Mikhail Ryzhov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, "Voice. 60+" 2021



Mikhail Ryzhov is one of the most charming participants of the show "Voice. 60+. " Despite age, the vocalist is tightened and the musculter, and the eyes of a man and now full of debris and fire.

Childhood and youth

The singer was born in July 1939 in Kharkov. In the biography of Ryzhova, the tragic footprint left war. Mishe was not two years old, when fascist invaders came to Ukraine. The war carried out both parents of the boy, and after the liberation of Kharkov, the sirotot was determined in the orphanage.

Singer Mikhail Ryzhov

Positive character helped Ryzhov not only survive, but also to develop talents in the state institution. The boy sang in the choir and played in the orchestra. After the orphanage, the guy did to work in the Kharkov Philharmonic - came from the street, after reading the announcement of the competitive selection.

Mikhail Mikhailovich loves to tell how he received a prize from the hand of Mark Gurchenko. The father of the future actress on Sundays played at the accordion in the Kharkiv Park of Culture and Rest and offered the townspeople to sing under his accompaniment. Misha performed the song best and awarded awards - a cologne bottle.


In the army, the guy served in the song ensemble and dance under the control of Surena Babloev, which is included in the group of Soviet troops in Germany. The service added to the Repertoire Ryzhov, who had previously consisting of Ukrainian and Russian songs, German Sns. Mikhail is still proud to store photos in military uniform.

After the demobilization of Ryzhov, he entered the workshop of pop art, and then worked in Moskoncert for many years. With touring Mikhail Mikhailovich traveled the entire Soviet Union. For concerts, not only the voice was required, but also the ability to improvise - often the singer did not know what compositions to be fulfilled.

The songs performed by Ryzhova went out on flexible records published by the magazine "Circle". One of the most famous records of the young Mikhail Mikhailovich is the composition "Road Long Long", in which the dramatic tenor of Harkov sang Aida Vedisheva. Star hour for Ryzhova came when he became the first performer of the song Alexandra Pakhmutova "Tired submarine".

In the elderly, Mikhail Mikhailovich himself began to compose music, so appeared compositions on the poems of Robert Christmas "Life" and "Everything begins with love." And in the song "Mixed Martial Arts" dedicated to Vladimir Putin, Ryzhov spoke not only as a composer and singer, but also the author of words.

Personal life

The man was married twice. The first spouse gave the head of the son, who came to the television project to support the Father. Happiness in the personal life of Mikhail Mikhailovich found with the second wife, the memory of which he dedicated a song on the poems of Sergey Yesenin "I remember, Favorite."

The spouse of the singer died in 2008, and a vocalist on the proposal of a friend moved to the Penza region. Mikhail Mikhailovich lives in the village of Vyazeneke, engaged in beekeeping, is poured with icy water and walks through the snow barefoot. Application for the project "Voice. 60+ "sent not reds, but the younger colleagues of vocalist from the landcredo house of culture.

Mikhail Ryzhov Now

After the "blind listening", on which Mikhail Mikhailovich sang the composition "That so the heart is razoring," the elderly vocalist teacher wished to become Pelagia. Another member of the judging brigade Lion Leshchenko, although he expressed the delight of Ryzhov's vocal, complained of too brutal performance of the song.

On September 23, 2019, the first channel of Russian television showed the 2nd round of the competition, in which Mikhail Mikhailovich sang the anthem of veterans "Where are you now, friends-one-pillar?" As amended, adopted in recent years. From the text of Alexei Fatyanov, a verse about girls, in which the experienced warrior can marry.

The singing of Ryzhov won all the judges, and Mikhail Boyarsky stated that Penza - an actor, to which "Eternal Gasconus" still grow and grow. Thanks to vocals and artistism, Mikhail Mikhailovich came to the final.


  • "Tired submarine"
  • "Long road"
  • "I remember Favorite"
  • "Our Father"
  • "That so the heart is razoring"
  • "Where are you now, friends-one-pilot?"
  • "A life"
  • "It all starts with love"
  • "And the eyes and eyebrows"
  • "Vysotsky Forever"
  • "The guy is pleased with the fate"
  • "Mixed Martial Arts"

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