Mikhail Borisov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Of Death, TV Super



On September 26, 2019, Mikhail Borisov appeared in the studio of the Talk show "The Fate of Human", where, in a conversation with a colleague, Boris Korchevnikov decided on frank confessions. They mainly concerned not a professional biography, and personal life - a divorce of parents, parting with the first wife, the death of the second spouse, in which a man vinyl herself, and the upbringing of two children from different marriages.

Childhood and youth

The Eighth February Day of 1949 was a festive for the famous photographer of the Soviet Union Boris Fishman - the wife of Anna presented him with a third child, Misha's son (real name Fishman Borisov). A little earlier, Eduard and Nina were born in the family.

Mikhail Borisov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Of Death, TV Super 11052_1

Father in the Great Patriotic War passed from Moscow to Berlin, engaged in the liberation of Auschwitz, and he was one of the few trusted to take pictures of Joseph Stalin himself. Subsequently, the man faithfully served Gabtu, where he often took the younger son, who since childhood is about something else, as about the stage, and did not dream.

The mother also belonged to the creative profession, worked by the administrator in the television theater, so the boy from an early age attended the set - first as a viewer, then as an artist.

When Misha turned 12, the parents divorced, and the child remained with the head of the family, he said, in the new family Anna Israel, he felt a stranger. At the insistence of Boris Yakovlevich, who considered that the actuality was a non-serious activity, the guy received the first higher education in the current Misi, where he participated in all student performances and in KVN. Shortly before the 30th anniversary, Mikhail was still embodied by a secret desire to life, being in the famous "Pike".

At the end of the university, with honors from Borisov, he served as director in the Dramaatethre of Tomsk, the metropolitan "our theater" and "globe", studied in assistant, led courses in his native Schukinsky school, as well as in Gitis. Later, he was in the composition of the troupe Gat named after Evgeny Vakhtangov, was engaged in performances of performances in metropolitan theaters - satires, operetta, "tobacker" and Yermolovsky and spoke with lectures.

Films and television

The cinema was in Borisov's life much later than television. He became the face of the transfer of "Russian Lotto" in 1994, the TV shows "Smart Found" and the "Olympic Fire" - exactly across a decade, and the first kinocartine "Swach" dated 2007-m. The following year, the actor began to be filmed in the "Wedding Ring", then in Ermolov.

Mikhail Borisov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Of Death, TV Super 11052_2

The filmography was gradually replenished: Mikhail appeared in the role of an inspector, in the "law and order" played an architect, in the "Fires of the Big City", tried on the profession of the Father, in the "Alibi" for two "- the host of confectionery. About the program that truly made it famous, Mikhail spoke like this:

"Russian Lotto" - the transfer is honest and completely open. Here everyone can experience his happiness, and when someone gets a major win, you can only rejoice. "

Personal life

An acquaintance with the first wife Valentina occurred in his youth at the Mountain Institute. According to the artist, the girl liked him in love with him. The premonition of the guy that family life will not work with her, came true - Soon the spouses divorced, and the daughter of Masha, who later gave the grandchildren of Misha and Any, chose to stay with his father.

Mikhail Borisov and his second wife Elena

With the second chosen, who has noticed the future husband in the KVN team and entered the same university that he, a man lived in a legitimate marriage of 12 years. But, unfortunately, a few days after the birth of the son of Veniamin, Elena died. In the inattention to the health of the beloved woman, the showman vinyl herself:

"When it did not, I realized that I was a fool. She was just a fantastic woman. I was careless. Pregnancy proceeded hard, I was wrong about it. When you love, you become careless. Life very punished me for it. When you love, you should be twice as much. "

It happened in the fate of the TV presenter and the novel with the peer of his older daughter Anna. Their relationship lasted about ten years, but as a result, the couple broke up. Despite this, former lovers retained friendship and subsequently.


On September 2020, it became known that Mikhail Borisov died. The cause of the death of the artist was called coronavirus, the flow of which was complicated by diabetes and hypertension. According to the sister of the TV presenter, he felt ailment for several days, but continued to participate in the filming. The actor's life was cut at the time of transportation to the hospital.


  • 2007 - "Swach"
  • 2008 - "Law and Order: criminal intent - 3"
  • 2008-2012 - "Wedding Ring"
  • 2009 - "Ermolov"
  • 2009 - "Artifact"
  • 2009 - "Lights of the Big City"
  • 2009 - "The gift of fate"
  • 2010 - "Alibi" for two "
  • 2010 - "You ordered the murder"
  • 2011 - "Urgently in the room - 3"
  • 2011 - "Comrade Stalin"
  • 2012 - "The right to the truth"
  • 2013 - "Operation" Kuklovod "
  • 2016 - "Department"

TV project

  • Since 1994 - "Russian Lotto"
  • 2004 - "Smart Found"
  • 2004 - "Olympic Fire"

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