Mazacho - portrait, biography, personal life, cause of death, paintings



The famous Italian artist XV century Mazachcho is known as the master of the Florentine School of Painting. He studied at the best in his case, worked at the dawn of the formation of the picture and made a considerable contribution to the formation of the main laws and principles of creating frescoes. He received glory thanks to religious plots, which he wrote to a language clear for a mass auditor.

Childhood and youth

Tommaso di Giovanni Di Gwidi, so the full name of the future artist at birth sounded, saw the world in December 1401. His mother was called Jacop di Martinozzo, and his father - Sermen Giovanni Di Monet Kassai, a man worked by a notary. The boy's grandfather was a artistic craft master, her own hands made furniture objects. Probably, the first lessons Mazacho received from him. The man worked diligently and lived securely, had his own home and a couple of garden sites.

When Tommaso was 5 years old, grief came to the family. Their breadwinner suddenly died, leaving a pregnant spouse with her son. Soon the boy had a brother, he was called Giovanni. Later, he also became famous as an artist, however, art lovers knew him under the pseudonym of a whiskey.

Having two young children in her arms, Jacop again knit herself to marriage. Pharmacist Tedesco Di Mastro Feo also recently lost his spouse and brought up his daughters alone. For some time, the family lived in prosperity and love, but when the future artist turned 16 years old, his stepfather died. In essence, Mazaccho had to provide sisters, brother and mother, as he was the most eldest man in the family.


When Mazacho created the first picture, definitely unknown. Consisting of 3 parts, the work of San Jovenale was discovered in 1961, she found her painter from Italy, a big fan of a man's creativity. Other frescoes of the author are similar to a given specimen, so he came to the conclusion that he sees the work belonging to the Great Artist.

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Presumably, after that, the artist's fresco called "Consecration" was born. Here the procession made in the style of ancient Roman reliefs is captured. Thus, Mazaccho depicted citizens going to the rows, possibly heading to the church. The fresco decorated the walls of the Carmelitsky Monastery and existed until 1600. Different artists, including Michelangelo, copied seen images in their own drawings, and only thus the work reached our days.

Mazacho tried to write with another famous artist - Mazolino. Among their common paintings, many recognized works, but the greatest glory received "Madonna with a baby, Holy Anna and Angels", which now decorates the walls of the National Gallery (Washington).

There are also the frescoes of Brankachchi Chapels, which he also performed with a colleague, presumably, began at the end of 1424, and in 1427 or 1428th, the work was interrupted because of his departure to Rome. After 50 years, the images completed Philippino Lipp. In addition to others, frescoes entitled "Exile from Paradise", "Miracle with Star" and "Baptism of Neophytes" on this list.

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In 1426, Mazachcho adopted an order from the notary of Serez Giuliano Di Colino Deli Skarcy da San Juno to create a painting for the altar in the chapel of St. Julian, which belongs to the Pisa Church of Santa Maria del Carmina. This is a variety of composition, in addition to Tommaso, she captured the work of his brother Squiri and Andrea Del Jousto, as well as the carver Antonio Di Biagio, he made a frame.

Three centuries painted adorned the inner architecture of the church, in the XVIII century it was dismantled, and elements were placed in different museums. Frame and individual plots were lost, only 11 parts remained, and those are not in the best condition, which prevents to fully feel all the magnificence of the former work of art.

The "heart" polyptic was Madonna with a baby, today it is stored in the National Gallery of London, and another part, "crucifix," was sent to Naples, in the Capodimont Museum. An interesting fact that this fragment artist wrote in the tradition of painting the XIV century.

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"Trinity", a picture created in Florence and decorating the walls of the Church of Santa Maria Novella, is called another significant work of the author. The version was voiced that it appeared in 1425th, historians dating work 1426-1427, while others refer to her 1428. Previously, the fresco was located in the temple, and then moved to the canvas. It presents 4 figures - two praying Donator, Maria and John theologian. They are depicted in front of the god-father standing above crucifying.

Personal life

About the personal life of the famous painter in the existing notes does not say anything. The archives have only a tax inventory of Florence. It follows from it that the man had a modest removable room, where he lived with his mother. At the same time, he contained only a part of the workshop, another artist occupied the second half.

Self-portrait Mazacho

In "lifeshop", Mazaccho is characterized as a scattered and a careless young man who sank to art with his head, and his material values ​​were not interested. He did not follow his own appearance, and on others did not pay attention at all. For his work, he was often delayed payments, and he began to demand money from debtors only in case of extreme need.


The last work that Mazacho worked on, was held in Brankachchi Chapel, it was the fresco of the "Resurrection of Theofila". But she remained unfinished, since the artist received a challenge to Rome from Mazolino and, throwing everything, went on the road. The painter rank a comrade to create painting in the chapel of St. Catherine, but they managed to do this. Suddenly Tommaso died, it happened on the 27th year of life, presumably, at the end of 1428.

What exactly was the cause of death, did not reliably installed. Vazari made a version of poisoning, but she never found a confirmation. The glory of Mazachcho got posthumously, however, he did not bring this benefit. But his brother Giovanni began to receive great benefits in Florence, took orders from the richest people of Italy and drove friendship with the famous painters of the Renaissance.


  • "Madonna and Baby, Holy Anna and Angels"
  • "Resurrection of the Son of Theofila"
  • "Exile from Paradise"
  • "Baptism of Neophyte Feather"
  • "Trinity"
  • "Miracle with Star"
  • "Crucifixion"
  • "Christmas"
  • "Triptych San Jovenale"
  • "Madonna Cassini"

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