Guns N 'Roses - Photo, History of Creation, Composition, News, Songs 2021



GUNS N'ROSES is the legendary rock band, on the songs of which not one generation has grown. A rare fan of the music genre did not hear the hit team called "Don't Cry". The popularity of the composition does not subscribe to dozens of years. The team that Exl Rose was assembled, was distinguished by the tendency to scandals and was the personification of the slogan "Sex, Drugs & Rock N Roll". Despite the fact that the group performs on stage and now, after the internal periods, she failed to repeat the former success.

The history of creation and composition

Exle Rose was brought up by his mother and stepfather in rigor. It was forbidden to listen to rock and roll, and on weekends the boy was obliged to attend the church. It is not surprising that, limited in all adolescent pleasures, at the age of 15 he decided to go against the system. By this age, Excelas was the main start-up for local hooligans and often fell into a police station.

With a friend of Izie Strödlin Rose met at school. The young men agreed in the interests of musical preferences. But unlike a friend, an izhi was a modest and calm guy. At leisure, they were heard by the songs of "AC / DC", "Aerosmith" and "Led Zeppelin" and gradually concluded that they also want to play rock. The first rehearsal points for beginner artists were garages.

In parallel, changes were changed in the personal life of Exce. He threw school, accidentally found out about the existence of a biological father, aggravated the relationship with the guards of the order. Soon he stopped communicating with an izhi. The fate has brought them again in 1980, when Excel moved to Los Angeles, looking for freedom from parents and policemen. Obli by that time was a guest vocalist in several teams.

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In 1985, a fateful acquaintance of Exla Rose with Tracy Ganz was held. It is easy to guess that the names of the musicians entered the name of the team. After some time, Gansu had to leave the group, and Slash Hudson became her new participant. Then the team was replenished by the bassist Duff McCagan and the drummer Stephen Adler.

So the initial composition of Guns N'ROleses looked. It is believed that the name amounted to teams from the names where the participants of the group were playing. Some came from Hollywood Rose, and others from "L.A. Guns. "

The history of the creation of a team is the more interesting that the group gained popularity not only thanks to the talent. The team knew both the selected scandalists. They walked poor financial existence. One of the reasons for this was the wrong management of the team, they were engaged in the manager of Hamilton's wiki. During this period, artists sometimes there was even nothing. Therefore, they did not be bored with doubtful personalities, theft and hooliganism.

Fate smiled at future stars in February 1986. A debut concert took place at the local club Trubadour. The speech was seen by representatives of several recording studios, and it led the audience in shock. Artists looked marginalized, but their sound liked everyone. So that Zuutuut managed to sign a contract with them. So Guns N'ROSes found a patron.


The genre in which the group began to work, was called "Hurricane Hard-Rock" in the media. Recent fans of "Aerosmith" was lucky to perform on heating from yesterday's idols. This brought the team the first fame and popularity of the listeners.

In 1986, the first minion of the team came out, and then a record with concert records. Guns N'ROleses instantly became the discovery of the year and attracted the attention of the label Geffen Records. By the time of the release of the first plate, there were already many fans. The Debut Album "Appetite for Destruction" was charged with fiery energy, lyrics had a provocative nature and perfectly complemented by the already formed image of the collective. In 1987, the first US tour took place.

By 1990, the disk was sold over 8 million copies. For 32 weeks, the record remained in the charts of the country's best albums. The team received a nomination for Grammy and won American Music Awards Prize. Single "Sweet Child O'Mine" has become a real hit. The clip was removed the clip that conquered the fans of the rock band and critics.

In 1988, the release of the Single "Live From the Jungle" and Mignon "GN'R Lies!" Took place. The plate was bought very quickly, and the name of the Guns N'ROSes was now at all hearing. This allowed the musicians to make a breather in the work on the next album. They performed with Alice Cooper and the Iron Maiden group. At the concerts of the team, madness was created - the crush, fans, dried with alcohol, and the sounds of hitched compositions accompanied each performance.

