Mia Farrow - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Hollywood actress Mia Faerrow, who worked with such great cinematographers, like Roman Polanski, Peter Yets, Robert Ostman and Francis Ford Coppola, for the role in more than 50 films received the Golden Globe and BAFTA nomination. But most people are known as the third spouse of the singer Frank Sinatra, a long-term friend of director Woody Allen, Ambassador of UNICEF in African republics and a loving mother of 14 children.

Childhood and youth

The actress, which is actually name-called Maria de Lourdes Villars Farrow, was born in Los Angeles on February 9, 1945 in the family of American cinematographer of John Farrow and Irish Mauren O'Sallean, MGM and 20th Century Fox Stars. Her childhood was held in the company of three sisters and three brothers, as well as the godfather parents - director George Kickor and Artists Luell Parsons.

From your early years, the biography of the girls was associated with artistic films, and in 1947 her acting debut took place. And then the mother, formerly a zealous Catholic, sent it to the monastery gymnasium of primary education, where at the 9th age of Maria fell victim to the epidemic and was treated in an insulator from polio disease.

Looking at his feet, Farrow, under the supervision of his father, continued his studies in Spain, and then the family moved to England and alone settled in the county of Surrey. And in the early 1960s, the future actress returned to the United States and, remaining without care of the parents, began an adult career as a model.


In the midst of youth, who came to the mid-1960s, Mia attended various castings and starred in extras and episodic roles. The most famous works of that time were the drama "Guns at Batasi", "Dandy in the Gadychnik" and "Johnny Belinda", as well as the television series "Peyton-Place", broadcasting in Prime Time on the ABC channel.

In 1968, the Franco-Polish director Roman Polanski saw the main character of the cult thriller in Farrow, and she received a nomination for the Golden Globe as the best actress and the David di Donatello premium as the debutant of the Drama "Child Rosemary".

Mia Farrow in youth

Such success allowed the girl to choose the most interesting work. Due to the bad reputation, Henry Hathaue, she refused to shoot in Western "real courage", prefering to join the team of the "Secret Ceremony" painting and become partner of Dustina Hoffman in the Romantic Melodrame "John and Mary".

In the 1970s, Farrow tried the forces on the theater stage and became the first American in the ranks of the actress Royal Shakespeare Company, brilliantly playing Jeanne d'Ark. And then her career continued in the "blind terror" - the British film of horrors, the romantic history of "Dr. Fast" and the Black Comedy "Farewell, Rajdi Ann".

A little later, Mia appeared in the commercially successful film adaptation of the Roman Francis Scott Fitzzhalde "The Great Gatsby" and noted by theatrical works on the stage of the West-end Olvik and was remembered by the audience in the "The Zykovs" and "The Marrying Of Ann Leete".

In the early 1980s, Farrow became acquainted with American cinematographer Woody Allen and for a long time his muse and star of paintings remained. During this period, the actress's actress was replenished with such masterpieces as "Radio Days", "Another Woman", "Purple Rose of Cairo" and "Crimes and Offaches", and the latest joint works of "husbands and wives" and "Shadows and Fog" were.

Personal life

In the personal life of Farrow a shortage of men was not, the most close relationship was associated with representatives of the creative environment. In 1966, Mia married the 50-year-old idol of America Frank Sinatru, because I could not answer the refusal to the blue-eyed charming singer.
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Due to the difference at the age of this marriage, I soon collapsed, and Mia drew attention to Andre Prein, a musician and conductor from Germany, which took root from the Russian-Jewish family. With this husband, the actresses were born three children, who were called Sasha, Matthew and Fletcher, and then adopted adopted Asians Summer Song, Lark Song and Sun and.

In the late 1970s, due to a stormy novel, a couple broke up with Swedish cinematographer with Swedish cinematographer, and after a while Mia began to meet with Woody. These and not legalized relations were presented by Farrow and Allen's son of Ronana, as well as adoptive children from Africa, India, Vietnam and Korea, according to documents that received the name of the actress.

Mia Farrow now

Now Farrow has moved away from acting and engaged in charity and the upbringing of numerous children. Judging by the photos published in Instagram in recent months, 2019 of Mia dedicated to meetings with women who were in the fighting areas and continuing to search for sons and husbands.


  • 1968 - "Child Rosemary"
  • 1974 - "Great Gatsby"
  • 1978 - "Death on Nile"
  • 1982 - "Comedy Sex in the Summer Night"
  • 1985 - "Purple Rose of Cairo"
  • 1986 - "Hannah and her sisters"
  • 1987 - "Radio Days"
  • 1989 - "Crimes and Offaches"
  • 1992 - "Husbands and Wives"
  • 2006 - "Arthur and Miniputs"
  • 2006 - "OMER 666"
  • 2009 - "Arthur and Revenge of Urdalaka"
  • 2010 - "Arthur and War of two worlds"

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