Oksana Pankeeva - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



Although the writer Oksana Pankeeyev has not yet been indemnifying loyal readers with news (the last to 2019th there was a 13th book of the epic "Chronicles of the Strange Kingdom", published in 2013), they do not cease to wait and hope that their favorite author will again take over the feather. Unfortunately, in hot discussions and comments in the fan group of fictions, the sad thought flashed more often, that she abandoned the literary activity of the usas. Allegedly, this in his "live journal" confirmed her friend and colleague Olga Gromyko.

Childhood and youth

At the end of September 1967, when the Orthodox world celebrated one of the important holidays - the erection, the daughter, which adults decided to call Oksana in the family of Pankeyev. In a variety of printed and electronic sources, its native city was not called, but was indicated in general the Soviet Union. But considering that at the moment the woman lives in Nikopol Dnepropetrovsk region of Ukraine, then it can be assumed that she was born there.

Writer Oksana Pankeev

In 1984, the mid-education school graduate went to Tver and submitted documents to the chief university. However, soon the awareness came to her that at the end of the university she threatened the work by the school teacher, and that she did not want it with all their might. What, however, did not prevent the highest philological education and the specialty of the teacher of a foreign language and literature.

In the "Liche 90s", when the USSR did not become, and the usual world collapsed in his eyes, Oksana did not search for the path of self-expression in creativity, and it was taken for everything that at least they paid. I had to work for a couple of years and in the specialty in Bezhetsk, and almost 15 years to give the polyclinic of the Metzavod in Nikopol. Later, fate led her to the creation of fantastic novels. According to Pankeyeva, the writings - her passion from 12 years.


At the beginning of zero, when a young woman was on maternity leave after the birth of a second child, the plot of the first book in the fantasy genre "crossing the borders" gradually came to her mind. Later, she confessed that it was not easy to write at the start, and in particular - to control their characters (when Shellar was thinking to tie himself to the Uzami marriage, Pankeev came to horror), not having, by the way, real prototypes.

As the novelist spoke, in his youth, when she just did the first samples of the pen, the main acting person - Olga translator - was especially close to her, and over time he moved away, and now the author looks like her almost with maternal love. Cantor, for example, came to her creativity straight from childhood, when she read out with works with courageous heroes and loved listening to music.

The second in the cycle "Chronicles of the Strange Kingdom" was "On the benefits of curses". Both Roman first saw the light on "samizdate", in which, after a strong feast, it was created for Oksana her relatives - her husband and kum. A year after placement, the Alpha Book publisher decided to issue print versions of the writings. By the way, initially the name of the series was conceived as the "Fate of the King".

Oksana Pankeeva at a meeting with readers

The bibliography grew from year to year: the sixth in the list was "a song for two", then the "fifth of the lint" and the two books "Embolish" - the "Heritage of the Lord" and "Good neighbors" appeared.

Based on the reviews of readers on the Internet, with the heads of the magic and dragons immersed in the world and imaching favorite works on the quotes, it seems that they all completely positive, in any case, negative comments find it difficult to find. Some highlight a special sense of humor writer, others make focus on the watercolor image of the fantastic universe.

Personal life

Creative personality is often attracted, fall in love and create families. It happened with the creator of "light fantasy". Her single chosen one is the Bryansk artist Dmitry Labzov, who supported his wife in all her creative endeavors and was the main reader and critic. A beloved husband presented two children - the sons of Cyril and Timofey, who did not inherit the literary gift from the mother. Unfortunately, in late October 2018, sad lead came: the writer's spouse did not become.

Oksana Pankeeva with children

As for the hobby, Oksana Petrovna was fond of collecting miniature ceramic statuettes - figures and vases, but as she said, lazy and without fanaticism. It is also known that her favorite color is black, the time of day is the night, the time of year is spring, and music is the corresponding mood.

Oksana Pankeeva now

In a rare conversation with media representatives (approximately in 2009), Oksana Petrovna, Oksana Petrovna, answered the question of creative plans that, perhaps, she would like a description of the Warhi world. But since the release of the "good neighbors" information about the coming new items was not received.

On March 10, 2011, the Pankeeva had a separate community in the Facebook social network, where photos were placed with creative meetings with fans and travels with family and friends, caricatures of her beloved husband and even given a link to his page. In the fan group of writer in Vkontakte in a separate album you can also find her personal pictures.


  • 2004 - "Crossing the borders"
  • 2004 - "On the benefits of curses"
  • 2004 - "Hold up with fate"
  • 2004 - "People and Ghosts"
  • 2005 - "Loose Past Sleepings"
  • 2006 - "Wash the gods"
  • 2007 - "The path choosing us"
  • 2008 - "Song for Two"
  • 2009 - "Fight of the Lord"
  • 2010 - "Roads and Dreams"
  • 2011 - "Reverse Side of the Path"
  • 2012 - "Euse. Leader's legacy
  • 2013 - "Euse. Good neighbors "

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