Scandals continued to accompany the participants of the collective, and the slash in this respect was leading. Steve Adler was not inferior to a comrade, addicted to drugs, and after a time left the team. His last speech in the group was the Farm Aid IV concert, held to help farm.

The 12-hour marathon gathered 70 music groups, but the news about the performance of Guns N'ROSes helped sell all the tickets for one and a half hours. The creation of the group was causing and contradictory. At the same time, participants were laid out at concerts and touring.

Adler's place soon took Matt Sorum. Together with the new partner, the musicians began work on the 3rd record. The debut single from the new disk was the song "Civil War". Then there was a record of the legendary composition of Bob Dilan "Knockin 'on Heaven's Door", which first sounded in the film of Tom Cruise "Thunder Days". By this time Exle Rose has already become a sex symbol.

In 1991, the discography of the team was replenished at once with two discs - "USE Your Illusion Vol.1" and "Use Your Illusion Vol.2". The group settles the fans at once 31 songs. On the first day after the release, 500 thousand copies of the records were sold. They instantly became leaders of the Hit Parade of Great Britain.

The year of great success became a year of frustration, when Izzy Stredlin declared the desire to leave the team. Rose tried to dissuade a friend from this decision, but he remained adamant. Excel believed that the group could work qualitatively when its participants remain like-minded. Strödlin was looking for a replacement for a long time, Hilby Clark became her.

During this period, the press led fierce attacks on Rose due to suspicion of racism, but it did not affect the quality of the music that the team created. 1991 was the date of release of the famous ballad "Don't Cry", and in April 1992, the Group participated in the event dedicated to Freddie Mercury's memory at Wiembli Stadium. In summer, Guns N'ROSes played 25 concerts, speaking in a duet with a group Metallica.

The music of the collective was contradictory and causing. She charged with energy, was distinguished by bright individuality and pads of punk rock. Young people adored Guns N'ROres, and the musicians bathed in the rays of glory. The group went to the world tour, which was completed in the 1993 release of the Album "The Spaghetti Incident?" The songs of the team sounded in every home, the famous "Terminator" Arnold Schwarzenegger was starred in their clip, a rare schoolboy did not know the text "November Rain".

The creative biography of Guns N'ROSes broke off suddenly when Exle Rose declared his caring from the group. He also took the rights to her name. The artist continued to speak independently by changing the team's teams and inviting session musicians. His former colleagues were realized in solo career. In 2008, Guns N'ROSes released the Chinese Democracy record, but she did not have the stake of their former success.

In 2016, a reunion tour of the NOT IN This Lifetime team was held, who gave fans hope that bright hits would still be in the history of the group. In 2018, the musicians performed in Moscow, collecting "Olympic".

Guns n'roses now

In May 2019, the media appeared information that Guns N'Roses will release a new album. These data with journalists shared Slash. While in the team's schedule is scheduled for participation in several activities in the United States. Rockers became chadliners of the famous Voodoo Music festival.

Artists participated in the recording of album with hits whose authorship belongs to Bob Dilan. The release of the plates was timed to the 78th day of the artist. Guns N'ROSes showed a sign of respect to the musician, like the stars Adel, Cher.

The lull in creativity does not interfere with Guns N'ROSes still surround themselves with scandalous news. So, the group put the lawsuit of the brewing company, which released a drink called Guns 'n' ROS. Rose decided to defend the rights of the team, as did it when the rocker compositions used on rallies in support of Donald Trump as part of the election campaign.

Now fans can subscribe to a verified group account in "Instagram" and observe the announcements of the nearest concerts. The GUNS N'ROSES profile is periodically updated with photos and videos, as well as marketing materials.


  • 1987 - Appetite for Destruction
  • 1988 - G N 'R Lies
  • 1991 - Use Your Illusion I
  • 1991 - Use Your Illusion II
  • 1993 - The Spaghetti Incident?
  • 2008 - Chinese Democracy


  • "Welcome to the jungle"
  • "Sweet Child O Mine"
  • "You Could Be Mine"
  • "IT IS SO Easy"
  • "Estranged"
  • "Yesterdays"

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