Ophelia - biography of heroine, "Hamlet", character, appearance, quotes, photos


Character History

Character tragedy "Hamlet" William Shakespeare. Daughter Polonia, Velmazby, close to the Danish king, Laert's sister. In love with Gamlet, Prince Danish, nephew King Claudia. It goes crazy and dies, drowned in the river.

History of creation

William Shakespeare

At the time of Shakespeare, the case of some Qatarina Gamnet - the Maiden, who went to the Avon River, fell into the water and died. It was officially believed that the girl drowned by randomly, due to the fact that he carried heavy buckets and lost its equilibrium. However, there were rumors around the district that Catarina had committed suicide due to unhappy love. It happened in December 1579, when Shakespeare was sixteen years old. It is believed that this episode with a drowned girl could inspire a playwright to create an image of Ophelia.

Piece "Hamlet"

At the beginning of the Ophelia, Ophelia says goodbye to Laert, his brother, who is going to leave to France. Brother speaks about the relationship of Ophelia with Hamlet, Prince Danish, and how a girl should react to his courtship. Laert believes that the sister is better to reject the prince's claims, because Hamlet, being the heir to the throne, still will not be able to marry Ophelia. The exact same girl, Polonius, who does not believe that the Prince's intentions are chisty.

Ophelia and Hamlet

Later, when Hamlet allegedly goes crazy, Poloniy decides that the reason for this is the coldness of the Ophelia to the prince, and reports the king. The king submits the Ophelia to the Hamlet to look at the prince will talk to the beloved. Chatting with Ophelia, the prince behaves sharply and makes a girl to go to the monastery. Ophelia in a conversation with his father regrets the madness of the Hamlet.

Communicating with Ophelia, Hamlet continues to behave inconsistently and cynical. For example, in the scene, where wandering actors play the play "Killing Gonzago", the prince first lets the comments with an obvious erotic subtext, and then begins to spread about female impermanence.

Hamlet and Ophelia (Vrubel Picture)

When Hamlet kills Polonia, Ofelia's father, heroine's mind is dimming. The speeches of Ophelia become incoherent, the heroine wanders, singing devoid of the meaning of the song. Later, the Queen of Gertrud talks about the fact that Ophelia died, inadvertently falling into the river, and one of the gravers in the cemetery is convinced that the heroine committed suicide. On this short and complete tragedy, the biography of Ophelia is completed.

The image of Ofelia was especially inspired by prefailee artists. The famous picture with the image of a sinking ophueli wrote John Everett Mill.

Shielding and setting

In 1948, the British director Lawrence Olivier, known for his filmms and theatrical productions of Shakespeare's play, took the film "Hamlet" with the actress of Jean Simmons as Ophelia. The director himself plays in the Gamlet film. The screening of 1948 is mentioned in the novel of the Sallinger's "Above the Pelia", where the main character is critical of the acting game and says that Lawrence Olivier "was more like some general" than on Prince Hamlet.

Actress Jean Simmons as Ophelia

In 1964, Gamlet's film was released on Lenfilm's film studio. The role of Ophelia got actress Anastasia Vertinskaya. The film was filmed in Estonia, under Tallinn. For filming, a layout of the castle on the cliff to the turisale was built, on the construction of which he left six months.

In 1990, the Italian director Franco Dziffirelli was removed the tape on the plot of Gamletta, who also shielded Shakespeare's plays "Romeo and Juliet" and "Othello". The image of Ophelia in this film release embodied the actress Helena Bonmem Carter, known for the role of Bellatrix Lestrange in films about Harry Potter. The role of Hamlet performed Mel Gibson.

Actress Helena Bonm Carter as Ophelia

In the same year, the film Tom Stoppard "Rosencranc and Guilderster Dead" came out - the screening of his own pedestal play in the genre of absurdist tragicomedia. In the play, the events of Gamletta are retelling from the point of view of two college characters - Rosencrana and Guildenster, the courtiers and friends of the childhood of Hamlet, whom the king sends to find out about the intentions of the Prince. The role of Ophelia in this film was performed by actress Joanna Roth.

In 1996, the film "Hamlet" Kenneth Brare, where the director, continuing the tradition laid down by Lawrence Olivier, played the role of Prince Danish. The role of Ophelia in this film got actress Kate Winslet.


One of the most famous monologues of Ophelia pronounces when he brings wildflowers and herbs as a gift for Laerta, his brother:

"Here is Rosemary - this is for memoriality: take a friend, and remember. And these are pansies: It is to think. "" White savanna of white roses, a tree in bloom, and a face to raise non-tears in tear. "" ... she tried to raise their wreaths on the branches; The cunning bitter broke, and herbs and she herself fell into sobbing flow. Her clothes, spreading, carried her like a nymph; She takes place between those sang sang, as if he had not chulded trouble or was the creation born in the elements of water; So it could not last, and the robe, heavily drunk, unhappy from the sounds carried away into the quagger of death. "

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