The longest river in Russia - in length, Volga, in the world, Lena, is, it is considered to be


Russia occupies the seventh of the land of the planet. In the extensive territory of the state flows 2.5 million shallow and full-water rivers. This number includes large water artery, which can be seen from space. The editorial office 24cm learned that the longest river in Russia - Lena, but there are competitors.


View of the Amur River from the aircraft (

The length of Amur is 4440 km, separates Russia from China on the map. The sizes of the reservoir indicate the name. The word Amur occurred from the language of the local population, Manchurov. Translated into Russian "Damour" literally means "Big River". The source begins in the Mongolian steppes, where the water flows to the Okhotsk Sea.

Amur is famous for the rich fauna. The researchers believe that 130 species of fish live in these waters - this number includes salmon and sturgeon, so these places love not only local fishermen, but also fisheries from other cities.

Lower Tunguska

Photo of the lower Tunguska at dawn (

The length of Lower Tunguska is 2989 km. Leaks on the lands of Eastern Siberia, the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the Irkutsk region. This influx of Yenisei is the longest and full.

The Lower Tunguska was opened in the XVII century, Russian landlords. Named in honor of the tribes living in these edges - Tungus. The word "Lower" indicates the position of the inflow relative to the Yenisei. In the north, two more Tungusky flows - the middle and top.

In the summer, the lower Tunguska is full - water consumption during the warmer months reaches 31 thousand m3 / s. This is due to the permafrost, in which the river flows. In winter, ice cover reaches the bottom. However, in the spring, when the melting of snow occurs, the channel is filled with waters whose streams are pulled from the root of the trees and the sharp rock. Ice melts from May to October, which leads to destructive floods.

These are the harsh edges where there are no big cities. On the shores of Lower Tunguska there are only two large settlements - Tura and Tourukhansk. In this area in the XIX century, the graphite deposit was discovered, but today the production of this resource is discontinued.


Summer landscape on Yenisei (

The sources indicate that the length of the Yenisei is from 4100 km from the sources of the large Yenisei and the Small. Delivers the border between Western and Eastern Siberia. He originates at the merger of two sources located near the capital of Tuva, the city of Kyzyl. The river carries water to the Kara Sea, forming the bay in this area, called the name in honor of the river.

Feature of the Yenisei - the height of the coast. Right above left five times. The reason for this unique phenomenon is a taiga that grows on one of the parties.

This is a popular tourist object of the country due to the natural attractions of these edges. People often come to the merger of the Great and Small Yenisei. Travelers love to visit and reserves, the most popular of which are Sayano-Shushensky Natural Reserve and the National Park "Krasnoyarsk Poles". There are also dozens of settlements (Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk, Abakan), reservoirs and hydroelectric power plants.


Snapshot from the banks of the Volga River (

The Volga, which has 3731 km from the source of Oka, is recognized as one of the longest rivers in the European part of Russia and the longest in Europe. Since ancient times, Slavs and other nations set up this territory - people attracted fertile lands and favorable climates. Today, there are 87 settlements on these shores, 4 of them - Millionic cities Volgograd, Novgorod, Samara and Kazan.

The source of the Volga begins in the village of Volkheerhich region of the Tver region. Well with key decorates wooden log house with terrace. Tourists come to this place enjoy the opportunity to step over the Great River and stand up on both legs on the two shores.

Volga 200 tributaries, as well as a network of channels that associate the river with other reservoirs and seas. These waters fall into the Caspian - the largest water-closed planet.


Part of Obi, flowing in Barnaul (

Ob proceeds in Western Siberia. Takes the beginning in the place where two Altai Rivers - Katun and Bia are connected. Obiless Length without Irtysh is 3360 km. These waters share the Altai Territory and the Novosibirsk region and fall into the Kara Sea. Pool Omps with an area of ​​2990 square meters. km is considered the largest in Russia. There are dozens of cities, including Novosibirsk. These lands inhabit 30 million people, among which are not only Russian, but also the Chinese and Kazakhs.

Scientists believe that the name occurred from the Komi language and translates as "Snow Snow", "Snow Sugarb". Another hypothesis about the origin of the river name is also found. Linguists think that OB comes from the Russian word "both", thus referred to two sources.


Irtysh in September (

Irtysh is a major influx of Ob and is considered one of the longest rivers in the world. The length is 4248 km. Irtysh is longer than 500 km. Most of the river is located in China, where the origin begins, therefore, despite the length, this is not the longest river in Russia. In Kazakhstan, the channel becomes so wide that is suitable for shipping.

Irtysh provides water to the capital of Kazakhstan - Astana. It feeds the industrial and agricultural enterprises of the country. Part of Irtysh, flowing in Russia, is occupied by power plants. Dozens of Russian cities are erected on the shores - Omsk is considered the most populated.


Lensky poles (

Occurs on the territory of Eastern Siberia, Yakutia and the Irkutsk region. Lena is considered the longest river in Russia - the length is 4,400 km, and the area of ​​the pool is 2.49 million square meters. km. Takes water from the Baikal ridges and carries streams to the sea of ​​Laptev.

These waters flow in harsh conditions. The lands here are abandoned by eternal Merzlot, so people rarely settled the coast. The largest settlement of these edges is Yakutsk.

The name gave the indigenous people of Eastern Siberia. Evenks (in the past - Tungus) called these water Elyuenoe, which literally translates as a "big river". Over time, the word decreased to the usual sound - Lena.

What river is really the longest in Russia

This top entered rivers that flow from the source to the mouth under one name. But it is worth remembering that there are dozens of lands, and sometimes hundreds of years. Often, the pioneers were given to different parts of the rivers their own names. Therefore, in fact, if you take the entire river system in the calculation, Lena will be in third place in the ranking - from the source of Vitima length is 5100 km. Second place in the length will be available to Yenisei - 5238 km. And the longest river in Russia with this method of counting - Ob, who, together with the main influx of Irtysh, stretched around the country by 5410 km.

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