Billy Novik - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Group BILLY'S BAND 2021



Billy Novik - musician, founder of the legendary group "Billy's Band", the author of the music and texts of the majority of the team songs. Petersburg intellectual managed to combine in its stage formation and creativity the eccentricity and exaggeration of American blues, expression of African jazz and freedom of the Russian north. Novika is compared with the legendary Tom Wait, but with a Russian soul.

Childhood and youth

The future jazzman was born and vocalist in the mid-1970s in the city on the Neva. The special page of the biography of Vadim Novika (so the real name of the singer sounds) - childhood in the Kupchino microdistrict under construction. Up to 6 years old, Novik lived with his parents in the house on Belgrade. One-bedroom apartment at first divided two families: Vadim and cousins ​​coexisted peacefully, but noisy.

Later, in an interview with Billy, the new year admitted that the interest in music was placed by the two brothers: they were musicated, and Vadim drew. Young self-taught seduced by several instruments, responding to skepticism and jokes about the ears and bears.

Parents perceived the muscitization of the Son as a youthful passion, defining the future in medicine. Mom patted about the translation of the boy in a prestigious school, where there was a medical bias class. Having received a diploma, Vadim Novik went to the Medical Institute for Higher Education: Parents insisted. Chose the department of pathological anatomy of children.

After graduating from the university, the young doctor worked in a specialty - a patrol officer - 3 years. Stability and predictability, according to Billy, led to drinking and protracted depression. Despite the fact that the career developed - the Novik worked as a senior laboratory assistant at the Department of Military Field Surgery at the Military Medical Academy, he decided to break the "vicious circle": I broke out to be freedom and left the head in my favorite activity - music.


The beginning of the creative path of Billy Novikov dates back to 1999. Guitarist Andrei Reznikov, familiar to the fans of the Billy's Band group for the creative pseudonym Ryzhik, invited Novika to the Petersburg BOOM Brothers club, where he worked as an art director. The duet went on stage, giving visitors several songs in the country style and sirf. So the Billy's Dilly's Band group was born.

Soon, Petersburgers heard Munich Munich and Berlin. "BDB" and a new year, who changed the guitar to the double bass, performed on concert venues and just on the streets of cities, playing rock, jazz and blues. Home The musician returned to another - the trip completely turned his consciousness, forcing me to look at creativity at a different angle.

The "BB" discography was replenished with albums, among whom sophisticated music lovers particularly observe the disk "will break up in St. Petersburg". In 2010, a talented illustrator Laura Zombie began to cooperate with the group. She issued the covers of several albums and created a series of works, popularizing the team.

In the same 2010, a digital album "Song Egor Letov", which includes 18 compositions. On the song "Hello, Black Monday" the musicians recorded the clip. In 2013, "BB" pleased the fans of the album "when there was one", and in 2016 2 disks presented.

In 2018, Billy Novik and Group - recognized stars from the Northern Capital, who are invited to the best concert venues of Moscow, Kazan, Yekaterinburg and Omsk. They apply the audience "Evening Urgant" and see on the main television channels of the country.

Personal life

Favorite place on Earth for Vadim Novika - Parental House. The founder of the legendary team with pleasure returns to the walls where he grown. And he also likes to be on the laundry bridge, walk through the park Sosnovka and the Tauride Garden.

The personal life of the singer and the musician did not form immediately. On the new account - two marriages. In the first, which happened in 19 years, the wife gave him the Son Dima, who, after the divorce, remained to live with his father in his Petersburg apartment.

With the second spouse - professional photographer Peggy - the founder of the team met on the street in Germany. Photo Billy and his wife find it difficult to find in social networks - the musician prefers not to spread to personal topics.

In 2012, rumors broke out that the Novik broke up with Peggy, but not to find such an official confirmation. For his fans, the star leaves hope, voicing the main requirement for the companion - "not to endure the brain."

Billy Novik now

In the spring of 2019, the singer and musician went on the stage "Studio 15", giving young fans a family musical on the work of Daniel Defo "Robinson Kruzo". The Billy's Band group performed the song "Match", bringing little fans delight.

Novika has a page in "Instagram", where he tells subscribers and fans news from the life of the group and pleases the announcements of concerts and fresh pictures.

In 2019, in June, Billy Novik presented the release of a new album to which His and the team inspired the work of Egor Yehov and the Civil Defense Group. The disk is called "my years" and contains a cover version of popular songs.


  • 2002 - "Playing Tom Wate"
  • 2003 - "Paris Seasons"
  • 2003 - "Postcard from ..."
  • 2004 - "Some death, a little love"
  • 2005 - "We will converge in St. Petersburg"
  • 2006 - "Blues in the head"
  • 2006 - "Happiness is!"
  • 2007 - "Spring exacerbations!"
  • 2007 - "Aliens"
  • 2008 - "Rejoint in the coffins"
  • 2008 - "Kupchino - the capital of the world"
  • 2009 - "Autumn Alkoduzhaz"
  • 2010 - "Flea Market"
  • 2010 - "The Best of Billy's Band"
  • 2012 - "Slage 2"
  • 2013 - "When was one"
  • 2015 - "IN ROCK"
  • 2016 - "Slightly ..."
  • 2016 - "Songs of the Santa Morozov"
  • 2017 - "Jazz Standards"
  • 2019 - "My Years"

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