Aizen - character biography, quotes, character, appearance, photo


Character History

Manga Character and Anime "Bleach". Conductor shower, kind and attentive captain of the fifth detachment of conductors, which, as the plot develops, turns into a cunning villain and intrigued, whose true goal is to overthrow the king of the Society Society.

History of creation

Manga "Bleach" created Mangak Tuto Cubo. Manga has been published fifteen years old, from 2001 to 2016, and has 686 chapters. In 2004, the Anime series "Bleach" began to be published. The series was released Studio Pierrot studio and directed by Noriyuki Abe with the support of TV Tokyo TV company. A total of 366 twenty-minute episodes.


The Creator of Manga was confirmed in an interview that once he just wanted to draw Sinigami in Kimono and the idea of ​​Manga "Bleach" was developed around this image. The initial sketch itself served as the basis for designing the design of the hands of Kuchicki - a shower conductor. Tomato Cubo offered a new manga magazine "Shonen Jump" and initially planned to finish work on this project for five years, but manga covered in detail. The hierarchical structure of Society of Society has become more complicated, new characters and ideas have appeared, so as a result, the project stretched for fifteen years.

Working on the manga, Tuto Cubo was inspired by cinema, music and architecture, and many terms and names borrowed from foreign languages ​​- Spanish and German.


Aizen in comic books

Eizen Sousk initially gives the impression of a polite and smiling person with a soft character. The hero wears glasses and looks like a typical intellectual. Aizen cares about subordinates, manifests the kindness and compassion. The members of the fifth detachment love their captain and admire them, some even invite Aizen for his birthday, which speaks of warm relations inside the detachment.

When the hands of Cuchi condemn the death penalty for the fact that she handed her strength to a person, Eizen says that such a punishment is too sternly for misdemeanor. However, in fact, the hero is not interested in the fate of the hand, nor the life of subordinates. Moreover, Aizen himself adjusted the execution of hands to extract the powerful artifact from the body of the girl, capable of performing any desires of a person who owns them.

As a result, the hand remains alive, but Eizen still manages to take possession of the artifact. Having received the desired, the hero comes out of the Society of the shower and moves to the world of empty. There, Eizen with the help of the artifact creates an army of arrankarov - dangerous creatures that go to the ground to destroy Ichigo. In captivity, Aizen turns out to be Orihime Inoue, Ichigo's friend.

Kurosaki Ichigo

In the end, the Aizen army enters the battle with the conductors of the souls and tolerate defeat. The Hero himself enclosed the Society Society for twenty thousand years.

In their actions, Eizen is guided by a cold calculation and does not feel feelings. The hero is not able to realize the value of life, deprived of moral principles and goes to the goal, commissioned by any means, including the murder. Aisen's goal is to overthrow the king of souls and edit himself.

The hero manipulates other people in his own interests. From the very beginning, Aizen, from the very beginning, picked up people in his squad based on whether they would be useful in implementing his plans. So in the team of Aizen, his future faithful comrades of Kanama Tossen and Ichimar Gin, and later Hinami Momo, Renji Abarai and Kira Idzura.

Aizen (ART)

Ulkiorra spoke about Isaen that the arcanes created by the topics are necessary for Aizena solely for the satisfaction of huge ambitions. Another character was confident that Arrachaans admire Aizen and follow him, because he was not afraid of anything, while Arracana themselves were born from despair and fear.

Among the captains of the conductors of the souls are stronger than Eizen only Yamamoto - founder of the Academy of Handers of the Souls. Eizen developed his abilities and combat skills to the maximum. The hero flawlessly owns a sword and appliances of a hand-to-hand combat, as well as the magic of Kido, which is translated as "the path of the demon." One movement of Aizen's hand is able to destroy empty, not even exposing the sword.

The hero in one finger stopped the sword of Ichigo Kurosaki, directed against him, despite the fact that Ichigo at that moment was in a state of bank. Eizen can easily overcome in the file at the same time several captains of the shower conductors. The level of spiritual power in the character is so high that Eizen is able to put an enemy on his knees with the energy effect.

Bank of Aizena

The Sword of Dzanpacto Aizen is able to create illusions and control the organs of the senses of the enemy. Eizen can create its own illusory copy during the battle, thus entering the enemy to delusion, to easily deal with. The hero can also be illusively changed with someone appearance or give himself for another person.

Having obtained the artifact, which was previously hidden in the body of the hands, Eizen gave this artifact into himself, and the body of the hero began to transform under the influence of his strength. At first, Aizen had accelerated regeneration, which allowed the hero to remain as much after the strongest strikes of the enemy.

Then began the process of fusion of Aizen with the artifact, the body of the hero was covered with white bone and became invulnerable. Then it turned out that the bone shell of Aizen is a kind of shell, from which the hero later "hatched" in the new appearance. Later, Eizen survived another stage of transformation during the battle with Ichigo. In this new form, the hero was no longer like a person.

Aizen in Anime

Despite the "upgrades", Eizen still turns out to be defeated, but it turns out that the hero is not able to die in principle. Then it was decided to locate Aizen for twenty thousand years in an underground chamber. However, on this biography of the hero does not end. Aizen launches the new commander-in-chief Xusuy Chierak to help the souls in battle with a new terrible opponent - Yahweh, Emperor Quinssey.

Despite frankly villainist, Aizen gathered the army of devotees of fans. Those write about the hero of fan fiction, draw art, depicting the hero in a characteristic suit, and mounted videos like "Aizen against all sinigami". Aizen's theme is popular as a child, because he is just not known about this period of life.


"The laws of nature are needed to those who cannot live without them. And now we go ... beyond any laws. "" I will not kill you. It is difficult to believe with your strength to believe that any of you died, even because of such wounds, even because of those like these. You will look, helplessly lying on the ground. You will observe the outcome of this battle. "" Heaven have always been free. No one occupies them. Neither you nor I, nor even God. But it's time to fill this unbearable emptiness of heaven. From now on ... I will rule them. "

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