Kubaev Dilnose - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Kubaev's dynosis - Uzbek actress, which is well known to the domestic viewer. The creative activity of the artist is diverse - it goes to the stage of the National Theater, filming the cinema, voicates foreign paintings, leads holidays and teaches at the university. With his vocation of the Dilnose calls participation in the development of national culture and the transfer of their own experience to the next generation.

Childhood and youth

Kubaev's Dilnose was born in Tashkent on November 22, 1986. Her parents, despite the fact that their professions are far from creativity, always interested in art. Father loved singing, mother, housewife, herself composed stories. In the family, in addition to the dilosa, three sons were grown up. Now they all got a decent education, and the youngest went in the footsteps of the elder sister.

Since childhood, dilnose showed interest in the scene, she read poems, fond of music and dancing. After school, the girl entered the State Institute of Arts and Culture to the acting department. Her teacher became the famous Uzbek actress Munavara Abdullayev.

Already during the study, the donos began to build an acting career. She not only went to the scene, but also engaged in a dubbing and concerts. Because of the big employment, the girl had 2 times to deduct, but managed to avoid it.


The first work in the filmography of the performer was the role in the film "Peziji Groom". In the future, the actress often appeared in the filmmakers in a similar amplua. These were such melodramas as the "bride-thief", "Kara" and others.

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The actress is not averse to try on the comedy image. In early youth, she has already tried their strength in the age role. But then the dylonosis has not yet had sufficient experience, so as later admitted in an interview, failed to reliably realize the way into life.

In 2007, the piggy bank of the performer was replenished with the project "Zuzrad and Kimmat", where, in addition to Dilosa, Shahseod and Oibek Richxibekov appeared in the main acting. The film was very popular with the audience.

After the interruption associated with the marriage and the birth of a child, the actress returned to large screens. The audience got the opportunity to observe their favorite in the "Late Life" film and "separation." Heroine Kubaeva - girls who oppose life adversities and gain personal happiness.

The main role of the dilosoe went to the melodrama "My child". The actress embodied the image of a heroine, which in marriage with his beloved man cannot have children. In 2017, in the film "Shame", the actress performed in a dramatic role, submitted to the public in the image of a TV journalist, which opposes the criminal group that hijacked girls into slavery.

Personal life

Personal life actresses has improved in young years. In 2008, Dilosoe made a proposal to her beloved person. After the wedding, the actress decided to completely devote himself to the family.

Soon young became happy parents: Kubaeva and her husband had a son. In 2015, the seven suffered a mountain - from a long illness, the spouse of the actress died. After a hard shock, the woman managed to take himself in his hands and continue the creative career.

Dilnosis Kubaev now

Kubaev is one of the most sought-after actresses of Uzbek cinema. The artist teaches in the theater university, works leading celebrations, weddings and jubileev. Its fees are calculated by considerable amounts - $ 1.5 thousand in 5 hours of participation in the festival. Dilosa has a private page in "Instagram", where beauty places personal photos. Kubaev watches the figure, so in all the outfits looks brilliantly.

In 2019, at the Tashkent Hotel Hyatt Regency, the metropolitan show of wedding dresses of famous Uzbek designers passed. At the event, Dilosa shone among the first guests of the evening. Now Kubaeva is engaged in the voicing of fairy tales within the framework of the national project "My childhood days." Together with the singer, Munisa Rizayeva, artists Novila Toshochentboeva and Zuhroy Soliev, introduced the audiosk "Zumrad and Kimmat".


  • 2017 - "Shame"
  • 2016 - "Baron"
  • 2014 - "I want to see"
  • 2013 - "Without you"
  • 2011 - "My child"
  • 2011 - "Gave a husband - let the strength"
  • 2010 - "separation"
  • 2010 - "Late Life"
  • 2008 - "Other"
  • 2007 - "Kara"
  • 2007 - "Zumrad and Kimmat"
  • 2005 - "Around the Groom"

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