Dmitry Ukiv - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, "Voice. 60+" 2021



Dmitry Ukiv is a man who sings not only by voice, but also soul. Participant of the popular TV project "Voice. 60+ "conquered the hearts of the audience with excellent singing, resembling an old Soviet pop school. With dignity and honor, the military fulfilled the hits of the long time in the competitive program of the long time, while the jury member to tears.

Childhood and youth

Dmitry Ivanovich was born in 1932 in a village located in the Kharkiv region. The parents of the boy were simple peasants, but the family reigned for music and art in the family. According to the memoirs of the participant of the show, the sister played the guitar, and his father was on Mandolin. The kid mustache found the difficult war years.

Dmitry Ukiv

Father went to the front, and the village occupied the Germans. After the victory, graduating from school, the young man decided to associate life with the Fleet service. He entered the Higher Naval School, and then received the title of lieutenant on the Pacific Fleet. Photo From this period of life, the project contestant gently stores at home.


For many years, in the biography of Dmitry Ivanovich dedicated to the marine case. The man served on the fleet to 55 years. In an interview, the contestant noted that military life was divided into two halves. On the one hand, military activities on the fleet, on the other, the teacher at the military department at the university. During the service, the mustache did not forget about the favorite hobby - music and singing.

Already by retirement and living in the south of Moscow, the colonel retired the opportunity to do amateur in the resignation. In the area built a social center with various cultural directions. Dmitry Ivanovich chose a vocal studio and began to regularly visit rehearsals.


In 2019, having learned about the opening of the 2nd season of the popular vocal project "Voice. 60+ ", Military decided to try his strength in the show. The contestant on a par with Lyudmila Pakhomoy, Mikhail Ryzhov became one of the most "mature" qualifying round participants. For the "blind listening" stage, Dmitry chose the soul song "Lonely Harmon". The text to this composition was written by the poet Mikhail Isakovsky in 1945.

Romantic text organically supplemented Music Boris Mokrousov. Later, the song was performed by such stars of the Soviet and Russian scene, as George UTS, Sergey Lemeshev, Dmitry Hvorostovsky and others. In 1963, the composition was translated into French and represented by the chanson Ives Montan.

Songing the songs by Colonel in retired fascinated the auditorium and jury. The heartfelt, deep, calm voice of the participant made all members of the judicial team click on the button and turn to the Contractor. In the second issue of "Voice. 60+ "Only Dmitry Ivanovich awarded such a unanimous opinion of the jury. Mentor singer became Pelagia. The actress admitted that the number of the contestant was touched and delighted it.

In the next stage of the musical competition - "knockouts" - the mustache performed the song "Fare of, Rocky Mountains". The composition approached the topic of the Colonel Service on the Fleet. The song was based on the poem "Do not live without the sea", created in 1942 by the poet Nicholas Bukin. Music to the text in a year wrote composer Vadim Kochetov. Dmitry Ivanovich's singing again pleased the public, but the participant failed to go to the final of the competition.

Personal life

About personal life in the biography of the military knows a bit. In marriage at the mustache, two children were born, who came to support the Father in the show.

Dmitry Bezkhat with family

Dmitry Master now

Participation in the project "Voice. 60+ "allowed the audience to learn about the colonel's talents in resignation. The singer had fans who, like members of the jury, were fascinated by the purity, sincerity and mentality of execution. The mustache is not going to complete classes in the vocal section, performing favorite songs.

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