Nick - biography, name, goddess of victory, image and character


Character History

The Greek Pantheon of the gods is extensive, and for each activity there will be its own patron. Coming to the temples, people desperately praying gods about the satisfaction of their requests and desires, the best destiny, well-being, talents and victories in battles. The latter came to ask for powerful nicks. She did not listen to the stories of warriors and gave them to their blessing.

History of creation

Greek mythology states that nickname also called Nick. The meaning of the goddess is decrypted as "victory". The unusual origin of the representative of the highest race was given its ability to bring victory to the side on which she protrudes.

Figure goddess Nicky

On numerous images of nicknames, it is placed on the palm of Zeus or Athens, thereby pointing out the need for the goddess in support, both among immortal and among ordinary people. Nick is young. Its image is described in the works of Homer and the Gesiod dated to the 7th century BC. Pedigree heroine is presented with a glimpse, without additional details.

Alexander Macedonsky became the first to worshiped Nick unquestioned. In honor of her, the emperor erected temples and made generous donations. Perhaps it provided his military glory and numerous victories in battles. Alexander Macedonsky belonged to the idea of ​​decorating the head of the triumfato wreath from a laurel, which was an attribute accompanying nickname.

Alexander the Great

The image of the goddess symbolized the successful completion of the war, victory in any contests and the triumphal finale of any activity. Nick patronized military, sports, musical events and even religious events arranged in the name of the success of the case.

Nicky depicted with wings that allow it to quickly move. The bandage and wreath accompanied her at any event. Later, Arsenal replenished palm trees and weapons. The harbinger of victory, on the sculptures and artistic images of the heroine parry over the triumphant or gently nods his head. Sometimes it is described as a woman, ruling chariot, or priestess who committed sacrifice.

In ancient Greek mythology

Goddess Nick with a laurel wreath

Based on the myths and legends belonging to Peru ancient Greek authors, Nika was considered the daughter of Titan Raft and the monsters by the name of Stix. She had sisters - power, envy and power. Athena, the daughter of Zeus, took over the upbringing of the girl, and she accompanied her everywhere. They were inseparable. This explains the fact that the Acropolis in Athens has a small temple dedicated to Nika - Aptereros.

The mother of the goddess and her sisters, having learned about the struggle of titans and giants, moved to the enemies. Nick took the side of Zeus. She led the chariot of the throat, attracting good luck. The patroness helped musicians, actors, athletes - everyone who wanted to know the taste of victory. The winged girl easily flew from one troops to another, not differing in constancy.

There are many works of art dedicated to the misfortune character of myths. Its popularity struck, so a similar goddess appeared in Rome. She was called Victoria. The reason for the appearance of faith in this goddess was the transport of the Golden Statue of Niki in Rome. Stolen from the Greek ruler of Pierre, she was installed in the Senate at the order of Octavian Augustus. The girl stood on a bowl, personified the earth, and kept a palm branch in his hands and a laurel wreath, which was awarded their chosen. Four hundred years, senators, visiting the service, committed sacrifices near the sculpture, leaving the Cup with wine or oil.

Outless statue of the goddess Nicky

The navigators who wanted a successful completion of the trip, decorated the noses of their ships by the image of the goddess. The fidium sculptor was among the first breasters depicting the nickname of a miniature winged Virgin, who had fallen on the palm of Zeus. The first sculpture dedicated to the goddess of Victory and received worldwide popularity - the statue inside the temple of Aptereros. The girl depicted holds in his hands a helmet and a grenade, symbolizing wealth and fertility. The sculpture did not have wings that the traditions of the Goddess Images were pretty. The Athenians believed that, having deprived her wings, they would observe the triumph forever.

Another curious work of an ancient sculptor was Nika Samofarakaya. The statue was brought after excavations to Paris. Archaeologists found 200 fragments of sculptures that are collected by the efforts of restorers. Chall Shampoazo found them in 1863. The craftsmen could not restore the sculpture: the sculpture remained without head, hands and wings, which later repeated from the gypsum of the 19th century specialists. The statue is kept in the Louvre, the main Museum of Paris, and continues to admire art historians aesthetics and refinement.

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