Jerry - Character Character, Character, Fixamping, Photo


Character History

The multiplication film "Tom and Jerry" became the owner of the seven statuette "Oscar", which is a record among animation paintings. Such a number of prestigious awards has never managed to receive Disney projects.

What is the secret of the success of the cartoon? He describes the confrontation of a cat and a mouse. The first desperately trying to catch prey, and the second constantly eludes the enemy. Sometimes the heroes agree to act jointly against the general opponent - Bulldog Spike, and sometimes lure that each to his side. Funny adventures that the cartoon describes were collected from the screen not one generation of kids.

History of character creation

William Hannah and Joseph Barber

Mickey Mouse was the most popular animated character in the 1930th finals. Thinking over what the show would attract the attention of the target audience from children and adolescents, Metro Goldwyn Mayer, who was in a state of crisis, took an interesting decision. Animators William Hannah and Joseph Barber have developed new heroes that can compete with the most popular persons of the brand "Disney". The short cartoon "The cat gets a kick" about the fight of the cat and the mouse seemed to be a failed idea, but the audience appreciated it.

Jerry's brown mouse became a duet member who was destined to find unheard of popularity. At first, he was planned to call Jinx, but Animator John Carr offered to give him the name Jerry. For the cartoon distributing, it was important to come up with the names of the names, and drawn animals gained nicknames, under which they became known all over the world.

Mouse Jerry

"Theater of Toma and Jerry" had a more significant foundation than the conflict of the predator and the victim. Jerry was the main hero of many episodes. He attracted attention thanks to the role of a helpless hero and a pretty appearance. At the same time, Tom was often not a harsh opponent, but the victim of circumstances, adjusted Jerry. Antagonist, he often does not want to enter the conflict while he is not annoyed. The creators of the project considered the heroes "sworn friends."

After 1975, a new character appeared in the cartoon - Tuffy, Poskuna Jerry. By the second version of this mouse called Nibbles. The baby was left on the verge of Jerry, and he was forced to act as a teacher for a new friend. The duet of mice was noted in several series. They even appeared in thematic issues in the images of musketeers. The episode called "Two Multi-Tools", released in 1951, received a premium in the nomination "The Best Short Cartigrix Project".


A few years after the creation of Tom and Jerry, the animators who invented a couple became producers of the show. Then the project was ruled by Jin Dayach, and after him - Chuck Jones.

During the show of the cartoon, the viewers have repeatedly become witnesses from the sophisticated tricks of Jerry and situations in which he drank around the finger of Tom's cat and a spike puppy. The games that he climbed, often led to the punishment of animals by the hostess.

Fan and Jerry Jerry appeared on the screen in different amplua. In the 1945 music film created by Henry Kelly, the mouse appeared in the appearance of the king, music is prohibited in whose state. The reason for this is the progress of the ruler. Kelly offers a mouse to put a room with songs and dances, and music appears in the kingdom. It is curious that Initially, Jerry's place, Mickey Mouse, but "Disney" did not make a license for the hero.

Mouse Jerry steals cheese

Little Jerry appeared in the animated series in the image of a sailor, a girl, a child, depicted the hostess at home and many other characters. His biography remained under the curtain of the mystery. The viewer met the hero when he was conscious, and his childhood was not discussed. Each series served as an independent episode that could exist separately from the entire project. Jerry fell in love, leaving rest, arranged to work - lived a full-fledged life, not forgetting to tease his neighbor.

Only one series represented a mouse in the image of a child. She came out in 1990 and depicted Jerry to the baby with a hair bub on his head and a butterfly tie on the neck. Already at this age, Jerry laughed at the kitten Tom. After this series, it becomes clear: the heroes rose side by side, and their confrontation lasts for years.


It is curious that during the creation of a cartoon series heroes did not say a word. Only a full-length film 1992 "Tom and Jerry. Cinema "gave the audience the opportunity to imagine what would be Tom and Jerry if they spoke.

Frame from cartoon

During work on the project, William Hannah and Joseph Barber came up with 114 episodes of the cartoon series. From 1940 to 1958, the screens came out cartoons that they drew. From 1961 to 1962, Jin Dech worked on the project, and from 1963 to 1967 - Chuck Jones. In 2001 and 2005, full-length cartoons produced by Turner Interement and Worner Brothers were published.

In 2014, a cartoon came out of five episodes. From 1992 to 2017, 14 full-length cartoons about the cat and a mouse were shot.

Jerry's memes and comics are still popular with children and adults who remember the heroes at the time of childhood.

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