Mihai Chixentmichia - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



American scientist, psychologist, professor, author of bestsellers and popular articles translated on tens of world languages, researcher the idea of ​​streaming consciousness, the happiness and well-being. And this is all about him, the former Dean of the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Chicago, Mihae Chixentmikhai, the cult writer and the pet journalists, whose works scattered on the quotes.

Childhood and youth

A future scientist was born in September 1934 in Fiume, until 1943, which was part of Italy (today - the port of Croatian city of Rijeka). Father Micah - Hungarian by nationality, a personnel diplomat who served in the consulate.

In addition to the general son, the family smasted two senior boys who were accredited by Chiksentmichia-younger summary brothers from previous marriages of parents. Both were killed by young: one from the bullet during the siege of Budapest, the second was killed in the Soviet camp in Siberia.

Mihai Chixentmikhai in 2019

The end of the Second World War brought change: the head of the family was sent by the ambassador to Rome. Behind him went wife with children. After the arrival at the end of the 1940s in Hungary of Soviet power, which the personnel diplomat did not accept him, was fired from the service. But the former ambassador did not return to his homeland, but remained in Rome, where a small restaurant opened. She worked in him and young Mihai, who threw the sake of family business to school.

Fracture in consciousness, and then in the biography of Chixentmichia happened in Switzerland, where the young traveler was brought from Rome. The guy met the founder of analytical psychology, Swiss psychiatrist Charles Jung. Listening to the lecture, Mihai decided on a future profession. When he turned 22, she went to America and became a university student of Chicago. To survive, the young man studied in the afternoon, and worked at night.

Psychology and books

The first attempt to systematize studies and submit them in the form of a book took place in the mid-1970s: the scientist comprehended and described the causes of such states as boredom and anxiety. Psychologist, having studied thinking, habits, life guards of happy and unfortunate people, opened the "stream theory", which has become widespread. In the bibliography of the scientist's work "In search of a flow: the psychology of inclusiveness in everyday life" occupies a central place.

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In 2013, Chixentmichia took another step to promote practical psychology, making the work of the Evolution of Personality. The scientist explains how contemporaries can affect and change the life of humanity in the next millennium for the better. Mihai Chixentmichei sees the key to survival and genuine revival of the species in the union of the efforts of people, each of which is engaged in the implementation of its own potential. Then harmony arises with the world and with me.

Judging by the reviews, the books of the American psychologist find approval and understanding of millions of readers, but there are those who consider the old truths stated in his writings in his works. Some critics say that professor theories are fascinating fiction with a row of scientific relations.

In 2009, the scientist was awarded the CLIFTON STRENGTHS Award, and in 2011 in Budapest gave the second - the name of Sechiny. After 3 years, Professor took into two academies - American arts and sciences and national pedagogical.

Chixentmichia - lovers of journalists. Communicate with the writer is easy and pleasant. He generously distributes the interview, knows how to simply explain the complex and swople with jokes. The New York Times newspaper called Professor "Scientists who obsessed with happiness."

Personal life

Apply the knowledge and results of their own studies, Mihai Chixentmichia managed in his personal life. Professor has a happy marriage, together with his wife he brought up two sons - Mark and Christopher.

Mihai Chixentmikhai and his wife Isabella

Chixentmichei siblings went at the footsteps of the Father and received an excellent education in Stanford and Harvard Universities. Both have professorial titles.

Sharing pedagogical and family experience, the scientist claims that children are most important to feel their involvement in the life of the family, it is not necessary to be afraid to give them responsible tasks. Understanding your indispensability and importance gives children happiness and teaches to be active.

Mihai Chixentmikhai now

The scientist is active in social networks and regularly communicates in Facebook with its subscribers, exposing photos and videos, talking about news in life and work. In "Instagram" in Chixentmichia, there is no account, but the platforms for communication with a professor more than enough. He is a frequent guest on television, willingly respond to questions of journalists and goes to the world with lectures.

In September 2019, the cult writer and the Matcher of Psychology celebrates the 85th anniversary. Despite the solid age, it is active, young soul and charming. The last of his bestsellers dated 2013, and fans are looking forward to the new masterpiece with the recipes of happiness and harmony from Chixentmichia.


  • "Problems begin when people are so focused on their own purposes that they cease to enjoy the real."
  • "Reality is nothing but our experiences, so one who can influence what is happening in his consciousness is able to modify it, thereby freeing itself from the threats and temptations of the outside world."
  • "The simplest way to make an interesting occupation is to give the nature of the competition."
  • "About a person who rarely misses and does not need favorable external circumstances to enjoy the moment, it can be said that he passed the entity for the right to be called a creative person."


  • 1975 - "Outside boredom and anxiety. San Francisco"
  • 1996 - "Creativity: Psychology of discoveries and inventions"
  • 1996 - "Swim by the flow"
  • 2003 - "Right business. Leadership, stream condition and make sense »
  • 2011 - "Stream: psychology of optimal experience"
  • 2011 - "In search of a stream: the psychology of the inclusion in everyday life"
  • 2013 - "Evolution of Personality"

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