Group Avenged Sevenfold - Photo, History of creation, Composition, News, songs 2021



Avenged Sevenfold group represents a new Wave of American Hives-Metal, speaking in the genre in the first roles. The albums of the collective are sold by millions of circulation, concerts become events, and fresh releases are headed by hit parades. The branded style of the group accompanies DeathBat - a bat of death, which has become a symbol of Avenged Sevenfold for fans of the whole world.

The history of creation and composition

The history of the creation of Avenged Sevenfold began in California in 1999, when school friends decided to unite to play Metal and Punk Rock. They were 18 years old, and they are fans on the classics of heavy music - Black Sabbath, Guns N 'Roses and Iron Maiden. Participants decided to choose nicknames and speak with them. So, the vocalist Matthew Sanders became Matthew, the rhythm guitarist Zakhari Baker - Zaki Vekzness, and the Baper James Sullivan called himself the Rev.

In such a composition, the guys formed a group whose name refers to biblical texts and translated as "seventy-defined". At the same time, the group has nothing to do with religion. They played music in the coastal town of Huntington Beach, from where they were from, and began the way to fame through the record of the first demo containing three tracks.

Guitarist Sinister Gates appeared in the group in 2001, after recording a debut album. However, later the guy took part in full rewriting, where he fulfilled the Solo Guitar Party. A school buddy brought him to the ensemble - Drummer James Sullivan. By the way, it was Sullivan who wrote music to the songs, performed the bake of the backstage and sometimes played on the keys.

With the name The Rev connected the most tragic page in the group's biography. At the end of December 2009, Avenged Sevenfold's musical genius was not: the body was discovered in his house in Huntington Beach with traces in the blood of alcohol and a whole set of medical preparations. This mixture was the cause of death that brought the group an impaired loss. They are now wearing the necks of James's percussion installation in memory of each other.


In 2001, Avenged Sevenfold debut album was released, which was called "Sounding the Seventh Trumpet" and sounded in the spirit of a rigid metal. The second album of the team will record already in the gold composition with the Sinister Sinister Gates and Johnny Christist. Waking The Fallen became a step towards real popularity. The disk fell into the charts of independent albums in the United States, and the group first noted the authoritative Billboard.

However, to the "City of Evil" outlet in 2005, Avenged Sevenfold could not be called the nunny, no wonder the disc debuted on the 30th line of the Billboard. It is characterized by a more complex professional sound, the technique of instrumental parties and voice diversity - clean vocals added to Ground and Skreim. Here they sounded "Blinded in Chains", "Bat Country" and "The Wicked End", indicating the transition to the classic of metallic sound.

By the time of recording the album "Nightmare" in the selection of the best groups of decades from Ultimate-Guitar Avenged Sevenfold were recognized as the second, yielding only Metallica. Work on the release of 2010 was overshadowed by the Rev.

The whole plate, ranging from music and ending with booklets, was permeated with the theme of memory and love for the deceased friend. Her warmly met critics, not to mention the grieving fans, the Hits "Welcome to the Family", "SO Far Away" and "Natural Born Killer" are presented here.

After 3 years, the discography of Californian metallers was replenished with a "Hail to the King" disk, where the "This Means War" track sounded. The record repeated the success of the previous one, debuting on the 1st line of the Billboard 200 and consolidating the unlaxed status of the Kings of Havi-Metal for Avenged Sevenfold. The Album 2016 "The Stage" The musicians produced, being recognized by the classics of the genre. Here the topics of self-destruction of society and the topical of artificial intelligence are revealed. On the release, the longest song of the group - Track "Exist" lasts more than 15 minutes.

Avenged Sevenfold now

Avenged Sevenfold for many years of history was a big way: from the place of the group experimented with a metal and panke, they turned into legislators of the modes and veterans of heavy rock and hevi-metal. Yes, and in life, the musicians have been settled, in the priority of their values, family, business and civil initiatives came out in the first place. And these are the very guys who, at the beginning of the way, the main enthusiasm caused alcohol and bold outs.

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The participants of the group still live in Huntington Beach, from where they drive around with concerts on the planet. True, in the summer of 2018, Avenged Sevenfold announced the abolition of a major chadliner tour. The incident was associated with the Soloist's disease: as a result of the infection, the sheadow's ligament received damage, and he could not sing for a long time. But the musicians announced that they began to work on a new album, which fans began to wait with impatience.

They track news from the life of idols and their fresh photos in the official "Instagram" account, which has millions of subscribers. Another major audience monitors the group of the group on YouTube, where they lay out clips and music videos.


  • 2001 - Sounding the Seventh Trumpet
  • 2005 - City of Evil
  • 2007 - Avenged Sevenfold
  • 2010 - Nightmare.
  • 2013 - Hail to the King
  • 2016 - The Stage


  • "CARRY ON"
  • "Seize The Day"
  • "DEAR GOD"
  • "Hail to the King"
  • "SO Far Away"

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