Galina Kulikova - photo, history of creation, composition, news, books 2021



On June 10, 2019, a well-known Russian detentist Galina Mikhailovna Kulikova came to visit the leading program "Pyramid Urmasloou" Natalia Urmatskiy on the radio station "Mediametrix". Women live a summer release "Reading as a means for losing weight" talked about literature, secret sections in writing business and life, inspiration and demand, book titles written in the genre of ironic detective, and even diets.

Childhood and youth

On the last day of October 1962, replenishment was happening in the Krasnogorsk family of Kulikov - the second daughter of Galina appeared. According to family legend, the parents waited for the boy who wanted to be called in honor of Leonid Guidai, so the name of the girl in the end was selected under the initials of the beloved film director. Adults were confident that this story was in the future influenced her character, she really grew up with a mixed and cheerful.

Galina Kulikova

Father and mother from an early age did everything so that the children (Gali had an older sister Sabina) did not miss the slightest opportunity for self-education, and therefore the rich library had at home at their disposal. Plus, the true fan of his business was sincerely loving this subject turned out to be a teacher of literature. The teacher organized an elective and theater, where young Kulikova invariably shone.

In an average general educational institution under No. 7, it demonstrated excellent success in their studies, released the newspaper, read over the two, at the same time visiting all sorts of mugs and sections - from figure skating to the game on the guitar, from the dance group to the theater studio. At the same time, talented Galina associated his dreams not with writing books, but only with their illustration: when she was given a fairy tale about Carlson as a child, she soon created drawings almost every page.

When it was time to choose a university, the graduate in the Olympiad 1980th stopped at the Moscow State University. Firstly, because in "artist" without preparation, it is not easy to enter, and secondly, interest in journalistic activity originated and did not disappear in high school, the girl even printed in local publications, including in Komsomolskaya.

In the University of Knowledge of the Russian language, they were taught prominent philologists and Linguists Ditmar Elyashevich Rosenthal, Elizaveta Petrovna Kuchbarskaya and Eduard Grigorievich Babaev. However, before the literature at a professional level, it was still far - the post of Junior editor Galina changed the advertiser, then on the senior employee of Vladimir Mayakovsky Museum, then returned to journalism.


On the official website of the writer, in a section dedicated to the creative biography, a rather fun note about how she suddenly took the pen and decided to create novels. Once, for several nights, the woman was tormented by insomnia, and numerous means (medicines, physical exertion, etc.) did not help. Then Galina Mikhailovna decided not to count the elephants, but to embody them on paper.

Writing Galina Kulikova

When the drawings are tired, she began to bring words on the sheet, and then suddenly suddenly came the plot of the mysterious killing of an animal in the zoo. Soon the author switched to people, adding the history by detectives, revealing crimes, and firms, where the sad incidents occurred. Soon the detectives got an impressive quantity, and they saved them from obscurity to a visit to the culika girlfriend, advised to immediately go to the publishing house.

However, there is another version about the appearance of the first work: a sad letter from a stranger came to e-mail, a sad letter from a stranger, telling about the weightless life in the United States. To somehow cheer up and give her forces, Kulikova was rapid enough about how everything could work out otherwise. The stories became more and more, and the interlocutor persuaded them to publish.

So in 2000, a novel "At the sacrifice of my face" came out to the print, later reprinted under the name "Horn to abundance", about the life of Alice Sobolevoy abroad and in Russia. In the future, the author's bibliography was replenished from year to year, and more than two works.

Soon, Russian readers plunged on her head in her ironic detectives "Vityazh in sheep skins", "hand-to-hand with Cupid", "If you are not in love with", "the law of conservation of the lies" ("Be my widow"), "Knight of Astral Image" and romantic Comedy "Fall in love with the best friend" and My Fish. In 2013, the last creation of Kulikova shielded the film director Ivan Stakhanov, inviting the roles in the series "Everything will be fine" Anastasia Zadorozhnaya, Alexander Robak and Elena Podokynskaya.

Personal life

In 2009, in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda, the writer responded to many questions related not only to literature, but also with a personal life."Alexander's husband is a journalist. The child is also a journalist, in the "Moscow Pravda" works, married recently. And his wife is a journalist "Women's Health". So we have a family of journalists. Now I can say that a woman is just beginning to live, you can say when the child married, "Galina Mikhailovna jokes.

See the pictures of her relatives and loved ones, the son of Cyril, daughter-in-law Catherine and two grandchildren Grisha and Pasha, friends and favorite pets can be on the official website in the "Photo Gallery" section.

Galina Kulikova now

Galina Mikhailovna willingly participates in the "living" conversations with journalists and with fans in creative evenings, bypassing the social networks with the party (Galina is not in "Instagram" or in Facebook). For example, on April 20, 2019, she became the honorary guest of the Bibliology, conducted in the Moscow Library No. 79.

Writing Galina Kulikova

In the club readers Galina Kulikova in Vkontakte, which her son heads, it was reported that on August of the same year, the release of a new lyrical comedy "insincere YOUR" is scheduled for an attempt by the abandoned Girl of Sasha Zimina's former rival Kiru, deceiving married her beloved Stas Gorokhov. On our own website, the author also informed readers that she was now working on a detective, the plot of which is built around the murder in the editorial office of the journal.


  • 2000 - "At the sacrifice of my face" ("Horn in abundance")
  • 2002 - "The Syndrome of the Body Cow" ("Do not be rich in the rich")
  • 2003 - "Vityaz in sheep skins" ("Who is not hidden - that's guilty")
  • 2004 - "Hand-to-hand with Cupid"
  • 2005 - "Knight of Astral Image"
  • 2006 - "Sabina on a French diet"
  • 2007 - "Feline Patrol"
  • 2008 - "If you are not in love"
  • 2009 - My Fish ("Female Sensity")
  • 2011 - "Fall in love with the best friend"
  • 2012 - "Stuff-Dreams in Provence"
  • 2013 - "Two terrible husband"
  • 2014 - "One Plive on Troy"
  • 2016 - "Date on the task"
  • 2019 - "Your insensure"

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