Marianna Schulz - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



The Russian actress Marianna Schulz first made a career on the stage, but only metropolitan Teathers learned about her talent and mastery. Her wide fame brought work in cinema.

Childhood and youth

The actress was born in Moscow in the summer of 1973. Marianna Schulz brought up in a simple large family, where his father worked at the plant, and the mother looked after the children. Many cause the German surname of the artist, but Schulz never gave clarifications about nationality.

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When a girl studied in elementary school, his parents divorced. Children after the divorce stayed with the Father, but he could not care for them, because it was necessary to make money. Marianne studied and lived in the boarding school, returning home only for the weekend. Mom never returned to the family. Coming out married, she gave birth to an eighth child, soon she was diagnosed with cancer, and the woman died.

Later, Schulz surprised everyone, told that he still considers childhood happy. It began to work in adolescence: in 15 got a wardrobe in the Drama Theater on Perovsky. There, a bright girl, vividly interested in what was happening on the stage, noticed and offered to try forces on the scene. Muscovite entered the Studio School, after the end of which went into the Tabakcoque troupe, led by Oleg Tabakov.


The creative biography of Schulz began at the institute. At the stage "Tabakcoque", the actress was published in 1992, debuting in the play "Star hour local time" Vladimir Mashkova.

In 1994, having received a diploma of the university, Marianna played bright roles in the "Matrosskaya Silence", "Mechanical Piano", "Perfect Husband", etc., and, it appeared on the scenes of other metropolitan theaters.

In the mid-1990 Komsomolskaya Pravda, he handed a premium to young artist, noting her brilliant game in the play "Latest". And in 1997, the Moscow Pravda newspaper was named Schulz as the best actress of the year in the Tabakov Theater Tubep.


Marianna's film took place in student years. Beginners of Schulz and Evgenia Mironov were invited to shoot the short films of the French director Jean-Luc Leon. On the big screen, the audience for the first time saw the Muscovite in tragicomedia Georgy Deltera "Eagle and Rushka". Then followed the secondary roles in the films "Old Klyachi", "New Year's tariff", "Stirlitz's wife".

Wide fame came to the artist in the 2000s, when the pictures "Narrow Bridge", "Found", "poor relatives", "Dumb Bold Zayats" came out. The taste of glory of Marianna Schulz felt in 2004, after the premiere of the series "Moscow Saga". In 2009, the actress filmography was replenished with TV series "I - Wolf Messing", where Schulz played the wife of Maga Aida.

Marianna Schulz in the role of Einstein's wife (Frame from the series "Einstein. Love theory")

Among the bright projects in which the actress was lit, "the life and adventures of the Japanese bears", the drama of the glory of Ross "Siberia. Monamur, Military Cinema Nikita Mikhalkov "Burnt by the Sun - 2: Citadel", Serial "Einstein. The theory of love, "where Schulz played the spouse of a brilliant mathematics Elsa.

Work in cinema is not limited to shooting: Marianna Viktorovna is the best of the Russian actresses of Dubli. She worked on the voice acting heroine Audrey Tuoy, Kate Winslet, Rene Zellweger, Monica Bellucci and other Hollywood stars.

Personal life

With the growth of 1.65 m, the artist weighs 55 kg. About the personal life of the movie star is not so much. Marianna does not like to exhibit a fellow internally, but shared that the first marriage is student - collapsed: the husband was not ready for the creation of a family.

With a beloved man, who is nearby, Schulz met in a sad atmosphere - at the funeral of colleagues. Since then, the couple has lived in civil marriage, believing that the stamp does not affect the strength of the relationship. There are no children from the actress. It does not have a page in "Instagram" and does not please fans with fresh photos.

Marianna Schulz now

In 2018, the series "Fitness" was released on the screens, in which Marianna Schulz appeared in the company Sofia Bunny and Mikhail Trukhina. The project came to the audience, and in February 2019, the shooting of the 2nd season began.

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High ribbon ratings forced her creators to start work on the continuation. In August 2019, the actors were again assembled on the set, having pleased the fans of the series by the announcement of the 3rd part. Now Marianna Schulz continues to reincarnate in Lyudmila, a fitness club charming doctor.


  • 1995 - "Eagle and Rusk"
  • 1999 - "Old Klyachi"
  • 2002 - "Main roles"
  • 2004 - Moscow Saga
  • 2005 - "Poor relatives"
  • 2006 - "Damn Wheel"
  • 2009 - "I am Wolf Messing"
  • 2011 - "Siberia. Mon amyr"
  • 2011 - "Burnt by the Sun-2: Citadel"
  • 2013 - "Two Winters and Three Summer"
  • 2014 - "non-random meeting"
  • 2015 - "Motherland"
  • 2017 - "Morozova"
  • 2018 - Fitness
  • 2019 - "Belovodier. Mystery of the Lost Country "

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