Nastya Hacel - photo, biography, personal life, news, "instagram" 2021



The popular "instagram" -Broker Nastya Hacel was famous for his Vainov, who often removes in collaboration with other stars of social networks. Her video recordings are gaining millions of views in a short time. At first, the girl just laid out photos from resting on the net, and gradually it resulted in its current detail with which she was not going to finish.

Childhood and youth

Nastya's biography began in the Ukrainian city of Kremenchug Poltava region. According to some reports, she was born on October 27, 1996. According to another information, celebrating the birthday of March 31. But the record on her personal page in Vkontakte still points to the first date. She spent all his childhood with his parents in his hometown.

In Kremenchug, Anastasia graduated from school. For higher education, the girl moved to the Ukrainian capital, where he entered the Kiev National University of Culture and Arts.


Before becoming popular in the network, Nastya did not participate in television projects. True, I tried the strength as an actress and once even tried to pass the casting in the series. But its abilities were not enough to directly, and the girl did not take. In the future, she plans to participate in the show, but until this goal is in the first place.
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The idea of ​​shooting short varies and lay out them in the Internet filed her boyfriend Kolya. At that moment she had 500 subscribers, among which are only friends or acquaintances. At first she was afraid of their condemnation, but seeing a positive reaction, 1 time in 2 days began to upload videos.

According to the girl, it was difficult to do it, because she tried to use their own ideas, not to repeat, make rollers interesting and funny. So the first six months of her bloggery passed. During this time, the number of subscribers was honeying in "Instagram" significantly increased. It added her strength and inspiration to continue working in the same direction.

Scenarios for rollers Hantile completely comes up with itself, Nikolai helps to shoot. He acts as the editor, advises that to leave, and what to remove it better. Although the concept of Vainov Anastasia has not changed for all time, the rollers continue to gain popularity. Periodically, its video falls into the tops, which helps the number of its subscribers to increase. Also, the blogger often cooperates with other Internet stars.

Personal life

With personal life, Anastasia is fine. The girl has long been in a relationship with a young man named Nikolai. Her boyfriend is also an unsuitable person on the Internet, he co-author of the Diesel Show project, and during the years of study in the Kiev Polytechnic University played in the main part of the KVN team. Young people met when Nasta was 18 years old, and now together spend a lot of time, often drive abroad to rest. Live in a common removable apartment in Kiev.

In early 2019, wedding photos appeared on the Nastya page in "Instagram". At that time, a couple rested in an exotic country and arranged there for himself a marriage ceremony. For numerous questions of subscribers about whether it is now Kolya her husband, I did not hurry to give comments. But in May, still published a post in which he explained that the ceremony was unofficial and they are still just a guy and a girl.

Nastya Gantilly now

Nastya and now he is engaged in the bloggery, removes the Vainy and fills them in the network. She has its own channel on YouTube, pages in VKontakte and in "Instagram".

There, a girl lay out not only videos - photos from foreign trips and pictures from everyday life often appear in her ribbon. Subscribers notice that Gentiles - the owner of an excellent figure, with a height of 169 cm its weight is 44 kg. Blogger snapshots in a swimsuit is excellent confirmation of this.

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