IEN (Yang) Gillan - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



Ian Gillan - a musician, dozens of years a pleasing fans of creativity. Singer - Hard Rock icon. Gillana combines a unique voice, the nature of the deboschir and readiness for musical experiments. Rocker played in his favorite group of Russian policy Dmitry Medvedev "Deep Purple" and recognized the genius of the greatest tenor of Luciano Pavarotti, with whom he sang on the same scene.

Childhood and youth

Ian was born 2 weeks before the end of World War II in the poor area of ​​London, located near Heathrow Airport. The voice and musical rumor went to him by inheritance - the grandfather of the future rocker on the maternal line was an opera singer, and Uncle - a jazz pianist.

Ian and his younger sister Paulina surrounded the music: Frank Sinatra sang from parental records, and Audrey's mother often played a piano. The boy sang in the church church, but, according to the memoirs of the mother, he could not correctly fulfill the words "Aliluya" and Donimal the priests of difficult questions about religion.

Parents of the future star divorced when the mother found out about the romantic connection of the Father during military service. Audrey and Bill's marriage was Mesallians, Papa Ian threw a school at 13 and worked as a storekeeper. Despite the worsening of the material situation, the mother arranged a son in a prestigious school, and it made the boy with a dracan. In the courtyard of Ian, the peers of the neighbors beat the neighbors, counting around, and in the educational institution - classmates, calling Gillan "Zamarashka". He not only gave surrender, but also "played ahead", first distributing the peers of fertilizers.

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In adolescence, Ian scored her studies and began working at a factory producing refrigeration units. However, Gillan's dream was to become a movie star. Judging by the photo, in youth, Ian had everything for this: high growth (188 cm), dense curly hair, clear blue eyes and an attractive face.

However, neither to learn to the actor nor start with episodic roles the young man did not want. The decision came to Gillan after watching the film with Elvis Presley: it is necessary to become a rock star, and the proposals in the cinema will fall as out of the horns of abundance. The first group in the biography of a young musician was "Moonshiners" ("Moonshits").


Ian's music career started like a vocalist and drummer. However, the young man quickly realized that these two classes were complicated, and focused on vocals. The first success to the young singer came with the "The Episode Six" group, which performed the delicate lyrical compositions. In the collective, Gillan sometimes replaced the girl to the soloist and soon I was surprised to find that he managed to take all the higher notes and sing in the register soprano.

Ian gladly agreed to offer to get into the Rock Group "Deep Purple", because he was a fan of this team. It happened in the summer of 1969. Almost at the same time Gillan was invited to fulfill the capital party in Rock Opera Andrew Lloyd Webber "Jesus Christ - Superstar".

To cope with the most complex arias to the young singers, the Council of the Librettist Tim Rice belonged to Christ as not to a religious, and historical person. From the offer to be held in the Gillan's eponymous film, however, refused due to the dense tour of Deep Purple, and Jesus played American Rocker Ted Nili in the picture.

The cooperation of Ian with the "dark purple", overshadowed by the scandals, became the most successful period in the career of the singer and the history of the group, in the music of which the traditions of classics, rock, folka and jazz were connected. Musical critics can be traced in the work of the team of this pore, the development of the ideas of Rakhmaninov, Sibelius and Mahler. When Gillan performs with symphony orchestras, then performs predominantly songs created in conjunction with "Deep Purple".

Another significant group in the biography of Ian was the Black Sabbath team, but the singer believes that Ozzy Ozzy believes Ozzy Ozzy Ozzy Ozzy Ozzy Ozzy Ozzy Ozzy Ozbourne believes that the singer believes.

In addition, a vocalist has repeatedly created the teams of the "name of a loved one" ("Ian Gillian Band", "Gillian").

The most recognizable songs of Ian Gillan are "Smoke On The Water" ("smoke over water"), describing the fire in the entertainment complex at the Lake Geneva, and South Africa (South Africa) dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Nelson Mandela, and the most Famous albums - "Fireball", "Naked Thunder" and "Dreamcatcher".

Personal life

The main passion of Ian, in addition to the rock and roll, there was a drink for years. The singer adored both whiskey and beer, often went to the scene drunk, forgot the words and improvised on the go. But the drug addiction passed the star: the prohibited substances Musicate tried in a mature age, and they did not impress him.

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The epic was the opposition of Gillan and his "Deep Purple" partner Richie Blackmore. Stars appreciated each other as musicians, but personal communication between them ended with quarrels and fights. Once Richie, on the stage, removed the chair on which Ian was going to land. Gillan fell and broke his head. According to rumors, mutual dislike began after the former performer of Aria Jesus Christ fell into the number of Blackmore in his nude.

In the personal life of Ian a very closed man. Internet sources claim that the rock musician married three times, has two children and three grandchildren, but biographers call the names of only Gillan's first love - Partners of "The Episode Six" Zoe Dean and the current wife of the armor with which the star passed the wedding ceremony Three times, and, once in Georgia.

The singer is generally not indifferent to the states of Transcaucasia, the special passion of Ian - Armenia, which he calls the spiritual homeland. Gillan has repeatedly organized charitable concerts to help the Armenian people, awarded the Order of this country.

Ian is a football fan and cricket fan. Unexpected musician classes can be considered an unsuccessful attempt to create a motorcycle business, voicing the Polish film about Composer Frederic Chopin in 2011 and exercises in the joiner and epistolary genres: the singer is enjoys the manufacture of furniture and writing the novel.

In the 80s of the 20th century, the musician suffered a larynx surgery, after which the voice of Ian's voice changed somewhat. In 2004, the Ukrainian historiographer of Rock Vladimir Dribushek outlined the biography of Gillan in a book, called the same as one of the albums of the singer - "dear glory."

Ian Gillan now

Despite the age, the veteran of British music continues to concert. In 2017, Discography Gillan was replenished with the new album "Infinite", and in February-March 2019 there were performances of the rock star in Germany. In front of the concerts of Ian, the daughter of the Musician Grace, performing dance compositions in Reggae, is often speaking.Embed from getty images

In numerous interviews, Gillan talks about the dislike of the European Union, in the opinion of the singer, a feeder for officials and the destroying originality of the peoples of old world, talks about the attitude towards religion ("not God created a man, but a man - God") and the practices of youth.

The singer argues that during his youth, the career of musicians developed a more natural way than now, when the executives have come in financial captivity, the producers and, without giving being improved, impose a repertoire. Ian Sostrig curly curls, and now he owner is a short hairstyle.


  • 1970 - "IN ROCK"
  • 1970 - "Jesus Christ SuperStar"
  • 1971 - "Fireball"
  • 1972 - "Machine Head"
  • 1973 - "WHO DO WE THINK WE ARE"
  • 1976 - "Child in Time"
  • 1978 - "Gillan" ("The Japanese Album")
  • 1980 - "Glory Road"
  • 1984 - "Perfect Strangers"
  • 1990 - "Naked Thunder"
  • 1993 - "The Battle Rages ON"
  • 1996 - "Purpendicular"
  • 1997 - "Dreamcatcher"
  • 1998 - "Abandon"
  • 2003 - "Bananas"
  • 2005 - "Rapture of the Deep"
  • 2013 - "NOW WHAT?!"
  • 2017 - "Infinite"

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