Gera - Biography of Goddess, Myths, History, Children, Zeus


Character History

Gera is the goddess of Greek Olympus, embodying a woman, worthy of the thumbs up Zeus. In Roman mythology, its twin performed Juno. The keeper of the home focus, the patroness of the family and marriage, Gera acted as a monogamy, while Zeus was a symbol of multipath.

Character History

Art figures chased in their work the image of the gera. Homer described it as a harassing beauty with delicious hair. The polyclet gave her preference, creating sculptures. The image of the goddess decorated the frescoes, paintings and mosaics. On them a high woman with a proud posture appeared in a tog that covered the state body.

Poet Homer

The image of the ger was symbolic. Ancient Greece was not famous for the order and a clear structure of power. Lawlessness and chaos reigned everywhere. Polygamy preferred most residents of policies. Gera took over the mission to establish the norms of life that would be familiar. Creating a marriage institution belongs to her. Gradually, she brought respect for the family and love for the values ​​of each name in the heads of the Greeks.

Gera possessed extensive functionality. On her shoulders were responsible for the Union of Spouses and the punishment of her traitors' husbands. The goddess personifies femininity and patronizes pregnant women, mothers and those who need help in childbirth. In addition to the protection of family values, Gera had authority and in the field of natural phenomena. The goddess managed by lightning, guarded the lunar and sunlight, as well as the Milky Way. The hero worshiped, asking for fruiting and fertility.

Goddess Hera

Each character of mythology is characterized by attributes accompanying him on the life path. Being an authoritative government, Gera watched the order on Olympus and among ordinary mortals. She was accompanied by the bedspread, in which she was soaked, emphasizing the chastity, and the diadem, emphasizing the status among other representatives of the Divine Sortman. A tool of movement to a woman was served by a silver chariot, barked by peacocks, and a cuckoo scepter foreshadowed the love of whom he was blessed.


The biography of Gera consists of solid from myths and legends. Her name is present in almost all the legends of the ancient Greeks. In Iliad, Homer described the goddess as a grumpy, conflict woman, treacherous and arrogant. She often contradicted Zeus and showed a trick. Deciding to conquer Olympus, a woman taught Poseidon to sow her spouse. But Fetida saved him, calling for help a giant Briaria. Zeus hung his wife on the chains between the ground and the sky and secured an anvil on his legs. So it was a punishment that captured the artist Korredjo in the picture.

Statue of Gera and Zeus

During the Trojan war, He was trying to help Grekam. Noticing that Fortuna on the side of the Trojans, the goddess wanted to memorize his people, but Zeus forbade the gods to take part in the battle. Gera scored the belt belt from Aphrodites, who gave the owner unsurpassed beauty. Woman putting him, the woman appeared before his spouse and fascinated him. Pair moments had enough for the hero to rescue the Greeks until Zeus was inattentive. Waking up, Zeus understood what happened, and was in anger, but it was impossible to save the situation.


Gera is the legal spouse of Zeus and his sister. Daughter Rei, she was saved by the mother from the lustful views of Zeus. The girl was hidden on the edge of the earth to prevent the discarding union. Nymph Fetida was the mentor of the young goddess. Zeus accidentally met Gera already in adulthood and fell in love without looking back. Caring did not melt the hearts of the girl. Zeus went on tricks and turned into a cuckoo. Having noticed a frozen bird, Hera prigid her on his chest. Overtaking, Zeus made it possible to understand what would go for any actions for the sake of the lover's location, and this was conquered her heart.


According to the legend, the honeymoon of the gods lasted 300 years. All this time Zeus kept his wife loyalty. Gera gave him the son of Ares and the daughters of Gebu and Ilfia. The habit of seducing did not leave Zeus, and over time he cooled to the spouse. He began to look at the young beauties, and Gera was revenge on the new chubs. The goddess showed intolerance and did not transfer the intrigue.

It was she who almost destroyed Hercules, the extramarital son of Zeus. The appearance of Athens's light has become a blow to Mother Olympus. She decided on treason and gave birth to Gefesta. The boy was born defective, and it humiliated the gear even more.

Tired of the wrongness of her husband, Hera was often started in the journey and rarely attended Olympus. On the road, she enveloped himself with a darkness to become invisible to others and her husband. Once the goddess decided not to return home. The angry Zeus launched a gossip about the plans to marry again. Deciding to act on a spouse through jealousy, he played a wedding rite with a statue. Gera softened and, remembering her husband, returned to Olympus.


Temples decorated with images of the geers were not rare in ancient Greece. People exalted it and relied on the mercy of the wise goddess, capable of making the Earth fertile, the marriage is happy, and the offspring is healthy.

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