Lada (goddess) - Images, myths of Slavs, History, Symbols, Lelia


Character History

Lada is the Goddess of Spring and Love, "arising" as a result of the mistakes of chickens and early researchers of Slavic mythology and folklore. The children of Lada are the gods Lel and the staff - also most likely, the fruit of misunderstandings and in fact, according to most researchers, have never been part of Slavic mythology.

History of appearance

Most specialists recognize the "goddess of Ladu" by scientific fiction, a model of the "Cabinet mythology" - myth, which arose as a result of the error of scientists and did not exist in reality. In the Slavic legends of Lada - the goddess of beauty, spring plowing and patroness of marriage from the ancient Slavs. The goddess was attributed to the husband - the Taste, who was considered the god of fun, peers and pleasures. This image also turned out to be fictitious and arose in the XVI century as a result of the mistake of Tolmach, who translated into the Latin language "Tale of Bygone Years."

In the translated passage, it was described as Vladimir, starting to pronounce in Kiev, an erection of the idols of the gods on the hill. In the list of gods was the first to be mentioned Perun, whose head was silver, and the "musty", then followed the names of Horse, Dazhbog, Striboga, Smemarla and Mokosha. This golden perunion under the pen is an inattentive translator and turned into a non-existent God of the Ostde, which researchers of Slavic mythology before the middle of the XIX century were called the companion of the Lada.

For the first time, Lada is mentioned in written sources of the early XV century. These are church teachings compiled by Polish judges and directed against paganism. The trouble is that the Polish clergy, who left these texts, was badly understood by Slavic speech. In the folk songs, the Slavs sounded the chorus "Oh, Lado", "Lada, Lel-Luli", not carrying any sense and existing exclusively as a song refresh. Poles took these words for the names of the gods and included in church texts. So begins the "biography" who never existed in the mythology of the Slavs of the Gods of Lada and Lelia.

The Polish scientist of the XV century Matvey Mekhovsky considered, for example, that the "old songs" of Slavs with refremen Lada-Lada, Ileli-Ileli come in honor of the pagan gods, and the "Goddess Lada" itself fell into the Slavic Pantheon from Greek mythology, where there was ice, Mother of Castor and Prestovka. Other scholars of Men's Myshyemia were crushed that women and girls on perfumes day are not in the temple, but on dances, where they call for devils - Lado, Lassa and others.

In the XVII century, the theologians of Innokenty Gizel, Archimandrite of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, contributed to the development of the image of the "Goddess of Lada". The text of Gizel "Sinopsis Kiev" states that the Lado is the pagan god of fun and well-being, which are brought by those who are preparing for marriage. It also mentions folk songs that sounded "on the hitimits of playing", holidays and wedding pears and allegedly glorified the "godmomeric" gods of Lelia and Lado - "Mother Lelev".

The chorus of the type "Ay-Luli" or "Lel-Luli" part of the researchers considers the distortion of the word "Aliluya" as a result of the distortion of the word "alleuta", which sounded during worship services in the church. Linguist-Slavist Oleg Trubachev believed that the song refrain "Lado, Lel-Luli" and the similar to him is still not a complete nonsense, although it does not have a relationship to glorify the gods. According to the researcher, these words are associated with Slavic terms describing the relationship.

The word Lada scientist considers a part of Praslavyansky and builds to the root of Aldh-, which in Pyranceo-European language meant "Mature, Higher." From the same root there was a word Aldi, meaning "man" in the language of the ancient Germans. Thus, the Slavic word "Lada" initially could mean the "senior", "man", and in the song refrain "Did-Lado" sounds a call for the eldest.

Goddess Lada in mythology

Contrary to the opinion of the majority of scientists, the image of Lada as a goddess in modern culture and mythology continues to live. Modern lovers worship in Lada, calling her Bereginnia, and a certain holiday "Pindion", which allegedly has the Vine Slavic roots. In fact, this holiday is not mentioned in the scientific literature, nor in history books.

During the holiday "Pindition", the ancient Slavs allegedly made special rituals, chanting the goddess of Lada and drove away the dances. The wives were allegedly climbed onto the roof of the house, a haystack or any other elevation and there, waiting for his hands to the sky, turned to the goddess of Lada, called for spring and asked good harvest. Another imaginary custom - bake bread in the shape of a crane, which served as a char. Such bread allegedly put over the door and it somehow protected the space of the house. Lady attributes are called white swan, birch and apples. Worshiping Lada come up with conspiracies to attract love.

Also, Belarusians allegedly existed a dedicated to the goddess of the holiday Lalik, who celebrated in April. The girls chose from their circle the most beautiful "lyli" role, dressed her and decorated with flowers, after which they brought her gifts - food and woven wreaths. Around the chosen drove dance with songs and asked her about the crop and successful marriage.

Lada in culture

The image of the Lada is found in modern Russian art, in the work of artists who are inspired by the motives of Slavic folklore. For example, in the works of Maximilian Presnyakova. The images of the Lady Goddess are in the network - modern artists paint her young blonde with long hair, in a white shirt and a wreath on her head. Usually she holds a bunch of ears, sometimes a small child.

According to B.A. Rybakova, the image of the Lada-Rozennica is captured on one of the faces of Zbruch idol - an ancient artifact found near the Zbruch River in 1848. On his top tier, 2 women are depicted, one of whom holds a horn in his hand, and the second is the ring. According to the researcher, the first of them is Makosh, the goddess of the harvest, and the second is Lada, the patroness of Spring.

Interesting Facts

  • On the neo-language and not only sites are sold souvenirs in the form of a "Lada Symbol", which look like a Celtic braid, concluded in a sunny circle, and charming in the form of a "Lelley sign".
  • The goddess of Lada is associated with the name of the god of the Svarog, who really existed in the framework of the mythology of the ancient Slavs and was considered the God-Kuznets. Allegedly Lada and Svarog together created the universe for 12 nights after Lada gave birth to the sun.
  • Female deities-patroness of love and fertility are found in other cultures. The image of the Lada is associated with the goddess of Krakhov in Chekhov, Indian Bhavani, Egyptian Isida, Greek Aphrodite, Scandinavian Frey, Roman Venus.


  • 1884 - "Deities of Ancient Slavs"
  • 1890 - "Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron"
  • 1995 - "Slavic Antiquities: Ethnolinguistic Dictionary"
  • 2002 - "Cabinet mythology"
  • 2005 - "Language and myth"

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