Jody Picolt - Photo, History of Creation, Composition, News, Reading 2021



The writer's biography of Jody Picolt began at 5 years old - the girl composed a story about Omar, who misunderstood. The problem of misunderstanding, alienation and loneliness occupies an important place to this day in the work of prose. The pieces of the pycrat are translated into 34 languages, and their total circulation is almost 15 million copies.

Childhood and youth

The future writer was born on Long Island, New York, in May 1966. Jody has a younger brother. Mother and grandmother who worked as teachers had the greatest influence on the girl. When Jody turned 13 years old, the family moved to the state of New Hampshire, where the girl graduated from Smithtown High School.

Behind the prosecut of study by literary skill in college at Princeton University, among whose teachers, Pyccite ​​allocates the writer Mary Morris, and the Master of Harvard University. In the search for the plots, the student called home and asked if there were cases of violence and incest in the family.

Although Jody's first stories issued another college, after the completion of education, the future author of bestsellers changed a lot of classes. Pycite worked as a teacher of English literature, copywriter and technical editor. The debut novel of the writer "Song of Humpback Whale" was published in 1992.


Genre of Picolt's books is a family drama on a topical subject with elements of a detective. Characters are often moving from one work to another. Thus, the main heroine of the "fatal coincidence" Nina Frost, who killed the alleged rapist of his son, is mentioned in the novel "Nineteen minutes", the plot of which is based on the clarification of the motives of the young man who has shot classmates. The bibliography of the Pycot has dozens of work.

Pycole books have repeatedly shielded. The most famous screening is the film "My Guardian Angel", shot on the novel "Angel for Sister." The role of a girl encompacing for parents who use it as a donor for a sister's sick, performed the young nominee on Oscar Ebigel Breslin. Like a picol, Breslin does not hide the nationality: both the writer, and the actress - Jewish.

The plot of "fragile soul" reminds Fabul "Angel for Sister" - Parental attention and love again are given to the patient, not a healthy child. Health problems (intolerance of sunshine) has both Ethan, a 9-year-old nephew of the main character of the novel "take a look at the second time", talking about the struggle of the small people of Abenaki against the construction of a shopping center on the site of a generic cemetery.

In the Roman "Lessons of Mercy", the pycrat allows readers to look at the Holocaust with the eyes of the Nazi officer. The plot of "thousands and one night" is woven in the canvas of Bestseller: a potential victim is able to survive thanks to the interest of the executioner by her stories.

Personal life

In the opening of the word to the novel "Last Rule", Prosaik thanks her husband and children and says that if she had no one and nothing but these four people, she would still be a rich woman in the world. With the future spouse Timothy Van Lot Jody met in 1989 while attending college. Children writer's name is Samantha, Kyle and Jake.

Middle Child Jody and Timothy in 6 years have sake a middle ear cancer. Kyle's disease is the only sad event in the personal life of the writer.

The novelist, living in the state of New Hampshire, wakes up daily at 5 am and makes a jog with a friend Joan Collinson, who is dedicated to the book "Time to say goodbye". At 7 o'clock returns, breakfasts with dishes prepared by her husband, and an hour responds to emails.

Then it writes to 16 hours and edits the works. Now the children of Jody are almost adults (the daughter made co-author of the book "Between Rows"), and before all concerns took Timothy.

The writer evenings are devoted to communicating with family and domestic pets - dogs, donks and geese. Jody is unhappy with the curlyness of his red hair, which, judging by the photo, looks charming, and has repeatedly made unsuccessful attempts to straighten the chasis.

Jody Picolt now

In 2019, the Roman Picolt "Spark of Nadezhda" came out in Russian, in which the problem of terrorism is intertwined with the theme of the ethiquidity of pregnancy.

Quote from the work "erase the stamp, and you will see next to the teacher, a neighbor or sister" will make you think about the most categorical advocates of morality.


  • 1992 - "Songs of Humpback Whale" ("Road Change")
  • 1995 - "Perfect Life"
  • 1998 - "Promise"
  • 2000 - "Holy True"
  • 2002 - "Fatal Coincidence"
  • 2003 - "take a look for the second time"
  • 2004 - "Angel for Sister"
  • 2007 - "Nineteen minutes"
  • 2009 - "Fragile Soul"
  • 2011 - "Special relationship"
  • 2012 - "Lone Wolf"
  • 2012 - "Between Rows"
  • 2013 - "Lessons of Mercy"
  • 2014 - "Time to say goodbye"
  • 2018 - "Spark of Hope"

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