Kara Hunter - Photo, Biography, Writer, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



Kara Hunter has already entered the history of British literature as a successful author of bestsellers. Her books are distinguished by rapid turns of the plot, bright characters and unexpected finals.

Kara Hunter is a creative pseudonym of the British writer from Oxford Lynn Sheppard. About the early biography and family of the girl little is known. Kara, since childhood, loved to read what influenced the choice of educational institution - she entered one of the best universities in the world Oxford and received a degree in literature.


Writing debut Kara Hunter took place in 2017. She presented a psychological novel "The Nearest Enemy." The book immediately became a national bestseller in Britain and received enthusiastic reviews of literary critics and ordinary readers. She tells about the 8-year-old girl Daisy Mason, which they kidnapped.

In 2018, the author's bibliography was replenished with the work of "hidden in the dark." The book liked fans of the psychological genre. The Daily Mail newspaper wrote in a review of the rare talent ... ", and actress Catherine Croft admitted:" This is one of the best thrillers that I have ever read. " In the spring of 2019, the book was transferred to Russian.

In 2019, the writer released the third book "No exit". All three works unites one story character-- Inspector Adam Fauli, who already loved readers.

Personal life

About the personal life of Kara Hunter is practically nothing known. She rarely publishes photos in social networks and communicates little with the press.

Kara Hunter now

The writer after the release of the third romance of the "outlet" worked on its popularization. A roller appeared on the network, in which a woman tells about the book.


  • 2017 - "The closest enemy"
  • 2018 - "Hidden in the Darkness"
  • 2019 - "No exit"

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