Natasha Lyon - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Actress Natasha Lyon is famous as the owner of a unique comedy talent, although there were not so many fun moments in her life. She fought with narcotic addiction, coped with her, and therefore did not turn the acting career. Now it is known as an artist of a wide profile, which is removed in the transparency ribbons and every time perfectly copes with the task.

Childhood and youth

Lyon was born in Manhattan (New York) in the spring of 1979. Girl's parents are ethnic Jews, their ancestors survived the horrors of the Holocaust. Father Aaron Brantstein was busy in a professional boxing promotion, and Mother Ivette Bukhanger advised customers on licensing issues.

Natasha Lionn in youth

In Natasha's family, everything was not so simple, even before the birth of children from her parents there were complex relations, in the 1980s they returned to their native Israel, where the family broke up. Father remained in his homeland, and his mother and his brother Lyon returned to America.

At first, the family lived in New York, life in a big city did it expensive them, the children were much devoid of much. There, Natasha entered the Jewish school, but soon with his family moved in Miami and ended learning there. Just getting a certificate, returned to New York.


The first films in the biography of the actress appeared in 7 years. In childhood, Natasha especially attracted the attention of people with bright red hair and blue eyes. When Lionn turned 6, the mother took her to a modeling agency, first the girl participated in promotional photo shoots and filming, and a year later she was offered a small role in the movies. It was the screening of the work of the hole Efron "Jealousy."

At 16, Natasha appeared in the tape "Everyone says that I love you" Woody Allen in the image of his daughter. In addition to her, Natalie Portman, Edward Norton, Julia Roberts and other famous stars were shot.

In his youth, Lyon tried to take from life to the maximum, not paying attention to chronic fatigue. This led to health problems, the girl was addicted to drugs and could no longer control his own dependence. The deterioration of health accompanied and detected hepatitis C.

In 2005, she decides to take a break and takes treatment, because it realizes that the disease has come too far. Friend - Actor Michael Rapaport evicted her from the apartment because of the constant complaints of the neighbors for inappropriate behavior. And in a year she was judged by the threat of a neighbor. Natasha's television screens managed only in 2008, now it is constantly working on television, in the theater and on the Broadway scene.

There were actresses and serials among the work. From 2013 to the year 2019, a woman was filmed in the Orange-Hit Season Length. Also among her works - tapes "Law and Order: Special Corps", "Duram", "New" and others. In 2011, she starred in the picture of Abel Ferrara "4:44 the last day on Earth", and in 2016 he played the "anti-estate". In 2018, a comedy "Pots under cover" appeared in Natasha filmography.

Personal life

According to the press, the personal life of the artist is saturated with events. Relations with Adam Goldberg and Edward Ferlong she denied. It is known that Natasha lived with a journalist Andrew Kaufman. The man did not become her husband.

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Since 2014, she meets with comic Fred Armichene. Although in "Instagram" there are no actors with a single joint with a man photo, the pairs appear regularly in other sources.

Natasha does not like to devote fans in a personal life. Her social networks will die with pictures made at the studio, while working, many photos with animals. But frank frames, for example, in a swimsuit, Lyon prefers not to publish.

Natasha Lionn now

In 2019, Natasha continued to work on the set, only this time united the work of the producer, director and actress, starring at 8 episodes of the American comedy-dramatic series "Matryoshka".

She got the main role of the heroine Nadi Willhokova, who, celebrating the 36th birthday, gets acquainted with a guy and invites him to himself, but after proceedings quickly removes, and herself goes to the store itself. During the transition across the road, she knocks the car to death, but opening his eyes, the woman turns out to be at a party again. All these events are continuously repeated, making hope to start an investigation and change the course of events in such a way as to avoid their own death.


  • 1986 - "Jealousy"
  • 1990 - "Man named Sarzh"
  • 1993 - "Dennis-tormented"
  • 1996 - "Everyone says I love you"
  • 1999 - "American Pie"
  • 2003 - "Old hardening"
  • 2005 - "Save Grace"
  • 2010 - "All about evil"
  • 2012 - "American Pie: all in the assembly"
  • 2013-2019 - "Orange - Hit of the Season"
  • 2015 - "Hello, My name is Doris"
  • 2017 - "Handsome"
  • 2018 - "Pots under the Cover"
  • 2019 - "Matryoshka"

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