Satyr (Ilya Shabelnikov) - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Parodies 2021



Satyr (Satir) - theater actor and famous video clrokener. Until 2017, Ilya Shabelnikova - so the real name of the artist sounds like a narrow circle of theatrots, and Internet and YouTube brought wide popularity, where the comedian placed brilliant parodies on the stars of the screen and network.

Childhood and youth

The artist and humorist in November 1990 in Novosibirsk in the family, who had no relation to show business and scene had been born. Parents of Ilya by profession psychologists, which did not save the boy from the characteristic "difficult teenager". The guy had to change three schools, since not all teachers agreed to put up with the brown and unmanaged Shabelnikov. Julian disrupted the lessons, mocked teachers and classmates. Once managed to even throw out the desk out of the window.

Later, Satyr admitted that he was ashamed to remember the youth years and the dimensions that performed. Parents regularly met with the class teacher complaining about the behavior of the Son.

Ilya's uncontrollability in childhood and adolescence perfectly got along with the creative start. In early childhood, having seen on the screen the pop star of the 1990s Dmitry Malikova, the boy also decided to become a youth idol. The hairstyle of the singer, the manner hold on to the stage, the ability to conquer the audience inspired little Shabelikov on the first parody's first in his life. So the creative biography of the future artist began.

A guy's dream "Become Malikov" was collected by half: a teacher of singing without obsteaders told Ilya that the vocal and musical future "does not shine", advising reoriented to other professions.

After leaving the school walls than a very happy pedagogical team, Shabelnikov went to the admission committee of the Theater Institute. Most of all were surprised by the parents, and for friends and classmates the choice of Satire did not become unexpected: the guy's artistry was a parable in the town. Ilya thoroughly prepared for admission to the NGTI and in 2008 on the first attempt replenished the ranks of future hypocrites.


The scene of Shabelnikov came out, being a student of the theater university. He participated in the performances of Youth theaters of Novosibirsk, gaining experience and skill. Having become a certified actor, Ilya got a job in a small first theater, on the stage of which came out for 5 years. Modest earnings and desire to be financially independent pushed the future blogger to find additional work.

So Satyr found himself in the Charlie Striptease, where he settled the lead. He does not hide this page of the biography, believing that evening show spectacles helped polish acting skills. Satyr also worked as Tamada at weddings and leading corporate events.

In 2016, the artist changed the stage by turning on the stage of the State Drama Theater "Red Torch". He played the key roles in the "Chipollino", "wonderful people", "save the Camera Junker Pushkin", "Process". Ambitious and creative Ilya was in a constant movement and search for his niche in show business. Therefore, soon founded the agency for organizing holidays, calling him Party Hard.

Blog and parodies

YouTube's interest in the video hosting woke up by Siberian in the 2015th. Small videos sent by friends pushed Shabelnikov to thoughts, and not to try to remove the humorous video.

Over time, interest in blogger intensified. In 2017, the theater actor, who studied the Russian Youtube segment, was painted. He removed the first parody of Yuri Dudia, rapidly stuck popularity. The journalist appreciated the humorous video and even placed it on the author's channel. For a month, the roller scored a million views, and Satyr felt the taste of glory.

In the summer of the same year, the blogger registered his own channel, calling him Satyr, and continued to conquer the Internet space. The acting education was by the way: a humorist was talentedly paroding the stars of the Internet and show business, strikingly by challenging the facial expressions, view, manners and voice of the character. Heroes of Satira parodies Steel Yuri Khovansky, Alexey Navalny, Oximiron (Oxxxymiron).

At the end of 2017, the Ilya canal had 200 thousand subscribers who rejoiced every new roller. Painted success, Satyr focused on ideas. Blogger every Monday gave a fresh parody, choosing as the hero the most popular colleagues, TV presenters, musicians. Alexander Timarians (Restaurator), Marian Ro, Katia Clap and Maxim Holopolosov became the objects of copying.

The ascending star YouTube was invited to the Vidafest Festival, where Satyr sparkled again and his project "Duty", taking an interview with Lion Chaginian and Sergey friendly. In December 2017, Ilya removed the caustic Satir at the Kamikadze_D political blogger (Dmitry Ivanova), and in 2018 he pleased the subscribers with a roller on the Leningrad group, which brilliantly coping the cordation of the cord. In the same year, the Saty parody appeared on the song and the Feduk and Elgea Clip "Pink Wine".

Shabelnikov was invited to the video project of the Klikklak Channel "School Stories", where he is in the company Ilya Prusikin, Danils of the transverse, Yuri Muzyachenko and Ilya Sobolev shared the scorpiered moments of the biography.

On the channel Big Russian Boss Show Satyr suddenly appeared in the form of the famous British chef Gordon Ramsi. Humor without borders came to the soul of the audience, which the abundance of abnormative vocabulary and tough jokes are not blocked.

Today, the video broker at the peak of popularity, he himself, the star himself, willingly take interviews. Now the comedian works not one, but with a team, creating professional and bright content. Ilya says that he preferred to play characteristic roles.

"I do not take by the type of heroes who lead people. I'm closer antagonists and felling men. "

Personal life

There are topics that sincere and open Ilya prefer to carefully bypass. This includes the personal life of a humorist, a family. On the Internet of the Internet there are photos of a blogger with his wife and daughter.

Spouse Shabelnikova - Graduate of the Siberian Institute of Management Maria Samartseva. According to Ilya, he went to the registry office, realizing that he came down. It happened when the video block was turned 25. Father became in 2016, parents called the girl Taisia.

Satyr now

In 2018, Satyr was pleased with subscribers, the number of which by the end of the year got to a million, new parodies. Heroes of fresh rollers, according to traditions appearing on Mondays, turned out to be Egor Cre and Ivan Urgant.

Not always the video of Satira meet approval, like Yuri Dudia. It seems that the blogger was offended by Colleague Amira Sardarov, leading "Hacha Diary".

In November 2018, Satyr in the company of colleagues in the humorous workshop Ilya Sobolev and Alexander Gudkov appeared in the studio of Dudia. The sparkling jokes of the comedians liked the audience so much that in the first day the roller looked 3.5 million times.

Now the artist and blogger increasing popularity and does not be sad about theatrical stage. Creative potential implements on the set of videos for its channel, which brings the author and moral, and material satisfaction.

In 2019, Satyr presented the brilliant parody of the musician and the Morgenshtern musician (Morgenstern) and Raper Timati subscribers.

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