Guy Fox - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, "Powder Conspiracy"



The name of Guy Fox is known to the mass public due to the film "V means Vendetta." A prototype of the main character was the real person, they were a participant in the so-called powder conspiracy. Today, the history of this personality is familiar to every Englishman, because on November 5, Guy Fox night celebrate in the UK. At this time, the cities burn the scarecrow fox, and the celebration itself is accompanied by compliance with the inherent traditions.

Childhood and youth

Guy Fox was born in York on April 13, 1570. He was the son of a nobleman, lawyer and notary Edward Fox. Mother Edith came from a merchant race. When Gai was 8 years old, the father died, and the child remained under the guardianship of the mother. By the time the Fox Junior was a student of the Saint Peter School, where children of aristocrats and nobility received education.

Arriving a personal life, Edith Fox re-married. The chosen one became Dennis Bainbridge. Becoming stepfather Guy, the nobleman began to dispose of the property belonging to the familiar family.

Some sources say that, having reached the age of majority, Guy took control of the father's inheritance into his own hands, others put forward the versions that he did not have interest in financial affairs. Anyway, in 1591, the land belonging to the Fox Gua turned out to be sold out, and the young man entered the service to Lord Anthony Brown Montague.

Military service

Fox chose a military career for himself and from 1594 he participated in battles, speaking on the side of the Spaniards, who submitted to Ersgertzogu Albert. The post of commander Guy Fox participated in the campaigns in Flanders. In 1603, he was trusted a secret mission. Being in Spain, Fox was among the proxies of Philip II, supporting English Catholics. For them, these times were not easy, since the Protestant Elizabeth I was imposed by the faith to her.

Because of the death of the queen, the mission lost relevance, while the representatives of Catholicism had hope for termination of repression. But Jacob I asked the throne, who supported the policy of the predecessor. Decisions of the new ruler were not popular with the people, and Catholics built plans for his overthrow. The key idea of ​​the plan was the powder conspiracy.

Powder plot

The biography of Guy Fox is described by concise, as the main achievement of Catholic in life was the performance against power. Understanding that he was brewing a civil war, Fox joined the conspirators from among the orders of Jesuites, built a strategy for the overthrow of the monarch. The plan assumed a building undermining the building of the Lords chamber.

The terrorist attack was appointed on November 5, 1605, timed to the event towards the throne speech of the king. The attackers were calculated that the explosion produced would deprive the life of the monarch, representatives of the parliament and the supreme judicial power of England. Describing the history of Guy, some argue that the nobleman was among the leaders of the terrorists, others get the role of the arsonist. One way or another, Fox rose a wick, who gave the start of fire.

The terrorist plan was revealed. Despite the fact that their gang consisted of only 13 people, could not avoid leakage of information. Someone from the crime participants showed weakness and sent a letter on behalf of Anonymous to Lord Montagla. He was a Catholic, and the warning could save the noble life. Lord was a decent person and presented a writer's note, and he in turn is a king.

In parallel with these events, the underground gang managed to rent a basement, which was right under the ward of Lords, and started him explosive. 36 barrels filled with gunpowders, when arson were becoming a serious threat. They were able to destroy the building, and also seriously affect calm in the city.

Conspayment of Gaya Fox

The criminals had a plan for further action. The conspiracy organizers were going to conduct an offensive from Warwikshire, put forward to the capital immediately after the planned explosion. Guy Fox became a key figure, which was entrusted with an important task: to create the first spark from which the flame would be broken. But the criminal caught before he managed to do the purpose.

For the month of Guy Fox tortured, and the whole country discussed his arrest and possible punishment. The king allowed to apply in relation to the prisoner torture, and the conspirator did not stand the MUK. He called the names of all the accomplices. The terrorists were captured by the police.

Personal life

The name of Guy Fox today knows in many countries, but the details of his personal life remain under the curtain of the mystery. It is known that he had a wife, and in marriage with Fox she gave birth to a son named Thomas. Other children have reliable facts not survived.


The court over the creators of the powder conspiracy took place on January 27, 1606. According to the sentence they threatened the execution by hanging, during which the executioner had to cut a loop. In the finals of the terrible procedure, underground workers planned to spend the stomachs and conduct a quarter.

Guy Fox.

The day of execution was appointed on January 31. Guy Fox was taken on scaffolds with broken legs. Despite the injuries received during the torture, the rebel managed to bypass the verdict of the court. After the rope turned out to be a rope, he jumped out of the scaffold. The cause of death was the fracture of the neck, and not the penalties of the authorities.


The ruler's salvation has become a holiday for the British, and now annually on November 5 in the UK Night Guy Fox. From the moment of the terrorist attack, not one hundred years has passed. If before 1859, rejoice at this date prescribed the law, now it is a kind tradition.

It is curious that entertainment activities on the occasion are carried out in the colonies of the former British Empire. Night Guy Fox celebrates residents of Australia, New Zealand, Canada and South Africa. In the name of the celebration, people are burning fires and betray the stuffed to the scarecrower. The name of the conspiratorist quickly has become nominative. From him there was a common word GUY, which in English describe young people.

After the release of the film "V means Vendetta" in 2006, the popularity gained a mask of Guy Fox, created by the portrait of the arsonist. It is often put on the face protesters, going to rallies and promotions. Today in bookstores you can purchase comics based on the historical event. The hero became a member of incredible fictional adventures and legend.

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