Yuval Noy Harari - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



Outstanding Military Historian, Professor of the Jewish University in Jerusalem, Grounding Nobel laureates, a writer and medieval student of the Middle Ages events. Jouval Nova Harari's fame has long been over the borders of Israel. The author's bestsellers are decorated with the libraries of Zuckerberg and Bill Gates, books are translated into tens of languages ​​and awarded prizes for creativity and originality.

Childhood and youth

The future scientist was born in the winter of 1976 in the town of Kiryat-Ata in the north of Israel. 12 km from the place where the first pages of the Bestseller's biography are written, the largest Israeli port of Haifa is noise. According to Nationality, Yuval is a Jew, but thanks to parents in his veins flows and Lebanese blood.

Yuval Noy Harari since childhood was different from peers thoughtful and readiness. The boy absorbed books in huge quantities, but his greatest interest was caused by historical works. After graduation, the young man entered the most prestigious educational institution of the country - Jewish University.

University, founded in 1925 and included in the top 100 world universities, is located in Jerusalem. He became famous for professors whose names are known in America and Europe, as well as several Nobel laureates. Five years since 1993, Harari studied the Middle Ages and studied military history. Teaching at the university was conducted in Hebrew.

After the presentation of the Diploma, the Israelis continued to education in Britain by choosing the University College of Oxford. Here, in the College of Jesus, founded by Queen Elizabeth I in the middle of the XVI century, Yuval Noy Harari defended his doctoral thesis and returned to his homeland in 2003. Two years, a young scientist was engaged in scientific research (postdo-state-to-state) and increased the qualifications in the Yad Hanadiv branch financed by Rothschild.


The first work of Harari came out in 2004 and was devoted to the war of the Renaissance period. In 2007 and 2008, the writer presented two more books. In the first, military special operations of the knighthood era were illuminated, the second analyzed an ultimatimative experience in the battlefields during the Middle Ages and its influence on modern military culture.

Three first books even in the aggregate did not have such success as the fourth, which became a bestseller immediately after the publication. In 2011, Harari introduced the world of labor "Sapiens. A brief history of mankind. " Interest in it was shown as a scientific environment and a simple reader. The resonance that followed the publication was such that the book was transferred to 30 languages. Zuckerberg added bestseller to the Facebook Book Online Club as an outstanding work.

However, there were also critics that considered the non-traditional Harari approach to the analysis of the history of provocative. Among those - Bill Gates. But he admitted that after reading two weeks discussed an exciting book with his wife.

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In 2015, the Bibliography of the Israeli author was replenished with a new work called "Homo Deus: a brief history of tomorrow." Thanks to the previous book, close attention was riveted to the freshly published. And the writer did not deceive the expectations, giving the world a new bestseller, although less loud than the "brief history".

Proceedings of Israelin are so informative that there are voices for the inclusion of the works of Harari in school programs. The author's books are read in one breath, and both academic scientists and people far from scientific research. Works did not bypass the "New York Times" and Finenshnl Times. In the first edition they were called "the creation of a gifted thinker", in the second praised for "a fresh look at the fact that, as we seemed to, we have already knew."

Personal life

The writer and a world-famous scientist will not advertise a personal life, but does not hide the unconventional orientation: Harari - Gay. His husband is called Icycle. The official marriage of the couple was combined in 2002. Spouses live near Jerusalem, in a cozy rural Moshaw Meliailat-Zion.

The author of bestsellers and popular science articles is a convinced evolutionist and the defender of animals. The latter pushed Yuval to vegetarianism, which he adheres to with his youth.

For the knowledge of the world and spiritual equilibrium, Harari resorts to meditation and other Buddhist practices.

Yuval Noy Harari now

In an interview with the Gardian newspaper, the scientist complained that the reverse side of the popularity had fallen on him - no free time. Harari is constantly on the road: drives lectures and performances around the world, distributes interviews and happens at conferences. Yuval claims that he has to repeat the previously said dozens of times, while there is no time for research new.

In 2018, the medievist was pleased with readers with new work: "21 lesson for the XXI century." If in two previous bestsellers the scientist explored the events of the ancient and middle ages, then in the new book discusses the difficulties with which humanity has encountered now.

The Israeli scientist is registered in social networks. For its pages in "Instagram" and "Facebook", millions of subscribers in America, Europe and Russia are followed. Here, Harari is divided by news and plans, posted photos and videos from lectures, announces trips and meetings scheduled for 2019.


  • 2004 - "Renaissance Military Memoirs: War, History and Identity"
  • 2007 - "Special Operations in the Age of Chivalry"
  • 2008 - "The Ultimate Experience: Battlefield Revelations and The Making Of Modern War Culture"
  • 2011 - "Sapiens: a brief history of mankind"
  • 2015 - "Homo Deus: Brief History of Tomorrow"
  • 2015 - "Preface to the book of Peter Singer" Liberation of Animals "
  • 2018 - "21 lesson for the XXI century"

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