Nymphadora Tonks (ART)

Later, learning about the pregnancy of his wife, Lupine falls into depression and even thinks to escape from the nymphathores. The hero is convinced that the wife and child are in a big danger next to him. However, having talked to this topic with Harry Potter, the hero changes his mind and returns to Nymphadore. The heroine dies in just a month after the birth of the Son, and the baby remains on the care of the grandmother.

In the film, the nymphadora wears gray and black clothes. The memorable part of the costume of the heroine is a burgundy cloak. It is not known exactly what the heroine wand is made, but its length is eleven inches. Fans belong to the nymphadore with love, create a dedicated heroine art and write fan fiction, where, in particular, bring the nymphador with Severus Snape.


Nymphadora Tonks first appears in the film "Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix" (2007). Heroine plays actress Natalia Ten. Tonks comes to the aid of Harry Potter with Alastor Gryum and other wizards. And at the end of the film, the heroine is involved in a fight with eaters of death in the Ministry of Magic.

Actress Natalia Tena

In 2009, Nymphadora Tonx appears again in the film "Harry Potter and Prince-Half-Blood". The heroine is present in the last two films of the series - "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows", the first and second part (2010-2011).

Tonks protects Weasley's house when the deaths of death are attacked by him, which heads Bellatris Lestrange. This scene is not in the books of Rowling, it is present only in the film. Also in films, attention is not paid to the development of relations between Tonx and Remus Lupine. In Prince-half-breed, the heroes celebrate Christmas in Weasley's house and already behave like a married couple.


"- And this is a nymphadora ... - do not dare to call me nymphadoroa, Rimus! - The young wizard threw out. "Just Tonks." Thenphadora Tonks, which prefers to be called only by last name, - finished Lupine. "You would also prefer if the fool of Mamas gave you such a name," Tonks muttered. "

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