Jotto di Bondone - photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, paintings



The Italian painter and the architect Jotto di Bondone was the first representative of the era of the PRASTENESANS, which originated in the late Middle Ages in Florence. The works of the master laid the foundations of Western art and demonstrated the new technique of the perspective and space, praised and developed by the famous representatives of the Renaissance Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo and Rafael.

Childhood and youth

An unknown remains the date of his birth, which came on 1266 or 1267 years. The chronicler Georgeo Vazari, who studied the life and works of Jotto, argued that the artist's father was a peasant from Westignano, but, according to most testimonies, he was engaged in forge craft.

Portrait of Jotto di Bondone

On the children's years, di bondones are composed of literary legends, according to which he, being a carefree shepherd, painted the sheep on the stone and attracted the attention of the Tuscan master Chenni di Pepo, glorified by the mosaics of the Pisa Cathedral, signed by the creative pseudonym of Chimabue. Then, being in the students from the famous artist, Jotto surpassed the mentor, adding his picture by the insect, from which I would truly dismiss.

Such stories included in the "vazari" vazari do not cause self-authenticity, and scientists arguing about biographies di Bondon, prefer to lower its initial period, but do not deny the fact that the young man learned painting and by 20 years independently performed serious orders.


Information about the work of Jotto di Bondone is no less controversial than stories related to the training and formation of artistic taste. Along with dozens of contradictory facts, biographers spread the legend that once dad Bonifami VIII through the envoy asked the young artist to draw a picture to appreciate the talent and ability to fulfill major and serious works.

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Around 1282, a master with the teacher of Chimabue and numerous assistants began to create images illustrated by scenes from the life of St. Isaac and Jacob, and struck all the realism of the figures and the game of uniformly distributed natural light.

Due to the fact that the documents of Franciscan monks, belonged to the period of writing the frescoes, were destroyed by Napoleon's troops, it is unknown which characters belong to the brush of Chimabue, and which - di bondon. An analysis conducted by experts in 2002 confirms that Jotto's brushes belong to the murals located on the lower yarus of the temple.

Another creation created by Jotto in the late 1280s was the painting "Badia Polyptih", decorated the chief altar of the Florentine Abbey in Italy and now stored in the archives of the world-famous Uffizi Gallery, after which the painter became famous and got a job in Padua on the painting of Capella del Arena. Starting the order, di Bondone made an emphasis on the Virgin Mary and on an old Italian tradition reproduced the scene of the Annunciation and a terrible court.

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Unlike predecessors engaged in the art of a wall painting, a talented painter moved away from the text and in his own way showed the history of the angels, the apostles and saints. Having gave heroes with real human feelings, Jotto moved away from the Byzantine canons and produced a revolution in the frescoes "The Christmas of the Virgin", "worship of the Magi", "Kiss Judah and the Arrest of Christ", as well as the "Last Supper", "The Great way", "Mailing Christ" and the "Descent of the Holy Spirit."

The main thing that marked the transition from Gothic to Renaissance was the "Madonna with a baby and two angels" canvas, which is widely known called "Madonna Oneissanti". Written for the main altar of the Chapel of all saints in Florence, it was distinguished by the liveliness and naturalism due to the three-dimensional image of central and secondary figures, as well as the use of a smaller space, emphasized the importance of the human body in artwork.

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In the early 1330s, the individual and unique style of painting so glorified the Italian artist that he received a place at the court of the King Naples, and then became the chief architect in the most memorable city of Tuscany. At this post, di Bondon was perpetuated by his own name in the Nizhny Yarusa of the bell tower, located on the territory of the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, and after the death of the master, this building began to call Campanite Jotto.

The last work of Jotto, made in parallel with the construction of the bell tower, was the decoration of the chapel of the head of the administration of Florence, which was not far from the Bargello public building.

Personal life

The only information about the personal life of Jotto is that approximately in 1290 he played a wedding with a woman named Chiut, the former daughter of a resident of Florence on the name of Di Lapo del Pelet.

In this marriage, 4 daughters and 4 sons were born, the average of which followed in the footsteps of the Father and also became an artist who called Francesco. At the beginning of the 1300s, the di Bondon family acquired his own home in Florence, and after traveling related to the execution of orders, the master Corotal there is time with his wife and children.


In addition to the facts belonging to the artworks of di Bondon, there are almost no information about the last years of life.

Statue of Jotto di Bondone in Florence

Researchers suggest that shortly before the death that occurred for unknown reasons in January 1337, Jotto met and communicated a lot with Giovanni Boccaccio, subsequently writing novels "Decameron".


  • "Kiss Judah and the arrest of Christ"
  • "Exile of childless Joacima from the temple"
  • "The Nativity of the Virgin"
  • "Introduction to the temple"
  • "Archangel Gabriel receives a commission to go to the Virgin Mary"
  • "Meeting Mary and Elizabeth"
  • "Last Supper"
  • "Bacheling of Christ"
  • "Great way"
  • "Resurrection"
  • "Triptych Stepheshevsky"
  • "Madonna Oneissanti"

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