Tom York - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Group RadioHead 2021



The English musician Tom York is considered one of the most authoritative and creative figures that the British scene presented the modern musical world. Famous as the frontman of the Radiohead group, the singer is engaged in solo creativity, because the ideas that overflow it is not able to fit in the framework of a single project.

Childhood and youth

Family Tom York moved a lot when he was a child. He was born in 1968 in English Wellingborough, but his childhood years passed in different cities. Because of the nomadic lifestyle, the permanent friends turned out to be problematic that he was aggravated by vision issues. From birth, the boy was diagnosed with paralysis of the left eye due to the defect of the eyeball. Tom suffered a lot of operations, and by 6 years old land and almost could not raise the left eyelid.

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The first real friends appeared in the child at the age of 10, when he went to a private school for boys. Ed O'Brian, Phil Sellway, Colin and Johnny Greenwood became York not only faithful companions, but also by Radiohead comrades. By that time, Tom already practiced in a guitar game, which received a gift for the 7th birthday. He was inspired mainly by the classics of the British Rock - Queen and The Beatles.

The musician asked the tone in the team created by the buddies on a Friday: he wrote the philosophical, far from the light text, tried himself as a composer, guitarist and answered the vocal party. After graduating from school, Tom entered the university, studying art and English literature. His friends were divided into different universities, and they had to forget about joint work.


When university years remained behind, it was time to go seriously to music. The guys were again united and concluded a contract with the recording studio. So in 1991, the official biography of the Radiohead group began, which was destined to become a legend of alternative rock.Embed from getty images

The team has achieved commercial success by releasing the "OK Computer" record in 1997 and receiving "Grammy" for it. Public recognition and love of fans did not become for the British test for strength.

On the contrary, Tom with comrades went deep into experiments with sound, not seeking anyone to please and please. However, their works invariably caused the delight of the audience. After releasing the albums with Radiohead, York at the same time found time for solo projects, where I was looking for new forms and used exclusively electronic sound.

Personal life

The main museum for Tom was the artist and the researcher of Dante's creativity - Rachel Owen, with which the musician lived 23 years old. They met in 1992, and all the work of York, one way or another connected with this love. Rachel leitmotifs are found in the mass of texts - from "True Love Waits" to "Daydreaming". The couple had two children - Noah (2001) and Agnes (2004).

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In 2015, a musician preferring not to talk about personal life in public, broke up with his wife. After a year and a half, a woman died from cancer. Since 2017, the Contractor began to appear in public with the Italian actress of the Danyan Ronchion, which is 16 years under Tom.

The fact that these relationship is serious and deep, has become a confirmation of the clip on the "Anima" track, where a woman starred with his beloved in 2019. The video prepared the American director Paul Thomas Anderson, and it metaphorically draws awakening the sleeping soul to a new resurrection feeling.

In September 2020, the pair legalized the relationship.

Tom York now

The musician now continues to write songs and shoot clips both alone and together with Radiohead. In 2019, Tom, together with his comrades, got into the Hall of Fame of Rock and Roll, put in one row with groups that were considered idols in the youth. In the same year, York had a solo album "Anima", where the Englishman continued experiments with sound and a word. In support of the release, the Contractor gives a series of concerts in North America.

A man leads a page in "Instagram", but there are no personal photos, because it is devoted entirely to creativity. Tom gives rare interviews, each of which becomes for fans a gift. Thousands of people are listened to the voice of this inconspicuous, low (height 166 cm) of men, alien pathos, ambitions and vanity.



  • 2006 - The Eraser
  • 2014 - Tomorrow's Modern Boxes
  • 2018 - Suspiria (Music for the Luca Guadagnino Film)
  • 2019 - Anima.

As part of Radiohead.

  • 1993 - Pablo Honey
  • 1995 - The Bends
  • 1997 - OK COMPUTER
  • 2000 - Kid a
  • 2001 - AmnesiaC
  • 2003 - Hail to the Thief
  • 2007 - In Rainbows
  • 2011 - The King Of Limbs
  • 2016 - A Moon Shaped Pool

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