Ivan Kupala - what holiday, Ivanov day, night, the essence, what date in 2021


In Slavic culture, the mass of traditions and customs, some of which have long been sunk in the fly, and other people now willingly observe. For example, Ivan Kupala is a holiday that still remains among those who are celebrated by the people.

About the festival, which was mentioned in their literary writes Gogol and Yesenin, and in honor of which the musical group was named, in the material 24cm.

history of the holiday

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Roots The history of the holiday is still in the times of paganism. People who lived in that era were believed - on the day of Ivan Klapala, plunging into the pond or river, it is possible to get rid of any diseases. The events that happened in this date were devoted to the Divities of the Boopa and the Sun.

In the eastern and western lands in the Slavs, as well as in some European states, the festival is still noted, despite the fact that it is investing not only religious significance, but also nationwide.

Before the baptism was held in Russia, the Celebration of the Kupala was noted on the day of the summer solstice, but afterwards the holiday was devoted to John the Baptist, after which the people began to call the festival Ivanov during the day.

Because of its pagan sources, the holiday was negatively adopted as the clergy of medieval Russia and the modern Orthodox Church. Starting from 692 and ending with the current year, the highest ranks of the church leadership, as well as those who stood down in rank, negatively responded to the celebration of the Day of Ivan Kupala. The church did not take this celebration because of his allegedly demonic nature and at each opportunity reminded of this to the people.


The holiday of Ivanov's Day, with which since ancient times, many traditions, customs and rites are connected, always accompanied by massive festivities consisting of a variety of entertainment and games. For example, to present the day of Ivan Kupala without jumps through the fire was impossible: thus, the young men demonstrated their dexterity, in addition to this it was believed that jumping through the fire was healing from diseases and damage, increased happiness and good luck. The girls did not lag behind young people and believed that the fun would make them attractive and younger.

Entertainment entertained with the highest in demand: if they, holding hands, were safely thrown into the fire, it meant that there were long and complete happiness family life awaiting them.

One of the inalienable triumph attributes was a large-scale bathing, in which all residents took part. On the day of Ivan Khawls, the miraculous properties were attributed to the water, in addition to this it was believed that on the eve of the holiday awakens, and in order not to please in her traps, it was necessary to dip as much as possible to dip in water. For this reason, each oncoming, who rendered on the path of the crowded crowd, was powdered with water.

In addition to the bonfire and bathing, they sat down dance, sang songs and installed the wheel, which was subsequently burned, - it was a symbol of the sun and fertility.

Kupalsky wreath

Ivan Kupala is a popular holiday, when the girls were going to repay. At night, they were engaged in weaving wreaths from Ivan Da-Marya, the Viroditsky grass and burdock, and then descended them into the water. According to the signs, if the wreath immediately disappeared under water, the beloved was eager to the girl - it means that she was not worth hoping for marriage.

If the wreath reached the shore - the girl is still married early, and that happy, whose wreath managed to sail on the rest, it was worth expecting real happiness. It is also noted that the longest years of life will be at that girl whose candle descended to the water will priece longer than others.

To make health tighter, also flew and brooms from fern and Ivan-da Marya, which was going to the night of the celebration. As soon as the broom turned out to be ready for use, went to the bath, and for fortune telling, having completed the bath procedures, we threw a broom through the back - in the other side, in which he flew, was required to go to find the groom.

Fortune telling

In addition to the fact that on the night of Ivan, the girls traditionally did wreaths to understand the heart questions, other divorities were held on the day of the celebration - because of the extraordinary mystical significance attached to the holiday. Below is a small part of them:
  1. For future life. To find out the result, it was necessary to get wax, molding the candle, and, depending on the form adopted, it was assumed about the possible form of how the future becomes. If an annular shape was obtained, it meant that a wedding will be held soon. The wax depicting the star banned the arrival of good luck. The flower spoke about the appearance of the groom. Wavy molds denoted soon desires.
  2. On love. On the eve of Sleep, it was necessary to assemble the leaves of the plantain, and then lay it under the pillow. It was believed that the coming dream will open her future beloved girl.
  3. On the narrowed-rude. Girls broke so many fern branches, how many names of young people took part in the fortune. The ritual was held on the night from 6 to 7 July. After that, each branch was shaken by color thread for understanding what kind of name it corresponds, then they were lowered in a pond or a pond, tightly pressing his palm to the bottom. After releasing the branches, it was necessary to see which one would rise to the surface faster. The one that came across the rest before, meant the name of the young man, which would call married.

Signs and beliefs

Evening on the eve of the holiday is associated with the mass accept and believes. For example, in ancient Rus, it was believed that at night it was not worth to sleep on Ivana - due to the fact that unclean forces at this time are becoming stronger and evil and to harm not only the soul and health, but also to economic matters.

Children that were conceived on the night of the celebration, according to the people who celebrated the holiday of people, they will deal with strong health, will become successful in the coming life and will be owners of mystical abilities.

In case the celebration was accompanied by precipitation, predicted roast, dry summer, this circumstance meant that it was necessary to wait for a scant harvest.

The ancient belief was read that herbs collected on the night of Ivan Khapov, became healing and cured from the most severe ailment, and the one who was lucky to find a fern could count on luck, well-being and happiness.

What date celebrate the holiday

The triumph of Ivan Kupala in 2021, as before, continues to be celebrated on July 7 at the Gregorian calendar, at the same time walking and entertainment begins at night on the eve of the holiday - July 6.

Last night, the celebration was not the same as others, as it was the most short to the year, at the same time it is necessary to note that the initial date for which the celebration fell was on June 21 - the day of the summer solstice.

Over time, the celebration of the day of Ivan Kupala modified: with the adoption of Christianity in Russia, the celebration began to celebrate on the day of the appearance of John the Baptist (June 24), and at the end of the transition from the old-style calculus on a new one, that is, to the Gregorian calendar, June 24 was changed July.

What they do to Ivan Pouche today

In 2021, the previous essence of the celebration was preserved: to this day, mass walkings with swimsuits, jumps through a fire and other inherent in celebrations in various settlements of Belarus, Ukraine and Russia are arranged in various settlements.

Also, this day does not work out without events of folk art, crafts and needlework - the festivals of this kind are regularly held in Russia and Eastern Europe.

Ivan Kupala is a holiday accompanied by all sorts of competitions and rites, but the greatest popularity on this day is the game with a love topic: intelligence, burners, spots, etc. Despite discontent from the Church, people continue to celebrate Ivan Kupala Day: Have fun, having fun And together, exchanging positive emotions and a good mood.

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