Alexander Rogov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Stylist, Fort Boyard 2021



Alexander Rogov is known to everyone who is passionate about the fashion and style. Interested by beauty and feshene-industry read its publications, master classes are visited and watching transfers with his participation. The stylist earned a reputation as a professional, which is its own example illustrates the impeccable taste, knowledge of the laws of harmony and the flair for the latest trends. Thanks to this, the stars of the Russian show business trust the horn.

Childhood and youth

Voronezh can not be called the capital of fashion, but it was there that was born in 1981 the future guru style. And the childhood of the boy passed at all in the Tula region, where he walked into ordinary rural school, but was never ordinary himself. The difference from the peers appeared in a bright image and the desire to stand out and show themselves. Sasha was the starting and leader, while perfectly studied, with the same success masking natural and humanitarian sciences.

Mother Medic wanted the Son to go over her footsteps, and the horns had been preparing for a doctor to enter the doctor, although in parallel he dreamed of the artist's career, and he was still seriously engaged in foreign languages. It is clear that before the graduate - the owner of the silver medal opened not one door. He chose the separation of foreign languages ​​of the Tula Pedagogical University.

In his youth, while still a student, Alexander begins work at the studio of local television. This sphere inspires the guy so much that he decides to make her profession. A young man is celebrated by the Vladimir Posner Prize, and the Regional Center of the CTC sends to journalism. After that, the guy moves to Moscow, where it begins to build a brilliant career.

Fashion and television

In the capital, Alexander began working on the TNT channel, since 2003, participating in the filming of such programs as "hunger" and "nanny hurries to help." However, despite the prospects in the media industry, 2 years later, the rogues decide to change the professional vector. So a new name appears in the fessen-space of Russia, which quickly conquers authority.

Stylist collaborates with top glossy magazines, develops special projects for world brands, oversees the image of the stars. In 2008, Alexander manages to combine both professions: he returns to television, but this time as an expert in fashion.

With the participation of men, the show "Guide", "Shopaholics", "Restart", "Hurry up for 24 hours." The horns are recognized as the most stylish TV presenter, it is included in the lists of prominent people of the Russian fashion, from under the designer's feather there is a full-fledged book.

Personal life

When it comes to the personal life of men-stylists, it is often stated about their alternative orientation. The horns did not escape these stereotypes, and did not try. On the contrary, he placed provocative photos in arms with a semi-nailed man - Alexander Ivanov.

Assuming that in the future he wants to have family and children, the stylist noted that little is suitable for living together, because in the economy and everyday life is almost unbearable. The family institution in the traditional form man considers outdated and says that marriage only kills living feelings. And it is unlikely that someone must seriously claim the place of his wife Rogov.

Alexander Rogov Now

Now Alexander remains in demand in the industry. He is engaged in televisions, develops clothes models, helps show business stars in the work on image, in parallel conducting professional advice for everyone. You can get Rogov Tips on master classes whose schedule is presented on the official website. There are also currently demonstrated collections that are sold in the designer online store.

From "Instagram" stylist fans recognize new facts of his biography. For example, in the fall of 2019, he participated in returning to the Russian show "Fort Boyard", where the teammate has become Olga Buzova and other stars. Alexander demonstrated fearlessness and a good form (with a height of 182 cm in a man there is no hint of overweight).

TV project

  • 2003 - "Hunger in Berlin"
  • 2008 - "Style Guide"
  • 2010 - "Shopaholics"
  • 2011 - "High Hope"
  • 2011 - "VS Mother's Daughters"
  • 2011- "Restart"
  • 2014 - "Hurry up for 24 hours"
  • 2019 - "Fort Boyard"

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