Vyacheslav Prah - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



Reading audience of a writer published under the pseudonym Vyacheslav Prah, mostly female. Quotes from the books of the writer about sex relationships use media personalities, large communities "VKontakte", in the Ladies' forums. The biography of the Writer is covered with a mystery curtain.

Childhood and youth

Information about the childhood of ashes scubrice. The writer claims that he was born in 1994, but the place of birth and real last name discloses. Vyacheslav has a sister, and in the fate of the men the cities of St. Petersburg and Ivanovo-Frankivsk played a major role.

The guy loved to read and compose stories, but, after graduating from school, he entered the lawyer. In the "Instagram" of Prahu there is a photo in the form, but the name of the educational institution, whose cadets are carrying the shoulder and in which he studied, the writer does not call.


The writer calls his books with novels, but they are small in volume. Bibliography is difficult to systematize, because not all creations are printed, some exist only in electronic form.

Literary debut of dust - Roman "Coffee House". Vyacheslav wrote a book for six months. Publishers, in which the author attributed the author, answered the young author with refusal. Then the dust laid out the debut on the Internet and tried to forget about the unsuccessful experience.

When, after a few months, Vyacheslav looked at his page, he was in amazement found that the "coffee shop" was read 10 thousand people. The author gave a book for a professional editor and published at his own expense. Subsequently, the work has a continuation - "Coffee Shop in the center of Paris" and "Coffee Shop by the Ocean". Then the books of the Prach became interested in the AST Publishing House.

The dust considers a very useful for Writers a Ridero service. But the attempt with the help of crowdfunding to collect money for the publication of the second novel "A woman with a portrait on the skin" from the author failed. For Vyacheslav, communication with readers is important: the writer is responsible for every comment by subscribers in "Instagram" and on the page in VKontakte.

Personal life

On the personal life of the author of the book "Women are created to ..." It is known somewhat more than about his early biography. Favorite song Vyacheslav - Sting Composition "Shape Of My Heart". In an interview with the "Snob" magazine, the dust reported that the Rinat Valulline and faith of the Polozkov, the most respects contemporaries.

With his wife, which Vyacheslav calls Lyalya, the man met Nevsky Prospect. As follows from the signature to the photo posted in the "Instagram" of the writer, the wedding took place in 2014, a month after dating chosen.

The writer has two children - Son Leonard, at the birth of which Vyacheslav was present, and the daughter of Angelina, which appeared in 2018. Heirs inspired the dust on writing works in a new fairy tale genre. If you rely on their texts, the son of the writer is blond, in mom, and the daughter is brunette, in his father.

In September 2019, the couple declared social networks about parting. According to the words, the spouses did not have a common dream, now everyone plans and dreams of their own. And if Vyacheslav, going to conquer Europe, still sees his vocation in writing, Lyal wants to benefit the world of medicine, for which she will go to the United States.

Vyacheslav dust now

In 2019, the Bibliography of Prach was replenished with the novel "Song of the Dead Birds" and its continuation "he knew how to concern women."

Psychological thrillers develop topics for the first time raised by the author in the work of the "Church of Motylkov". Now Vyacheslav is preparing for the publishing book "Why don't we love?"


  • 2015 - "Notes without Honor"
  • 2016 - "Coffee Shop"
  • 2017 - "Cheap Roman"
  • 2017 - "Coffee Shop in the center of Paris"
  • 2017 - "Coffee Shop by the Ocean"
  • 2018 - "Tenderness"
  • 2018 - "Hotel"
  • 2018 - "Temple of Motalka"
  • 2019 - "The Song of the Dead Birds"
  • 2019 - "He knew how to concern women"

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