Gabdelfat Safin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



Few people know that the winner of the premiere Russian music TV show "Voice" Dina Garipova made the first steps to success in the group of Tatar singer Gabdelfat Safina, and it was with him that the young performer had a debut tour. I noticed the creative abilities of the girl a man at the local vocal contest "Constellation" - although then she did not occupy a prize room, but fell under the wing of a talented mentor.

Childhood and youth

In 1962, on the day, later the festive and main thing for the Republic of Belarus - October 11, the future performer Gabdelfat Safin appeared in the neighboring Republic of Tatarstan. Such unusual name for hearing the name in the Russian language sounds poetic - "The one who serves in the name of friendship." Place of birth is a small village of Symetbash Aska district, located in the head of the River Semit.

The school, now the new-Kyrlay named after Gabdulla Tuka, who visited the boy was in five versts from the house, therefore, from the 4th grade, to get to it on the tractor trailer. In winter, straw was fine on Sani, but because of the frost, to warm up, had to run after the cart. In general, recalling childhood and youth, the singer confessed that he sometimes dreams to return to the past.

At last time, the guy entered the current KGASU, from where he was expelled on the 4th year. Later there was a restoration at the university, the post of senior master in the shoe association "Spartak" and tour with the popular local folk ensemble "Sornai". Next, in the biography, Gores was listed (forced measure to get decent accommodation), but also there the mechanic of the 5th category lasted only 3 years - the desire to sing overdue.


Gradually, talented Gabdelfat rose on the path of solo actors, storming vocal contests. From under the pen of the author, the collections began to appear one after another - in the late 90s "Ak Kulmagem", "Avyr Sulama", "Ak Yul Sina!".

In zero - at first, "Hyanat", the title song of which was born in tandem with Venus Shamiyeva, then "Songa Kyngau", which contained Hushlashma's hits and "without Bu Donyad Kunak Kyna", and "Apaya".

Next, the discography was replenished with the album "Daryalar Kichkende", he included "YKench" recorded in along with Rafina Ganiiullina, on the next record also found a place for their duet. "Ufalla Arbasi" dated 2013, and the popular "Chiyaler" and "Tugan Kone" are located in it. After 2 years, the single "Sin Kakek" came out.

In 2017, the Kazan media multili headlines "Gabdelfat Safin recorded a clip in defense of the Tatar language", which caused the ambiguous reaction of the audience. Some were outraged, they say, did someone attack him that he is required by patronage.

Others tried to fix journalists, indicating that it would be correct to write "in support". Third argued that the video teaches to appreciate the story, ancestors and not forget the culture of their people.

In addition to song arts, Safin is successfully engaged in the publisher: in 2001, the newspaper "Akcharelak" began to publish in the 2001 with the help of a spouse. The performer tried his strength and on television, having launched a television program about the difficult fate of forgotten artists. At the same time, the man found the strength to work in a specialty, engaged in the construction of one-story houses.

Personal life

The first tours in the team "Sornai" were still in his youth brought artist not only annoying dismissal, but also happiness in personal life. As he confessed in an interview, it was the most love at first glance, so the proposal of the hand and hearts he made the chief of Ruzil already on the third day of dating. The girl answered agree. Soon, Adele was born in the family, behind her - Zulfat.

It is known that the artist pays attention to the sport, giving preference to mountain skis, swimming and walking, proper nutrition, following the father-long-lived, he follows the only rule - do not overeat, as well as internal development with the help of reading namaz and spiritual books.

Gabdelfat Safin now

Gabdelfat Gabdurahmanovich and now successfully develops its musical and literary creativity. On the website of its operating newspaper in a separate section contains a brief biography, early discography, interviews and photo gallery. Also follow the life of a pet fans can on personal pages in the social networks "Instagram" and "VKontakte".
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In December 2018, he presented a new concert program "Kaman Yaratam", from which February 10, 2019 looked in Ufa, on the Day of Defender of the Fatherland - to Moscow, and on May holidays - to Kazan.


  • 1995 - "Ak Kulmagem"
  • 1997 - "Avyr Sulama"
  • 1998 - "Ak Yul Sina!"
  • 2000 - "Hyanat"
  • 2001 - Songa Kyngau
  • 2002 - "Apaya"
  • 2006 - "Akcharlak"
  • 2007 - "Daryalar Kichkende"
  • 2008 - "Halkym"
  • 2008 - "Akchayrlak Show"
  • 2010 - "Sauma, Kazan! Sauma Tatar Ile! "
  • 2013 - "Ufalla Arbasi"
  • 2015 - "Or-Yana Zhyerlar"

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