Nigan - character biography, appearance, character, quotes, actor, photo


Character History

Character of the television series "The Walking Dead" and the Comics Series of the same name, based on which the series was created. American fifty years old, heads a group of survivors called "Savior". Cool killer and harem owner, the main antagonist of the series from the sixth on the eighth season.

History of creation

Robert Kirkman, Tony Moore and Charlie Adlard

The role of Nigan in the TV series "The Walking Dead" performs actor Jeffrey Dean Morgan. Fans of the series "Supernatural" will find out in Nigan John Winchester - the hunter for the evil spirits and the father of the main characters, Sam and Dina. To the project "Walking Dead" Jeffrey Dean Morgan joined in 2016. His character is first mentioned in the middle of the sixth season, and in the flesh appears in the final series, when he offers a group of Rick Gilims to work on it or die.

The "Walking Dead" series is based on the "The Walking Dead" Comics Series, which the Writer and Producer Robert Kirkman launched in October 2003. Comics continue to be published so far. In 2016-2017, sixteen four-star special specials, devoted to the prehistory of Nigan, came out.

According to the comic book, in peace times, before the invasion of Zombies, the hero worked as a school teacher. Already then Nigan was inclined to cruel and aggressive behavior, mocked the children and self-affected by their account. One day, the wife of the hero lost consciousness, and in the hospital, the doctors reported Nigan that the spouse cancer. The hero fell into depression and even quietly with his mistress, deciding that no one needed, besides his wife.

When the zombie apocalypse begins, Nigan's wife lies in the hospital in serious condition. Panic begins, but the hero does not want to leave his wife and locks down with that in the ward, watching chaos outside through the window. Meanwhile, Nigan's wife dies, turns into a zombie and tries to attack the hero.

Crawing with his wife with one teenager, the hero starts his journey in the world covered by a zombie apocalypse. In the course of the case, Nigan joins one group of survivors and becomes the leader there. Once a group of Nigan is pierced into a supermarket to replenish the reserves of warm clothing. At that moment, when Nigan looks after herself a jacket, another group pulls up.

Nigan in comics

Later, the hero will quarrel with the leader of the second group due to the fact that he uses women as a product. Nigan himself unexpectedly demonstrates an adequate approach and says that human life cannot be depreciated. As a result of the clash, the leader of the second group turns out to be killed by bits, and Nigan offers people to join him.

Series "The Walking Dead"

In the final episode of the sixth season, Nigan's series first appears and kills one person from the Rick of Gilims. Who is this person - becomes known only in the first series of the next, seventh season. Nigan threatens to kill Karl Grayams, the son of Rica, but as a result, the "typ" is choosing another.

This person turns out to be Abraham, the beloved Rositis Espinoza. Nigan kills Abraham bat. Without sustaining this spectacle, Daryl, another guy from the Grahims group, beats Nigan in the face. This leads only to the fact that the villain kills the bat of another member of the group - Glenn, whose wife Maggie looks at the massacre over her husband.

Frame from the series

Nigan's goal is to break Rika Gheims and make it obey and recognize Nigan's power over the community, which heads Rick himself. The last straw for Rick is the threat to the life of the Son. Nigan asks Simon, his "right hand", file a marker. By this marker, the villain inflicts a line on the wrist of Karl Greims and forces Rica to cut off her son. Otherwise, Nigan threatens to kill Karl at all.

At this moment, Rick breaks and accepted crying. But when Rick still decides to cut off his son, Nigan stops him, promises to come later for tribute and leaves, grabbing Daryla as hostage.

Rick Grahims and Karl Gramas

In the final episode of the seventh season, Nigan turns out to be in Alexandria - a fortified settlement of surviving people, where the leader was Rick Greims. There villain expects the appearance of Rick, and in the meantime asks Karl Gramas to show him the settlement. In one of the rooms Nigan finds Judith, the younger daughter of Rick. The villain takes the girl on his arms and makes it on the porch, where the face is accepted. On this and the episode, and the season is over. And the fans of the series rightfully went to the eighth season, Nigan will kill Judith or not.

In the fifth episode of the eighth season, Nigan once again demonstrates its influence when one just the whistle stops the conflict in the sanctuary, which was not possible even with the help of killings. The sanctuary is a factory that is located in the territory subordinate to the "Savior" grouping. The sanctuary becomes Nigan's base. Fans compare Nigan according to the degree of "coolness" with another antagonist of the series - the governor. In the same episode, you can see how usually cooling Nigar is terrible in rabies.

Nigan with Bit

If you believe comics, Nigan in the future will be in prison in Alexandria, where the villain will plant Rick Greims, and will hold three years there. Later, Rick will release Nigan to help him in battle with new opponents.


"You must hear me. The time has come. No longer let your stupid solutions cost people expensive to you. This burden will hang on you forever. Like the death of Karl. You got, Rick. Not only as a leader. Worst of all that you got like a father. Just give up. Give up. After all, you have already lost. "" I guess that many of you thought that I was dead, rugging to pieces and never return. Here is a reminder to you who I am: I wear a leather jacket, I have Lucille and I have steel eggs. I will not die, until I decide what is ready for this! "" Today was a damn productive day. Now, I hope for the sake of the same good that you understood. You understood how everything is arranged. Everything has changed. No matter how much you lived, it came to the end. (...) Welcome to the new beginning, miserable freaks. "

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